Tree of Savior Forum

Just entered 315 dungeon with my buddies

seems like TOS is OP’s first MMO…
i’ll say i experienced something more challenging…
in another game i played, the endgame content isn’t usually cleared as soon as the players reach max/high level. Sometimes it takes weeks or even months before a team clears it (and the team is composed of the META of that time, has endgame gear, researched other servers’ vids well and practiced for countless hours)

though i quite agree that having a very specific “META” is kinda bad

also DPS checks. how i loathe that fake difficulty

Dps checks aren’t always false difficulty. It works out that way in ToS because of how ridiculously huge the gap is between upgraded equipment, but in general DPS checks can mean how well you (and your team) can actually execute your buttons.

well, in that other game, DPS check = you clearly need to have the ultimate end game gear, and obviously, all the classes with the currently highest DPS, and the team needs to execute this in a span of maybe 10-20 seconds (not sure, and it depends upon the content). Half of the end game gear can be farmed/obtained… while the other half… requires cash and expensive gear which can only be obtained either by crazy RNG or buying it off

if the team fails, it would most likely result to OHKO no matter how much your hp/mdef/pdef is. Note that there’s also a limited amount of resurrections there - as hardcore as 1 resu for the entire run, with the DPS check mechanic happening maybe 4 or 5 (or more) times. The content also commonly have a ticket/entry pass/key, so you really can’t just re-run the whole thing over and over

i guess it’s different from TOS then

that is why I stopped my qs3 since auto attack is a big NO in the current content, grinding, end game dungeons all requires burst or AOE. oh well RIP QS3, getting a ranger or archer instead of qs is a better choice for early circles

QS3 is still fine. Since Running shot is basically a cheap low investment skills.
The circles behind it are the crucial one.

Some people already do 10 000 damage every shot under running shot.
If some crazier make the gumble full transcendance and new gems, they may even reach 25 000 x3 every second.
If you think that’s op, see some random doppelsoeldner or fencers 3 that dish a lot more xD.

how about archer3 qs3 falcon3 ?

dead build? I thought of auto attack + auto blitz

falcon 3 is still fun/fine but auto attack blitz is not working as what we see in RO there is a cap/ limit with cool down

Falconer 3 is the new linker for archers.

There’s also the caltrops and falconer bug which still exist in itos now so lol.

A game that forces you to have like, 5% of the avaialble 64 classes in your party (certain archers + linkers + chronos) in a game with no class resets at level 315 (so you’d have to reroll and relevel up 315 levels) just to participate in end game content…

Well, fortunately most people quit before then due to all the bugs etc anyways, but this is certainly a good way to get a decent chunk of the few that reach 315 to quit too!


Yeah let’s play wish ■■■■ classes, no attributes, undergeared, without addons and vocal chat and try to finish the game, PLEASE.

Talking about cleric, from a pve pow there are at LEAST 3 tier 1 combinations and 10+ tier 2.

There is a difference between a tier 1 meta char, a tier 2 playable one and a sht I don’t understand a fck wanna play casual and still own.

Guess what? In a multiplayer game, let it be a mmo, a moba, even HEARSTONE you can not do that.

Go back to your D3/PoE and grind the way out of your life.

my 2 hating cents

D3 and PoE are way more successful than this game for a reason. It is also important to note that ToS creator Kim said ToS is a casual game.

Heathstone and MOBA dont require you to reroll from scratch every time you want/need to switch up your meta. The opposite, in fact. The equivalent of changing classes in a moba is as instant as selecting a different character and in hearthstone you just switch in different cards to your deck. Likewise, they are waaaaay more successful than this game.

Also likewise, telling everyone who dislike tree of savior to go play those games is getting hilariously redundant because that’s just what nearly everyone is doing

Telling people to go to those games to grind out their lives is hilariously hypocritcal when ToS is just as grindy, if not more so since you have to regrind nearly everything if you want to change your build including down to transcendant equipment upgrades

Tree of Forums is still lots of fun though


Tree of Quitters````````

Git Good bro. huehuehue

It is more a Gearchecker than DPSchecker. The wicked idea behind that is that you get equip and ■■■■ it from instance to instance, not just lvling to the cap and then only farming the endgame instance.
Though the idea comes from a different game that had different but still annoying farming mechanics, it can be applied here as well. Hello instance limit, talt, potential, awakening, transcendence. IMC wants you to farm full gear from one instance before moving the next. This was not present in the lower instances, yeah, but they are just there to help you lvling.

huehue, you got IMC’ed!

I can tell you that 315 is beatable as long as your team is properly geared and doesn’t have a stupid setup. This setup has cleared 315 easily:

Elememe/W2, Doppel, DRG2, Diev3/Druid3, SR3.

Btw, that Elememe crafted his purple 315 weapon and does decent damage against all the new mobs that has the ridiculous mdef. Somebody should test it out. It seems like there’s some kind of hidden modifier or bonus for reaching a certain amount of matk. I have no clue.

I see signs of this as a runecaster cryo.

Against highmagdef mobs, I see my standard ice shards do really really low damage.
But once I pop that rune of ice and activate glass mole, the shards end up doing the same amount of damage to the group of highmagdef mobs and regular mobs instead of the regular mobs being nuked, and magdef mobs just finally getting standard damage.

as redundant is people thinking casual somehow means that every single person can do 100% of the content without needing to lift a finger.

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I have 2 archmage bangle, full virtov set, animus, new 315 purple staff. Still doing 1 damage. Now what?
Btw I’m 1:1 ratio int/con.

your problem is 1:1 int/con.

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We talk about “casual” here. Even Mr Kim used that un-word in connection to the game. But really, what is “casual”? A major problem in discussions here seems to be a difference in definition of this word.