Tree of Savior Forum

Joint Penality + MM Nerf/Balance (News)

one thing that irked me is that they don’t mention anything about magic missile + circling combo while both of them work on pretty much the same basis (while being the better version too).
will that combo also be ninja nerfed? and how about those skills that can be combo’ed with circling that are also work on those same basis as well?

Linker is supposed to be a support class.
Joint penalty should be only available for the allies and not for the caster.
If they do that , then they can buff up the joint penalty additional damage.

Although the notes say they’re making changes to JP/HK/MM, the mechanic changes to MM and HK (if any) weren’t specified.

The outcome your referring to @matoi.viel would see them remove MM’s continuous hit count on targets with reduced aoe defense ratio. In this case circling would get a nerf alongside hangman’s knot.

This is suppose to be post patch after they said magic missile was changed. Links go out around 1:00. This guy is using an ignition so it’s hard to figure out the complete dmg. But it just looks to me like the hangman’s knot interaction if anything was removed and links left the same otherwise and you can see the HP chunk down once then they all die before he can cast the 2nd missile swarm probably because of ignition damage.

Those mobs are 257k HP and he’s doing something around 5k per magic missile bolt.

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This is their patch failing to fix anything.

It doesn’t seem to be the case tho.

On the the pre-patch video, full con wiz with 3k damage/hit on MM kill them on first bullet on JP+HK. The post-patch video shows the hp chunked down gradually for 5k/hit.

I’ve currently tested my low level wiz3link2 on alemeth (1damage/hit), my JP break as soon as i cast MM, it means it deals 100 hits, I’m sure it could do much more hits if JP doesn’t break. I think they fixing it so it doesn’t infinitely bounce, to maximum of 3x5x5 hits if you manage to link at least 6 mob at the same HP.

Or it could be just my wishful thinking :disappointed_relieved:

I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to point out but MM is not supposed to bounce infinitely without the use of HK. It can potentially with the use of HK, but then all the links break and you end up having to wait for cooldowns.

I think all the new Linkers are so confused about JP that I don’t even know where to begin lol.

They don’t bounce infinitely ever. Or we’d HK 2-3 elites together and gib them with a low dmg missile swarm.

But if you want to do that you’ill need more links the less dmg your missiles do.

It was with HK duh. are we not talking about JP+HK+MM combo

@Raspy And yeah can’t test if they bounce infinitely or not, but currently the combo alone does at least 100 hits

Edit: yeah it doesn’t bounce infinitely

That’s why I used the word “potentially”. I know they don’t but they could in theory.

No… they don’t in theory either. Because our links don’t get used up. So we’ve disproved that theory already.

The mobs alive and they’re still linked.

We could find a real theory about how many times they bounce in HK/MM and get a real number. But infinite is wrong.

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I think this is what is more likely to happen right now with Lv5 Magic Missile:
1 Missile hits monster A and generates other missiles that hit monsters B, C, D, E & F (1 Hit + 5), same goes for 2nd and 3rd Missile being it 6+6+6 = 18 Hits.

Without Hangman’s Knot “-AoE Def Ratio” that means every monster does receive 18 Hits… as soon as the -AoE Def Ratio is active it’s more likely the missiles we first launch hit more monsters (and consequently generates 5 missiles for every monster hit).

So if it was 1+5 missiles, in case of -5 AoE Def Ratio (which at the moment can go negative just like Critical Resistance, even though I’m not understanding why they’re calling it a “Fix” for Zalciai to go not under 0 anymore… sorry for the O.T.) it’s more likely to become:
"(1 + 5) x 4" = 24 Hits per Missile (72 Hits full Magic Missile Execution)
or “(1 + 5) x 5” = 30 Hits per Missile (90 Hits full Magic Missile Execution)

I’m not sure about it, it probably would make even more sense something like: if monster is “M” (usually 2 AoE Def Ratio) that would become 2-5 = -3 AoE Def Ratio, so each missile probably hit 3 monsters being it “1 + (5 x 3)” = 16 hits per missile (a.ka. 48 hits with full magic missile execution to each mob), unless the negative AoE Def Ratio makes “1 AoE Attack Ratio” able to hit all monsters standing there, in a scenario with 8 linked monsters it would be:

(1 + 5) x 8 = 48 Hits per Missile (144 Hits full Magic Missile Execution)

Of course the monsters would already die without even consuming all the possible MAX missiles being generated, that’s why we can’t see the JP debuff be taken down… just my 2 cents :slight_smile:

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I’ve seen my MM bounce so many times that 140k HP mobs die in one cast. It happens only rarely and especially with mobs that resist HK’s bind such that they spread out after HK but whatever I’m too lazy to argue any further.

You can see in the video monster’s hp drop almost this much in the first wave. And they died in the second wave.

Before this patch, missile deals hits more than normal under JP without HK.

For example:
Monster A and B are linked and about 1~2 meters away from each other.
When the first missile hit monster A, I should see one number from A and one number from B. But, i see two numbers from A and one number from B.

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Just another reason to avoid c3 wiz like the plague unless you’re being a meta whore going ele 3

Necro works well with wiz too due to flash cannon and the new flash strike. Same for warlock. Basically any class with high skill dmg and cast times benefit a lot from wiz3.


LooooooooL rip wiz3 link…

imc is destroying the wiz class

and already my second char that takes nerf, the first was wiz3 cryo2 rune war

enchanter will be able to sell only link scroll lvl 1? (Link only 3 monsters) and the price? scroll by 1 ~ 3k would be impossible to use the grind
I am seriously thinking of quitting this game.

So, did this balance already happen? I haven’t really tried how my Links are working and I’ll wait until it does so I can test it out.

Not yet. Wait for Tuesday.

The change like stated in the new are comming in september (Don’t know the exact date)

For… Everyone In general------------

Before complaignin how bad Wiz3>Linker gona be…Wait for the actual patch to come
The Nerf/Balance could be called a fix or back to what it was and suppose to be patch, it just complety retarded to 1 ShotMassKill Easy Button all the mob with 2/3 Spell (total of 5 Sec Mass Murder ) vs Let take a Look to eleme who take WAY more than a FC to kill a pact of mob.(R8 mob)

Don’t use, you don’t have Wiz3>Link arguement vs me either because i’m currently lvling a Wiz3>Link2 and yeah I’m soloing any pack of 8 mob in dungeon when it take more time for the rest of my group to do the same thing with all their spells.

TLDR: It not a Nerf… It a Fix… Stop complaining It was OP, it don’t seem that bad anyway ! and more than all IT NOT BECAUSE SOMETHING GOT NERF AKA FIX, THAT MEAN IT WILL BECOME USELESS !!!

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