Tree of Savior Forum

Is Full CON really the best build for a Wizard?

srysly ? just go full con … and abuse this BALANCE wizard …

that is u wish actualy my wish too
lets experiment
lets say i m lv 101 soo i got 100 point to put in status calculator class is wizard /rank 1
put all 100 in int,what u got 132 right
change u rank to 4
what u got 171 right that is almost perfeck 40% actualy 39/100
lets change ur rank to 5
what u got? 184
184 -132 =52 almost 50%
by ur teory wizard 101 rank 4 should be
100 + modify 1 every 4 x40%
(100+25) x 40% =175 +9 (starting int) =184
while my teory
(100+25 ) + (100 x40%) =165 +9 starting =174

Tosbase stats calc is wrong. After I installed the addon that shows invested points, when I copy the same points from my char ingame on the calc, the calc shows less int than I actually have. I can post screenshots later.

It’s right for me. Don’t forget you get extra INT from collection and stuff.

You don’t have to do it that complicated. Just try it after you invested 500 INT. Your theory should increase it by 3 per stat. My theory increase it by 4 per stat.

I dont remember getting that much int from collections. Also i had no equips on.

You are right, I’m not sure what went wrong there.

Check forestdragon calcs, he showed 2 examples, maybe tosbase calc is using the one that multiply into less int. Cant 100% confirm stuff now. I’m at work, as soon as i’m home i’ll post the screenshots.

did u try put 800 lv and rank 10 wizard? it s say 2468 in status calculator not 3200 like u say
so where u get that 3200 bullshit from?

Its so easy to test. Install the “invested points” addon. Check the amount you invested ingame and put the same amount on tosbase calc, if it matches the calc is right (BTW, no items and check your collections bonus), but I’m sure i arealdy tested yesterday and the numbers didnt match.

Because you mis-infoed me by telling me 800 invested in CON is 1.6k CON, but in fact it’s only 1.3k.

CON /SPR/DEX in status calculator have large error margin
while STR and INT part almost accurat
that is why i say status calculator need to get update

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Are you sure?

Seems like CON via the stat calc seems correct to me.

Gotta check INT later.

Seems correct to me to:

Note that I do have 4 extra int, due to having 1 base int higher than the stat calc because of a collection, which let me reach the bonus point threshold.

So collections boost adds as base stats? Thats nice. Thought it was flat +1 or +2.

I’m not entirely sure, I thought it was a flat +1 or +2, but it seems like it’s adding to the base, which let’s you reach a threshold a little earlier, and that adds up on the calc. But I could be wrong, and the stat calc may just be wrong.

I dont think prince has ever done ET.
I have never seen a full con (or even 1/2 con) ele3 in any of the parties running atm (Klapedia)

Now they better fix this lazy flr7 bug or a ton of people are going to leave.

Just tested on my character, i have the same 4 INT difference.

The stat bonuses from hidden quests do this as well. Confused the heck out of me the first time I cross checked my stats with the calc.

I feel that some builds may change when the card system comes out example would be you could put more into int and use 5 “Blud” cards that give +10 con each. So and extra 50 con from cards would leave you with extra 50 points for int