Tree of Savior Forum

Call for an official poll and why it matters

I’m going to go ahead and repost this in its own thread because I think it is important.

IMC, can you give us an official and comprehensive poll on this issue and a moderated thread to have a civil discussion about it?

@STAFF_John @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan

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Stop with the spam god damn we have this topic 100 times already.


And another sensless topic awake.

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I already gave up on these people.

I just put in mute and walk away lol.

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The last poll I saw here was 85% no. I think your in the minority dude.

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This is not that kind of topic. Read before you reply, mmkay?

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You are perfectly illustrating what OP is saying, good job.

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Get over your self its the same topic. Also that polls current results say no which i agree with. But unfortunately that poll is garbage as you can vote as many times as you want so its not worth a damn.


«Let’s revamp the whole class mechanics of our game because some guys* can’t manage to build decently their character or reroll when they want to play a different class!»

I m sure IMC team will have this kind of awesome idea.


The game itself is lacking of clear descriptions and you don’t have an in game review of ALL classes with ALL skills, so you can’t only blame players. Maybe reset class is not the solution, but this is the way to tell there’s a problem in the design of the game. This is cool to say yes or no to polls but it’s much better to find solutions.

Just sayin you think you’ll never need reset class on a character which can handle 10 classes and many of them not already released meh.

Edit : I personnaly always read tons of informations in that type of game (databases from fans), does it mean it’s really bad if they add those informations into the game ? I don’t think so. And what about players who are just not like me/us ?

Your reading comprehension seems to be malfunctioning today, allow me to help you out.

This thread is not asking for class reset. It is asking for a proper poll on it and a place to discuss the matter and the implications for the game’s future in a polite and constructive way. See the difference?

Fixed it for you.


Polls were made and NOs were given. But they continue to spam the forum with this topic.


ANOTHER thread about this.

Holy cow.

O joy a class reset thread asking for another class reset thread. No thanks. Already flagged as spam, ill be taking my leave.

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You should really be proud of you to keep illustrating what he was saying first :

If you are not able to moderate yourself IMC can do dis !

of course it’s not. because you’re special and unique, not like EVERYONE ELSE WHO POSTED THE SAME THING.

us “angry baboons” (yes, great start to keeping it civil) simply think the correct amount of Job resets, no matter how light or how strong, is exactly zero.
we don’t care what you plan to make different about your unique and special version of a job reset, because we’ve probably seen it already. i can’t imagine you can add some new way to do it after all the other threads posting -their- special and unique way of doing it.

newest rank (only). newest rank (repeatable). any 1 rank. all job ranks.
preserve exp. discard exp. discard exp but get a bonus to recovering it.

what’s your excuse going to be if you get your poll, and the results continue to resoundingly shout “NO” in your face?
“well, those “angry baboons” must have rigged the vote. it wasn’t properly counted. there was an error. just give us a reset anyway!”
because it simply can’t be that you’re on the losing side, right?

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Rest assured that the developers and the marketing team are discussing this subject internally. What’s the harm in letting the community discuss it publicly? If you’re not interested in that discussion, just leave and stop posting in this thread. You and your attitude will not be missed.

And thanks for the flag. It’s the best way to draw their attention.

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If you already won, why are you still here ?

He’s asking for an official poll, why being so afraid if you already know the result ? I do understand you are aware about the IMC health but if they do it, it will stop those spams and IMC will not get a cancer.

@soldatazur @Skyfire
I agree some tooltips description may be wrong and a less blur vision on what skills does could be nice.

BUT there are some sites like TOS base and players reviews who gives you enough info on class role or to chose wich class you would like to play.

Now if you plan your class on two missing tooltips info or on «currently» bugged/Over Powered skills, there are no clues for you.

i would love to see an official poll. problem is, i really don’t think it will stop all this spam.
…if they get their yes vote, then it will be more spam on what kind of reset it should be, and why their method is the right type (or why the method chosen in the poll is the right/wrong type.)
…if they get a no vote, they’ll just ignore it and keep begging for resets anyway.