Tree of Savior Forum

Inquisitor - Monk vs Paladin

Hello there,

I’ve seen a lot of changes in Paladins skill tree and the Cleric class as a whole.
While I’ve never ever liked any form of magic classes in any game, physical clerics does interest me.
(besides venomancer from PW, but I’m yet to see a summoner with heavy debuffs that does massive damage)

I’ve seen a few videos poping out of kToS around here, and a few from iToS related to the new clerics.
So after all this chitty chat, I may ask

1 . Cleric 2 - filler - Paladin 3 - Monk 1 - Inquisitor
2 . Cleric 2 - filler 2 - Monk 3 - Inquisitor

While I’m inclined to fill with Cleric 3 on both, I’m aware of Priests capacity.
I’ve no interest in Dievdirbys whatsoever.

I’m not going to ask which one is the stronger. Each build fits different purposes and fits different people.
I want to know those fits. What can we change about build 1? What about build 2? It’ll be good for what? Burst, Tanking, Partying, Damaging, I don’t know. I wish we could make a thread bout it. Most of the research material inside the forums are way too old.

Youd probably be more popular in ET if you went for paladin 3 because of Barrier.

I’ve tried both (Pal3 Inqui and Monk3 Inqui) in the latest patch.

Pal3 is more on supporting and being defensive. While it does have its own offensive set of skills, it’s nowhere near what a Monk3 build can do. Great party support skills, both PVP and PVE.

Monk3 is mostly an offensive build and has good synergy with Inquisitor due to how you can transfer debuffs from Monk skills through the wheel, affecting a large area. Great DPS.

For R3 filler, you can’t really go wrong with any of the 5, though Bokor1 would fit Pal3 more than Monk3 due to how you’ll want to build some magic or a balance of both instead of solely going pAtk for that purpose. Priest is probably the most flexible of them.

For Monk3 R4, Priest2 IMO seems to be the best pick. I found it hard to justify picking anything else for a physical Monk3 build.

For Pal3 R7, it depends on your playstyle again and where you’d be using your char mostly. Monk1 has good filler skills. PD1 is good for covering both PVE and PVP as support and extra filler DPS. Kabal1 is mostly for PVP.

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With the new C3 paladin skill coming that is exclusive for 2 handed mace maybe Pally will be a bit stronger.Will it triumph Monk C3 who knows but I doubt it.

Could mix priest3 with paladin3, that would offer some extremely high mitigation due to stone skin + sanctuary.


Good build too. Might be the ultimate support Pal3 build.

imo monk for pala3 is not so good after patch cuz its now draining mana not stamina, priest 2 or even 3 is imo really good now ( still prefer cleric 2 with priest 2, but priest 3 may be better for somoene who dont like healing spells :))

Cleric 1 - Krivis 2 - Paladin 3 - Oracle 1 - Inquisitor

Krivis Aurkuras as well as their passive Fire Resist goes really well with Paladins high resists and Inquisitors increased Dark Resist. On top of that Krivis HP regen combined with a lvl 3 Restoration from Paladin is a nice bit of passive healing.

If instead of going Krivis 2 you went Dievdirbys 20% CDR is very strong and Carve Attack is a great melee skill.

This is a class that’s big on control, create a small zone where you’re basically invincible and fairly strong.

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Paladin 3 Inquisitor feels sort of lacking in terms of sustained dps. The problem is, you have very strong burst damage from wheel + conviction + god smash + smite but very little AoE and number of offensive skills to keep a steady sustained dps rotation. Once wheel is on cooldown, you barely have other good sources of dps.

Monk 3 has more constant dps and that can be reasonably high given you have high ping / decent DEX to spam double punch during your rotation cooldown. The AoE is lackluster (when compared to magic priests such as PD2 or Sadhu 3) but the damage can be quite strong against single targets such as bosses.

Comparing the two builds just in terms of dps is sort of unfair, though. Monk is straight out dps class while Paladin is hybrid between dps and support.

