Tree of Savior Forum

Is Full CON really the best build for a Wizard?

So everyone here keeps saying Full CON + Animus, OP. My Wizard build is currently 4:1/INT:CON. Should I reroll or-

both would work, full con+animus is just a build that is more forgiving since you don’t die when you ■■■■ up.

damage wise, having 20k hp and rest int should work to give you little room for errors at least. Full int builds just die on 360 degree boss aoes since most of them are careless

Also it depend of your build.
Anything that don’t hit alot of time don’t really profit at all from int.

Sure animus is nice but Con don’t profit from the 10% bonus rank
Also it magic Amp = 1/2 Magic damage each
And it 40% only
Overall it turn around 10% of what you would get from a full Int Build

1 Int = 1 Damage each tick
Pyro for exemple would profit alot from int
Cryo will not…

Then after the pro of cons … Tons of Hp
-Work well with support build
-Work well with Hight base damage spell
-You still get Damage from other source (Wand/staff/buff/animus etc)
-You can’t get much cons from item

If I remember correctly I asked a full con wiz when I was grinding how much m.amp he got from animus (he had 40k+ hp) and told me around 240ish

My friend stopped pumping con after he reached 30k HP and started putting everything in INT which would provide a little more m.atk which is working well for him I guess.
Both are pretty good builds tbh, full con would lean more to PvP though imo

I also heard that for a DPS build, you don’t need to add that much CON, add a little just so you don’t die 1-hit from bosses? Well my CON is 70 and I’m lv. 165 atm, is that too much?

I’m a Wiz3-Ele2. How about that?

Not all type of wizards need full CON to pvp. Some wizard classes need almost full INT instead. But I don’t recommend it unless you have a team with clerics with the correct builds.

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But it’s not like everyone can get Animus.

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Isn’t magic amp a stat with high variance and can go from 0 to max?

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If it is incorrect can you then provide a reliable formula or perhaps show the test that you have made? I use wiz 3 link 1 sorc 2 featherfoot 1. I don’t have a skill that has a % + x damage.

  • Reduces basic HP recovery to 0


Oh and if you want to say “you can unequip it out of combat”, true, but then you shouldn’t use ‘and’ to implies both things are available at the same time.

Some of that HP/ HP recovery also came from level, so it’s not like the full amount is from CON only.

600 m.atk is ‘only’ 8-9%? What skill in wizard tree have 7500 skill damage in a hit without any modifier? Otherwise this is BS.

According to what I know:

Wizard doesn’t have any skill that have both 1000 skill damage AND 200% attack modifier.

10 magic amp would adds 0-10 damage before other modifiers.

If you’d like to disagree, please post actual proof instead of being taking some smug “oh I know it’s true but I won’t prove it, you’d better go test it yourself” position which makes it even less convincing.

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But the main point here is you haven’t proven your claim about magic amp. I’m more interested in that rather than bashing him.

I will take 600Matk any day on Ele3 Frostcloud and Pyro.
with 600 more Matk, I can get 6k-8k increase on fireball spell (spell has 10 hits)
and prolly 20k+ damage on Forst cloud + 50% Matk on quick cast.
i.e. frost cloud hit 30ish time per cast (correct me if i’m wrong, not 100%)
600Matk * 30 = 18k then add Quick attribute 50%
result, 27k !!!

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But there is

I don’t think elementalists go full int on earth tower especially. Perhaps a bit of CON to survive but certainly not pure int.