Tree of Savior Forum

Is main goal of ranks broken?

We are supposed to choose ranks and skills that makes us have fun! Woah, 7 ranks to build my versatile character!

And every build should be kind of balanced! Because there are only 4-6 simple skills every rank, easy to understand, use and… balance!

Nah, it doesn`t go that way. Some skills are completely useless after some time because their numbers are bad and dont scale with level.

We must all do the best build to survive.

Some real proff concerning Barbarian C3. Poor newbies, doing it wrong and now suffering. See? These problems lead to job reset.

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Most of the time on mmos like this your first character is a throw away if you don’t do any research. Thats the way it is, you should have expected it if you have played anything similar.

Edit: Also during a old Q&A IMC said that there are to many class combinations and some will be bad.


ToS promotes rerolling.
Create a new char after learning from your mistakes.

That being said, my second char playing experience was worse than my first char.
Wanted to try the well-advertised build and didn’t have fun with it.
But I did fix my mistakes, like carding from lv50-70 instead of running tenet.


Barb C3 here, gotta say, barb c3 is still worth it because of Frenzy attribute + higher helm chopper and seism level. Giant swing and pouncing ain’t that good, everyone that did research knows that.

That why skill/stat reset scroll are there for those needed…
TOS have a very huge potential into “cash-shop paying” and even changing your team-name can cost you 150tp which is somehow range like token price…
Either you spend or take it…

who ever said that?
how would you even manage it?

how are you going to balance a FS C2 Priest with a DPS C1 Hoplite ?
or a C1 Dragoon with a C3 Squire? …and they’re even both in the swordie class…

Looks like we cant play the game without other people`s experiences? I dont like playing this way, I want my own build.

I feel enslaved having to follow one main build.

I agree. I’m a Barb C2.

We have skill and stat reset, but rank reset was not in ToS`s devs mind. Therefore, we should not need it.

If you had like, two skills per rank things would be easy. Four skills are manageable, because they are kind of simple, thats how I see it.
Of course we cant mix some Spear, THS, Rapier ranks. But doing full Spear, THS or Rapier should be balanced for everyone.

Btw guys, focus on solo builds, not skills combo with other classes.

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[quote=“timbinquim, post:7, topic:216357, full:true”]
I feel enslaved having to follow one main build. [/quote]Check the cleric forum.
Everyone disagrees on any main build.
We even have flame wars here and there because of build disagreements :slight_smile:

  • ‘You will suck later!’
  • ‘I’m more powerful later!’
  • ‘You will not find parties!’
  • ‘Anyone who’s not stupid will never choose what you did!’
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You can make your own build but your going to use a few characters to get it right, and no one said copy a build but do some research first lol. Such as reading up on all the skills and circles for the classes your looking at to see if certain skills are worth using or if a circle is worthless etc.

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Yeah research means figuring out what classes can do.
You ARE recommended to make your own build.
Just know its shortcomings.

The ‘best’ build + sucky player = get out of here
The ‘best’ build + leecher = get out of here
The ‘best’ build + doesn’t fit your playstyle = suffering for you, ineffective for party

Better have an okay-ish build and you have fun with it, and you can synergize with your party well.

You know that a lot of people play ToS avoiding the forum because it’s so toxic right?
Some of us here just try to find the gems once in a while inside the toxic sludge.

In the cleric forum, I feel sad seeing some people reroll clerics twice after reaching like rank 4 just because they feel pressured that the forum from one week to another kept telling that ‘this is the best build!’ and they felt they have to reroll to follow the trend.

Theorycrafting != experience.
Go play and if your party tells you’re doing it right, be happy.

Yea i agree.

And with the exception of earth tower nothing PVE based is really all that demanding of your build.

Cool. Its very different from Swordsman. The main issue right now is that you wont have a good time without a Peltasta.
In ToS, there should not exist a obligatory rank.

Of course, that makes sense.
You mentioned that “some skills are worth” and something about “worthless circles”.

Skills: If there is 1 out of 4 that is bad, then 25% of your rank is done. For example, almost nobody recommends Barb C1 Embowel or Stomping Kick (woah, 50%!).

Circles: Dont mix some ranks and you’re good. But saying that (for example) Rodelero sucks everywhere is terrible news. This should not happen, ever.

