Tree of Savior Forum

Joint Penality + MM Nerf/Balance (News)

I’m not complaining at all, everyone understands Linker was too powerful, I think, what is needed is:

  • JP isn’t completely thrown into the thrash.

  • kToS and iToS have the same version of JP and ALL other skills.

That’s it, obviously the combo was too strong, we just don’t want it to be WEAKER than BEFORE the merge happened. (where JPHKMM started 1shotting anytthing)

Anyway, Frost Cloud can do 12k+ a tick if you have high matk according to videos, thats 360k+ damage per mob if you can lend it well, it’s all up to being a good elememe. I’m not saying it should really get nerfed, IF other skills get good enough to compete with it.

Sorry I was addresing this to everyone in general ^^*

For Fc to Tick 12k+ on a Not Fire / Ghosth Type you still need A good amount of MATk

+100% From attribut soo only 6k Need (And 74M)
+50% From QC soo only 4k Need
-650 Base damage (3,35k Matk Need + Magic resit value of mob)

12K is still a bit hard to reach And From what player say about 1,6M Cost on attribut Too expensif…
(not trying to argue with you or anything just giving value I think they are correct for exemple to compare with)

Anyway JP/HK/MM was doing the same for A lower cost/Investement and in instant burst insted of overtime.
Anyway i’m not even sure what i’m trying to say there o-o
I think what i mean is FC need alot of thing and it pretty much reaching is limit at this point when MM a spelll that normaly do 3 Hit could still Kill mob over 500k hp easy… People need to wake up and see it not Normal to roll lv 40>300+ with only MM combo.

Linker is fine they just reverted the way it was before being broken op.
An it is still a very good class, heck in the long run it will be way better then the hole elem circles.
And i stop you there the video about frost cloud hit 12k is almost unachievable.
The dud is full int
lvl100 frost cloud (you do realise that cost 75 MILLION)
And 5 lvl 10 chaaparition card for 50% damage boost

SO please bro stop the QQ

Yeah but Frost clould, even with 2000 matk and 100% attribute can’t deal 200k burst… the problem is the burst. It’s just way too broken bro, idk how you can defend JP-MM

No, frost cloud cant do 360k damage. Its only 12k per tick for onl 4 seconds and rest of the time (6s) dmg is around 7-8k.

This korean guy on youtube just using 5 x chappa card.
4s +50% magic attack, so its not entire FC duration.

And he cant go higher because he hit attribute limit (FC +100) and full int + best gear possible.

Did you say video?

Ele3 vs mobs. Ele3 damage ceiling, max attribute, and best gear, plus PURE INT + Chapparition card spam.

Ele3 vs mobs:

Note magic debuff/buff is almost non-existent in ToS. Just paladin resist elements reduces mob flat magic defence, and Bokor hexing & featherfoot bone point curse reduce some flat magic defence. Oh, and Hunter Coursing with attribute reduces flat magic def too. So I believe this is the ceiling for Elem3. Some unique buffs to magic are Thaum3 Swell Brain, Sadhu3 Transmit prana, Wiz3 quickcast.

Physical gets +100% damage debuffs, armor break, crit (zalciai, monstrance, swift step) etc. and more.


Oh lookie, another idiot who doesn’t know how Linker actually works!

PSA: Wiz3 Linker was already good enough before the kTOS repository merge. But continue whining I guess if that’s all you’re good for. You’re probably one of the newer bandwagoners anyway.

Check-out the new video for JP. It looks like it just got back to the pre-repository merge version.

that skill animation stun at the end…just like here Ç_Ç

Ignition looks useful again? I sold mine since I was oneshotting with MM and didnt need the burn effect.

Probably yeah. It will become more useful again.

Great! Now playing Wiz3 Linker will be fun again.

Is Joint Penalty still restricted by count limit? It felt like that person’s links took over 150 hits?

Yes there is still hit limit. I think that JP is somehow changed in regards to how hit count is calculated. Seems that now it only counts the number of hits dealt by the skill not the number of hits per JP target. So for example Flesh Cannon is 16 hits and I have a level 5 JP. After Hitting all targets with flesh cannon the JP link still have 34 more hits remaining before it breaks. Not sure about this haven’t tested it yet.


Hey guys, How do you guys think the synergy between new linker and sorcerer?
I just started playing this game a week ago and made it to Wiz 3 Linker 1 (was planning on going for sorcerer next) then this update happens T_T

So I can walk into 5v5 TBL now without getting “Vanzel’d” ?


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The synergy is so-so, but it is your best choice for a specialization after Wizard 3 if you want to go Sorc. The other specializations don’t offer much, and at least linker amplifies the damage of your party while also giving your “dumb” AI summons better AoE.