Tree of Savior Forum

Intended Disconnection in TBL to Prevent Point Loss

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 12:01 PM server time

Server Name: Varena/Telsiai

Bug Description :
User botete from Telsiai server disconnected himself from match. Possible cause: to prevent point loss when losing.

Why reporting this player?
Some reports from telsiai battlers reported that botete occasionally (not only once or twice) disconnecting himself from matches. Observing from his pattern of disconnection, he could be wanted to prevent point loss when he sees his team is going to lose.

What could be improved?

  1. Apply point loss to the person having disconnection by certain triggers. Currently, you can do char select inside TBL or just simply Exit the Game via options. Doing so, will get you out from match, and dont login for certain period or until match over to prevent point loss.
  2. Gives less point loss (if lost) for the team with someone has disconnection problem. Disconnection leads extreme disadvantage for the team, so devs should think about it.
  3. Ban this player from doing TBL? Seriously, we’re getting tired of him.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Seeing the situation is pretty grim and our team is going to lose the match.
  2. Planning to disconnect himself and pretending, “Whoa, nice screen froze”.
  3. He disconnected from our match.
  4. Our team lost and having point loss.
  5. But freaking why he has no point loss?
  6. He will repeat this over and over again onto the next TBL matches.

Screenshots / Video :

Another thread of report:

@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Letitia

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The actual intention of Imc was to not punish the players for their unreliable client.

Now the ironic part: when your client crashs in the last round and the party loses because of it, you are virtually still around when the fight ends because the client didn’t get a chance to tell the server you are gone.

As consequence the crashed ones gets their points reduced while logging out on purpose doesn’t.

Good work as usual, IMC


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Aye. I have tried myself doing char select in tbl and disconnect due to screen froze. Getting dc because of froze still reduce your points while quit the match via char select doesnt. But under the one condition. You must wait until the match is done. If you quit via char select and quickly login into the game, the game still reduce your points after match done and if your team lose.

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