Tree of Savior Forum

Is Full CON really the best build for a Wizard?

That is all reflected in that stat calculator.

That is why I said this:

int status should be 1450 at 500 point investment

I don’t really feel like doing the math, but let’s assume that the stat calc is incorrect.

Regardless, the gap between CON/INT get’s higher and higher and higher.

let say we reach lv 800
put all into con = 1600 con +eguip
put all into int =2400 int + eguip
1600 : 2400 <<< i wont debating which one is the best it s up to ur preference

I think by the time your level 800, if you don’t deal damage but have tons of HP, what’s the point?

But I guess it is preference, let us leave it at that.

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but sometimes it’s “if you don’t kill them fast enough they will kill you or give you a hard time”. so int sounds better. i heard dark theurge protects you from range attacks. how does the skill work, does it protect you for the duration of the skill or does each hit you take consume some sort of counter? also does it protect against magic?

You don’t need 30/40k HP to survive. You can survive with 15k hp as wizard.

I run with a wiz that has 13k HP, and we clear ET just fine. In fact we were one of the earliest parties to clear to floor 5, and would be clearing floor 10 if 7 wasn’t bugged.

HP does not lead to downtime. Cooldowns and SP does. In ET you have supports that heal, and they heal a percentage. As a wiz, you usually don’t even take damage in ET to begin with (most people use the barrier strat or have CC/Aggro).

The damage added from magic amp that comes with animus is not comparable to the damage added from INT. Magic amp is 0-100% percent modifier for flat increased damage, and you only get 40% of that with an animus.

What’s better? A 30k HP wiz that has 500 atk.

Or a 15k HP wiz that is also not dying (+32.5% bonus HP from food so ~20k HP), but is doing 2-4x more damage?

You also have to consider you have 4:30 minutes to clear each floor. Even wizards that are nearly full INT and don’t ever die have a hard time meeting the requirements. Are you trying to prove to me that a full CON wiz, that has the same up time as a mostly INT wiz, will be able to handle it?

I’ll tell you that we’ve tried, and it does not work.


It’s entirely possible to go to ET with Full INT char.

You just need some HP equipment to prevent yourself from getting one shotted, which is fairly easy.

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Thank you for clarifying a lot of things in this thread. Hopefully forum posters would first do some tests before trying to spread misinformation. Again thanks.

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You forget about the +100% bonus from rank, not just +70%.

Made a quick comparison for those who are interested.

  • Frost Cloud lvl 5 - 75 CON / 416 INT build does on average 25.6% more damage than the Full CON build.

  • Meteor lvl 10 - 75 CON / 416 INT build does on average 10.1% more damage than the Full CON build.

  • The above does not take into account stats from collections or other gear slots such as hair accessories and armor.

  • The displayed damage is against a target with 0 Mdef/Elemental Resists.


The difference became significant when your enemy has higher mdef.


VS lvl 275 Rexipher for example.

874 MDEF.

The damage comparison becomes:

Full Con
Frost Cloud: 3752-4610 x32
Meteor: 48662-52094

75 CON / 416 INT
Frost Cloud: 5240-5714 x32 (average of 30.9% more damage)
Meteor: 54614-56510 (average of 10.3% more damage)

So yes, while for skills like Meteor, there is very little actual damage difference between a full CON build and a high INT one due to high base damage from the skill (Meteor lvl 10 is +3229 base damage), for skills that hit multiple times and have relatively low base damage (Frost Cloud lvl 5 is +643 base damage) the INT build will do significantly more damage.

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excusme what i m forgeting
800 + 100% bonus from rank 10 +bonus from (each point from 500++ point)
= 2400
for con
800+bonus from(each point 500+= point)
= 1600
so what are u talking about?

The rank bonus come after the stat bonus.

So it’s 1600*2 = 3200.

scrolled way too long to find someone with sense in this thread

lol yeah, i mean those mature conversation tho.

Oh yeah the future card system update will have card with +int ann +con, which mean min maxing or adjusting stat will be much more possible i guess.

Thanks guys! THIS is the Best Thread of this forum !!

When i read all the thread, i think about the Featherfoot and Thaumaturge.

For a full CON build + animus. i think this is the best class to do becoz u can heal the huge hp you have in 5 sec and with thaumaturge, you can raise the magic attack up to 700 even with a full CON build!! this is very interessting isn’t it?

so finally, u have a wiz with high hp, can Heal him Himself and can raise his magic skill