The forum community that visits the forums every day and is generally knowledgeable about the game doesn’t make mistakes with their builds and doesn’t want a reset because it would only help others and not them? How surprising! Many will change their tune when real balance patches start hitting our version and they suddenly realize that they need the reset to fix problems they didn’t (and couldn’t) plan for, but that’s going to take some time.
If you want to survey the whole playerbase, it has to be done through IMC and their official channels. Ideally it would be an in-game poll that everyone sees and participates in. Then we can go from there and talk about the benefits and the drawbacks of a reset. Asking here will always yield the kind of biased poll results you got and stifle any discussion before it can take off and become constructive.
It also needs to be a little more complex than a simple yes/no question. I would vote for a limited reset that gives people a sense of security going forward, because I think that’s a great idea, but I would vote against a full and easy reset that only encourages laziness. Sadly, the distinction between the two is lost on most and so we have to wade through a tribe of angry baboons screaming for no reset every time the question is brought up.
People on the forums are afraid that the game will turn too casual, and that’s certainly a valid concern, but they stop there and don’t think any further. The rigidity of the class system will become a very real problem in the near future. Covering our eyes and wishing the problem away is not going to work.