Tree of Savior Forum

INT scales a lot if the game ever reaches rank 10 - level 600

I have already mentioned that I do not consider PVP. Its a different story and if you read my posts under this thread you will see that I talk only for PVE. PVP needs its own balancing.

So you are giving me certain skills with high hit counts. Physical classes also have them, fletcher has magic arrow (5 cd)/ barbed arrow (0 cd), Scout has flareshot, Archer has multishot, highlander has catarstroke/ moulinet, hoplite has stabbing/ pierce, Cata has earthwave/ rush, doppel has cyclone, fencer has sept etoiles, and all dragoon skills except galeburg. I donā€™t see physical classes lacking multihit.

Same thing, once you reach level 220+, the amount of mobs with pinpoint magic attack is absurd. No CON = dead, thatā€™s a simple rule, no matter which class you are.

You are overvaluing crit attack. When you are facing mob with 60-80k HP, the little crit on the crap damage you have due to high DEX build is useless.

STR + CON is always the right path for swordman.

Just have 1int has a 0.01% chance to reset cd.

So 100int=1% reset skill cd.

Now the value is assuming max attainable int is 999(therefore at best 10% chance to reset cd)

For those that wanna cry OP, 10% crit for double dmg(which is the same as 10% chance to reset skill and cast again) is literally a 10% increase in overall damage.

well may I ask you your level since you are talking about 220+ you have probably been there right ? I personally play wiz3 ele3 war with my friend who is dragoon and already 280, I talk because I have seen, as you can see from above post, even tho earthtower is full of magic mobs doppel had no problem doing it without con. It all depends on your team composition late game not how much con you have spent. Not like any1 grinds at maps with a lot of magic mobs.

I thought INT was good enough bc you donā€™t need to Split your stats and that thereā€™s no way to avoid Magic damage?
Guess Iā€™m wrong, surely int needs a buff, itā€™s not like theyā€™re already up top in DPS in PvE and up top in PvP Ladders.


Sure whenever we melee get chaos/omni damage to all our skills you guys can have this. We have at least three stats to spend points on and actually have to deal with boss mechanics most of the time.

I think INT is not the problem, itā€™s the spr. From what I read so far, people complain about physical classes needing to split their points into 2 stats, dex and str.But let me tell you this; You donā€™t need dex to hit.You can get enough accuracy with level and gloves alone (for pve), so pure str swordsman/archer classes also viable but people put dex into point for 2 reasons; crit chance and evasion.For some classes pure str is even stronger than investing in dex, wugushi is the prime example here.

My solution would be giving m.amp stat to spr, maybe with 1spr=2 Mamp scaling. Or some sort of magic penetration stat(mdef reduction).

As a mage I dont mind changing magic hit rate to the same as melee. Let us add dex for hit rate and crits. Now that would be fair :slight_smile:

The only way you can do earth tower without CON is by Priestā€™s revive and barrier scroll. And even so you still want CON because revive has cooldown.

That said, what good there is actually the priest, not the swordman without CON

SPR is really good on support Cleric though, or tanker built for PVP.

If INT got any other property I would say it should be reduction in Cast Time. I think there are few enough skills that really benefit from reduced cast time to keep it balanced, but also to open up new possibilities for players that feel pigeon-holed into going Wiz3 for Quick Cast.

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No no no.

You want a be-all-end-all kind of stat. That should not happen. The logic in TOS is that if you want something, you need to sacrifice some other things. You want damage? Sacrifice HP. You want better cast? Sacrifice a circle.

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Couldnā€™t have said it better. Amen!

I kind of agree with both of these? I still donā€™t think INT needs to be buffed. But if it did, I think this would be a good way to do it. Also, I think that all of the buff suggestions people are recommending would make way more sense in SPR. Pretty sure mages were initially intended to go INT/SPR, so more motivation for them to sink points into SPR would be nice. Statting a DPS mage is kind of too simple right now I think.

I wasnā€™t implying that the cast time reduction from INT would equal the cast time reduction from Wiz3. Simply that if you wanted faster casts but did not want to go wiz3, maybe you only get 20% cast reduction from statting int. Whereas if you wanted super fast cast times, go wiz3 and stat int - and get 70% cast time reduction or something.

INT must be have magic amp or vamp by chanceā€¦:open_mouth:

donā€™t know what u expect ā€¦
magic donā€™t miss
Wizards got a lot of interesting and well scaling spells ā€¦
The often have a dot mechanic which lets them scale even better.
And their trademark AoEs ā€¦
That wizard is probably the easiest class for stats is proably true .
And faster cast reallly ? xD Way to dangerous and too op.
Only way to introduce Faster Casting into stats if u give it a hard cap that u canā€™t stack it with quick cast .
And it would be a problem because u are just at level 280 ā€¦ they have to consider how much growth is possible for a level 600 char .
If u wanna consider something op u couldd consider give spr some kind of really small cd - reduktion :stuck_out_tongue:

I worry about Intā€™s usefulness falling behind. The longer weā€™re at 280 and the more gear we get the less important that Int is going to be. Int gear also does not multiply like base stats or buffs.

And on the contrary. Con will get better as we get more def and mdef. And Spirit for DPS purposes will remain about the same. Which is to say questionable for a DPS since condensed mana potions exist.

It multiplies on multi hit spells.