Tree of Savior Forum

[Telsiai] Frequent disconnection in TBL

Wow I need boosting? XD L.O.L.

Hahahaha I know you!!!

From what I observe it’s more of a connivance to defame this people, The said culprits are active TBL players since then…
I don’t think in such case these people will do such for the sake of TBL Rankings.
Hence,for its a Hatred amongst the players to them.

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Too much salt and bitterness on this post even blaming the whole guild is inappropriate and unjustified speculation. You guys don’t even have a proof regarding boosting our guildmate’s position in TBL ranking when in fact some of us are active in TBL for a long time. Not to mention, some who complains here doesn’t even go in TBL. Anyways, TBL crashing/disconnection isn’t new here and it was IMC’s fault for incompetency in programming. Goodluck folks and play harder for your cough cough (nonsense) rankings. :tired:

PS: I only play TBL for fun. Nuuuuuuuu drama please. :joy:

@lladocspark botete? An active TBL player since when? Probably since he started ruining TBL for other players. :thinking:

Sorry, but my reply is on General as @Haegl state to boost Guild mate…

and the issue about botete is pretty much same as some of the guild also do this if they feel that team is on losing streak. I refer people from ‘A’ guild from other servers.

Let’s stick to the topic, please. Thanks.

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I agree with you @IDontCare but, some people just drop names like its related.

Just my observation.

Just saying, I only contributed to report one player, not talk bad a guild from another server. I don’t PvP much except for boxes, but I believe it’s right and logical to at least do your best in PvP, win or loss, and not just dc for, from what I have observed, at least 4 times this week.

Let rumors be rumors until there is proof and let’s just focus on the player in question?

my concern is only to the above mentioned guy who keeps disconnecting in TBL. We’ve raised this concern to him many times and told him to either stop doing it (if doing it on purpose) or avoid doing TBL if he’s having connection issues. But he is still doing it repeatedly to the point that me and another guy agreed to report him. He got reported but on a wrong section hence im reporting it here as hoping this guy will learn his lesson.

if its boosting why there is no guildmates of botete on other team?

did u change your name? :slight_smile:

@tos.goku4 you’re in the wrong thread :rofl: take your business somewhere else

@tos.goku4 the issue here is the RUMORED disconnection on a player at the TBL. Why bring up the old issue? GTFO.

so castaway the bugger is castie now ok thank you :smiley:

we dont care who @tos.goku4 .cant u read?this thread is about botete… stop talking gibberish
just incase u havent done your research,Fyi the player you are insecure about found out about shield charge but other players were the ones who abused it,rewatch the video again for gods sake.U must be a new player lol this issue was already solved.U look desperate for attention…GTF out of here

this guy just wouldn’t stop dragging people down in TBL. can someone tag GMs here?