Tree of Savior Forum

Inquisitor path?

Inquisitor+chaplain have some synergy?

“don’t heal”

Made me laugh.

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Me too haha

Is like saying to Lancer “don’t mount” lol

I read somewhere that maximun cap of Crit is 85% not 100%. Is that true? since all of you talkd about 100% crti rate.

…help me here plss

It seems that the bonus lines from chaplain/priest do in fact count toward the wheel’s outgoing damage.

Hmm my current build is Cleric2>Diev3>Paladin1>Kabbalist1, focusing on INT/CON primarily.

From Inquisitor C1 skills, the only skill which is magic based is Malleus Maleficarum / Inquisition, for a max of 7 hits. For an INT build inquisitor probably this will be the core skill to max out.

For the rest we can only guess, so far breaking wheel is a ???, hope that an INT diev can pick up inquisitor so we know does the wheel spread out increased owl damage too and to what extent/skill does the wheel spread?

The wheel doesn’t look like it will spread tile/ground based magic like Cure or Carnivory but will it spread object based magic like Pyromancer’s fireball? If it does it certainly helps a lot in the support department, like a cleric’s version of joint penalty.

I’m really interested in the attribute:

Max Lv: 20
1% chance per attribute level for flames, that deal damage to enemies, to appear when healing (?). These flames last for 10 seconds

Any videos or additional information on this?

look at vonfreya video lancer vs inquisitor, wheel more like is magic see lancer can break though it, if im not missing something

Malleus Maleficarum is int scaling only skill, that i do know. But it is still worthwhile as a 1 pointer for any pvp build. (Not just for the debuff, it can 7 hit 1 target and deal decent dmg.)
But seems to be of little use for pve, aside of the silence attribute.

I only know carve owl interacts with breaking wheel magic wise.

As for the burning attribute(Courtesy of @greyhiem, check his ktos vid thread if you haven’t already ):

It was mistranslated, it triggers on kill or hit of some sort. Either way dmg seems far to low for just one, may have some use if it can place them often enough though.

I thought it should be ‘purging’ / ‘conquering’ (dark mobs), however I am not 100% sure of course. Needs more videos and tests by Kr. They seem to be obsessed by breaking wheel combo testing & god smash.

This game doesn’t have very clear skill descriptions…

PLEASE let this be true! Will make aspergillum not a terrible filler when god smash is down.

Yea. My friend who also has a ktos account went over there for a bit when r8 released and its 100% true. Saw a webm and everything. Its pretty hilarious. Only thing is, the wheel breaks faster due to it but hey, thats what a broken wheels made for.

Eh it is burst damage anyways, so just unload god smash on it then filler till it dies.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Also get rekt Chaplain haters, magnus is good now. I feel like my feedback was heard.

Magnus? Whats that again?

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I dunno some skill that never worked.

Oh the exoscismus crap. Yea, its probably still garbage though since exorscism is based on INT. Who even puts int on a priest heavy cleric anyway

Well it doesnt really matter what it is based on, its base damage is high enough to make it usable in pvp, at least until magic defense numbers get ridiculous.

As long as your magic attack+amp from gear is high enough, it is worth casting just for the blessing procs.

For the priest tree, i just cant see where one could pull the points from in order to even get Exorcise. In chap you can pull from copella but thats meaningless without the base exorcise in the first place.

Im not sure if you go high points into aspersion but i can find the points to fit in exorcise.

I only have 1 in aspersion and 1 in sacrament so i have some points to spare even with 15 bless.

I may experiment with 0 in aspersion since aspergillum defaults to 1 anyways.

I went full greed with my chap.

Kinda regret a couple things but for farming and damage output, its not bad