Tree of Savior Forum

Just entered 315 dungeon with my buddies

oh well

boring tos


tos is great~

ToS is a game for Metas but they just killed alot of Meta builds with R8.

Well, Meta changes i guess. so they make you reroll every patch unless your build is “lucky” enough to still be meta the next major update (R9 and so on)? that is just pure lol.

Re-balancing the game is all they need to do. Yes, not all builds are viable, but at least let experimental builds and old meta builds continue on and enjoy the content.

for example: Ele3 - it doesn’t need to remain top AoE DPS, no problem with losing that “claim” - but at least make the build still viable by balancing the MDEF stat of R8 mobs. just like the case with Doppel. they’re still very viable at R8. They have been viable since R7. Why not make changes to make other builds feel that they progressed to R8.

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At first u deny archers and now u refer to single target archers. Think u just want to win the argument so lets leave it there then.

I wonder how many Archers made it to Rank 8 with no AOE. :sunglasses:

Do you ever seen me denying archers or are you reading it wrong.

You can forget archers here unless they are mergen capped with circling. Still it will be tough <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I never denied archers They are tough to play with because its’ a known fact.

Tell me are pure muskeeter single target build working out well here without linkers no?

How many archers make it with no AOE. PLENTY.
Please don’t tell me cannoner is an AOE circle ( without AOE ratio + and Circling cannoner is as bad here).

SR is the only one with huge AOE. The rest no. Not without circling and no.

If you have comprehension issue which needs me to point it out i will.

Swordsman now excel way more than any archers are in which make it a more obvious choice as compare to gimmick or combo setup. That’s efficiency


yawn… :sunglasses:

:wink: Getting burn not reading what i type properly?

here’s to the guy who truly gets op’s point :thumbsup:

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OP quit sucking at games so much and git gud. This is your fault and yours alone.

yey, 4 more ppl quit = more bandwith = better tos!


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I am a “anti quit WK” and i can say on this guy that i am glad he quitted.

yay, more quitters = more server capacity for me

We still have only 63 classes on ITOS (64 on KTOS with Munyeo/Miko), not 80… I don’t know how people get to the number of 80 unless they never even counted the whole number of classes [at TOS Fanbase e.g.].
It’s 4 base classes for Rank 1 + 2 classes per base job for each Rank released [742=56] + 3/4 hidden classes [Shinobi, Runecaster, Chaplain, Miko]. That’s 4+56+3(or 4) = 63(/64) classes of the targeted 80 classes, meaning that there will be at least either 24 new classes for the next two Ranks or 24 new classes for the next Rank +8 hidden classes till the game gets out of OBT…

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It’s a meme now, much like 7% improvement

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Yeah, but the problem about that and why I stressed the number is because these classes might just make “rainbow builds” or unfavorable builds viable later on. Just as Taoist turned Krivis C3 builds from “meh” to hero, other classes might experience this,too[Same with meh physical Paladin that shines now as Inquisitor].

That’s why it’s hard to say that only some builds are currently viable or meta, the next Ranks/Circles/classes or even just attributes can turn the tables on you and make other builds meta and the current cookie cutters below average. It’s simply ridiculous, after the Rank 8 update hit the game, to say that you need this or that to clear this or that, based just on classes & skills, because this is the thing that changes the most!!!

Just watch murmillo buffing peltasa 3 and the synergy with rodelero 1 2 3 xD

It would be fine if there was a way for players to adjust their builds to suit their playstyles. Instead in TOS you either reroll or suffer with the changes you dislike or quit. Guess which is the easiest way?

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sad but true :slight_smile: trying to go to the end-game dungeon once, failing with an inexperienced 4 man team and then running to cry about it on forums… lol