Tree of Savior Forum

Is Full CON really the best build for a Wizard?

I’m mind blown.
I don’t know which one of your posts contains facts, cause it’s full of shits.


I initially pointed out that you’d have 0 HP regen with Animus on, which you counter by saying that Wiz can use HP pot and Cleric can heal, neither of which is a proper counter argument.

Then I pointed out that you listed 570 HP AND 200+ m.amp ‘with Animus’


Is it clear enough yet?

The 8-9% argument has nothing to do with the full CON/animus, but only on the point that you claims ‘600 m.atk (pure int) = 8-9% more damage’, which is the point I’m disagreeing on.

What facts?

Oh sorry, you didn’t provide any ‘fact’ about magic amp not being misunderstood, just your own opinion and taking a smug stance of “oh but I won’t tell”

All I see is you desperately trying to be Trump with how much you try not to provide actual fact/evidence and consider yourself the superior one.

I tested m amp on my krivis and got the conclusion it was really + 1-X dmg. Most likely it is multiplied by 4 on meteor though. Never tested that.

you mean aukuras and restoration would increase animus magic pen as well?

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ok i get it soo it must wear gear first then wear animus later then change ur gear back repeat after loading screen
i still have 1 animus recipe, but still i m thinking animus not worth eguip in my full con wizard
instead buying hp recovery face 1,2,3 that give 60+ m amp more realistic to buying m amp one, that can give you 120+ m amp

I haven’t done any math for it, but it sounds right, I’d just buy m-atk/m-amp/property atk hats instead of hp recov, but the animus is probably still worth it since your full con. Either way since you are full con, it’s not like you’ll be doing a whole lot of DPS.

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that is wrong sir
in some situation
i m doing more damage than low hp wizard one
let say i m got no healer after gue in dungeon /daily mission
while other wizard will run like headless chiken after their hp drop below 50% i m still calm and perfom my combo efectivly
in boss hunt too while other wizard run like headless crocoach or beging healer for heal tile i can stand still in front of boss and perform my combo cycle
soo it hard to say hwo do more damage till we got KTOS update later that tell which one doing more damage in boss

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At that point your talking about player skill and having healers.

If you go into ET, and compare your DPS to another wiz that has INT, it becomes obvious which one is providing more DPS.

What we’re discussing is hard DPS, if we factor in that for some reason the wizard is getting hit, or you don’t have a tank to hold aggro, or a CC wizard to keep mobs in place, then you will do more stable DPS. But that also does not mean you are doing more DPS.


I think your mistaken, CON get’s no rank bonus. You can easily check by making a new character, spending no points, getting to 15, and right before you rank change, put in all your points into CON, and after you rank change there will be no 10% bonus or any % bonus.

It’s also reflected in the tosbase stat calc:

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Alright, your mistaking % bonus with incremented bonus points. All stats get incremented bonus points every 10(?) points, and as you go higher that incremented bonus goes up by 1 more increment, but that is not the rank bonus.

For example:

See how it’s 87 CON and rank 3? If I change it to rank 4, then I should have more CON, right?

No change whatsoever. But as you can see, the int value changed because of the rank bonus.

Because no % rank bonus applies, only incremented bonus applies which all stats get. INT/STR get % rank bonus AND incremented bonus. CON/SPR/DEX only get incremented bonus.


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Your CON get’s no % bonus, all stats get incremented bonus, which is what CON get’s. It’s not a percentage of your current stats, but only a flat amount during the time you put in that point. That is a major difference.

Also I think we’re not arguing but having a pretty healthy discussion.


yes i can testify it s bonus status poin not rank bonus
the higest one say when u put 500 con u got bonus another 500 con as bonus

I’m not 100% sure, but do you mean to say that if I put in 500 points into CON, I will get another 500 CON, equaling 1000 CON?

First, you can not reach 500 statted CON, this is as high as it get’s:

Even with a Max Petamion etc, I’m not sure if you could reach 500.

But let’s assume you do:

And now if I put it as 501:

It’s 2 points, per point invested, and 3 at every incremental bonus.

But as you can see it’s not an additional 500.

Also for fun, 500 statted int:

Not only that, each point count’s as 3, and each incremental point counts as 4, massively more than CON.

500 con it mean 500 lv <<after that flat buy 1 get 1 till lv 800 later
sure curent lv 280 imposible to get 500 con

Yeah, you can get 500 CON at a higher level cap, but that only adds up to 200 bonus CON.

With 500 int at a higher level cap, that adds up to nearly 700 bonus INT (not that I recommend going full int). You can get 100 CON and still have a crap ton of INT and do so much more damage due to the incremental bonus, and rank bonus influencing INT at the same time.

it s becuz the status calculator not update yet
1-50 status = bonus every 5 th status poin
51-100 status = bonus every 4th status poin
151-300 status = bonus every 3rd status point
301-500 status = bonus every 2nd status point
500+ status = bonus every status point
int and str have another 10% x rank bonus

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