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yea! parties are for losers!
if we wanted parties, we’d have friends and go out on friday nights instead of playing videogames all weekend!

so play your own build. you’ll still need to sit down in front of the skill sim to plan it out, and make sure you know what stats to focus on or ignore as you level up… or to avoid errors like picking a lot of skills that require you use X equipment when you want your final built to use Y equipment. eg, all those swordie skills that require you to use 1h weapon and offhand weapon… if you want your final build to be a 2h sword.

lmao, you wouldn’t like my character list then…
literally 2 of everything. plus an extra swordie to sync-play with a friend who can’t play very often.

[quote=“thebloodyaugust, post:12, topic:216357, full:true”]
earth tower [/quote]This phrase actually starts to tick me off because everyone’s like ‘you’ll be useless for earth tower dumbass’.

Well, so what about before earth tower? Everyone else who make earth tower build will be useless? Considering these are first time players who doesn’t know left and right what are they supposed to be doing.

(And I’m one of them - never played in cbt so completely lost - still doing better than most clerics according to feedback it seems)

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Balancing class combos is another thread, folk. Notice that I never talked about parties in this thread. Only solo builds, because combos are waaaaaay more complex.
Also, I never said parties is for losers, please be constructive to build a concrete gaming community. Thanks.

[quote=“tzxazrael, post:14, topic:216357, full:true”]
lmao, you wouldn’t like my character list then…
literally 2 of everything. plus an extra swordie to sync-play with a friend who can’t play very often.
[/quote]Nonono I have a friend who played like…
3 versions of archer
2 versions of cleric
2 versions of wiz
1 version of sword

Just because she’s bored with the playstyles
But you’re playing for fun right?

Some guys I see reroll and ditch their prev chars and felt like it was a burden for not following the ‘best’ builds… I pity them :frowning: And their build didn’t look that bad either, just not that ‘popular’ and people keep saying ‘why did you do such things as stupid as that’

@timbinquim but in solo builds it doesn’t matter what other people do right? You do what you do? Who cares about what other people think?

Rodelero is actually not bad in pvp on Ktos now that cryo and PD got nerfed so if we get similar changes. It could be good on our server to.

Never said the sub optimal builds would be useless just earth tower is where youll notice if you have a sub optimal build when compared to another player.

Happen to found this fella’s guide

And his description is pretty much on point :

[quote]Class pathing, IMO can be broken down into three different factors.Types, Styles, and Core:

Types – The three primary types of damage available to swordsmen. Pierce, Slash, and Strike. Deciding which you want to focus on is a start to building your character. Pierce (Hoplite = Bossing), Slash (Highlander, Barbarian,Swordsmen) and Strike (Peltasta, Rodelero). However the exceptions here is Catapharact, which focuses on mobility and large aoe, disruptive attacks, Squire which focuses on out of battle utility, and Corsair which adds the Auto-Attack Style.

Style – You’ve figured out how you wanna hurt ’em the most, now you just need to figure out how you wanna do it, with Auto-attacks between powerful high cd skills, or with a good rotation of skills to keep damage high and consistent. How you want your payload delivered is what Style is all about. If you can figure this out your one step closer to making/build your character how you want, while making it viable.

Core – This really just means the circles between Rank 2 and 5. The Core of your build is basically what will sustain you IMO throughout any point in the game to come. Missed/Relevant circles to your build should be taken at this point or at rank 7 (Starting a guild or 2H spear skills), however by rank 6 your build should be complete or at the least, you managed to fill the roll/position you want.

Logic works for every class imo. Just sharing. End of the day, what you are playing/building for? To enjoy the different classes and theorycraft? To be tryhard and be known to the community for achieving something?

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so like, basically me. xD

but yea, i love that (if you can ignore the elitists) you can just completely ignore the cookie-cutter copycat trash that other games demand.

i always start with an idea of what i want to end up as, and/or what i want to start with, then i look at the various builds listed in the skill sim to figure out WHY they do whatever they do… and then i decide if i like it or not and plan out my character based on the stuff i do like.

like my current one; swordie > high > high > ?? > corsair (pretty outfit and free keys!) >> fencer > fencer.
still unsure if it’ll be highlander 3 in rank 4, or something else. i’d certainly prefer if corsair was rank 4, and take 2 of that… but whatcha gonna do lol