Barrier is, by many, considered the best support skill of Paladins. But as for myself, I believe Barrier is still pretty situational and sometimes may muddle the party (i.e. spread mobs away from AoE spells). In my opinion Resist Elements is still the best support skill Paladins have without any downsides to it. Remember 90% or more of the mobs in game have elemental attacks as their normal attacks so resist element will mitigate most common mobs damage.

With that being said, build your Paladin with the mindset of wanting a support character. Taking Monk 1 into that build would give you very marginal dps potential in comparison to supportiveness potential you could be getting from other classes.

The biggest issue with those two classes is the lack of other physical cleric classes to synergize with. Monk circles sort of overlap Paladin so it’s difficult taking both together. Taking Priest with a Paladin 3 build is not a terrible idea but the stats to increase will be conflicting. Priests revolve around having high SPR while Paladins gain very little from SPR and will deal very very little damage without STR (considering your transcended wep isn’t stage 5+ because that’s when STR stops mattering so much). Without a transcended weapon your damage will be about 30% of the damage of a full STR Paladin.

As a final comment, I’d like to emphatize the fact your healing capability will be much inferior to any other SPR/INT cleric if you go a STR/DEX Cleric 2 physical build. In most cases that won’t be much of an issue because mobs hit quite weak. But if you’re hunting a field boss or something more challenging, be prepared to feel like you can’t keep your party alive being the only main healer.


Based on your guys input, I’ll be rolling a Monk
I thought the new Paladin skills would make it a good DPS path as I’ve no interest in support role. Maybe Tanking, but not supporting.

Cleric 2 imo is too good to not-have it. I’m not a healer but the utility it provides on everything is simply too good. I could give it up for Priest c3 at somepoint so I’d switch do support role when needed, but nah.

Since monk is a rank 5 class, I have 2 rank fillers to take
Cleric 2 - filler - filler - mnk - inq
I’ve seen people saying Cleric 2 - Priest 2, Cleric 3 - Priest 1.

What do you guys think? Diev should be an option but I simply hate the class gameplay.

Priest 1 for moontrance, and you can put Pala1 for knockback, restoration or resist elements

Cleric 2 - Priest 1 - Paladin 1 - Monk 3 - Inq

sounds like a plan, I didn’t know bout the rank1 knockdown it gave

Based on how monk is going to change (and taking into account the numerous discussions on monk), monk1 is no longer good.

You might want cleric 1 - krivis 2 - paladin 3 - x - inquisitor. What will this get you?

Dropping cleric 2 for krivis 2 gives you the highly mobile [aukuras] (which will require upwards of lv6 for 100% uptime). Used with food it can bring your regen down to every 1 sec instead of every 20. Combined with [restoration aura] and poata cards you can get ~1500 HP regen per sec. Look here for info on 1sec regen in action (videos are old but still relevant).

This next part is just theory because we don’t know how the new [aukuras] attribute will interact with inquisitor’s burn attribute. If it does affect the generated flames, then there is a combo to be used there.

Like the others have said, paladin inquisitors have no filler. Krivis 2 can give you that filler but you might not like it. [divine stigma] is getting a dot (which is magic) and you don’t like magic so … yeah. [aukuras] adds fire damage to your normal atks (not sure if it includes skills) which is sorta like magic so … yeah. [daino] will turn your auto attacks into magic … magic. Basically you will have beefed up auto atks that can’t miss, be blocked, or crit as fillers.

You also have a significant support role should you want to support. [barrier] lets you take damage for other people. [resist elements] reduces elemental damage (not all elements) with a chance to completely nullify the damage. [aukuras] will let you tank all that damage from [barrier] with the super regen.

But then there’s this video of [double punch] with korean ping.

I’ve no words for a second video of him

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With the new changes, I’d support the following build:
Cleric2>Krivis2>Paladin3>Inquisitor2 or Cleric2>Krivis3>Paladin3>Inquisitor1 for Rank 9.
The reason is simple: Krivis helps a lot with Inquisitor/Paladin after the recent proposed changes, you get a stable DOT with Divine Stigma, a Fire Property damage boost on Aukuras and Daino to boost your autoattacks if you lack the crit/blockpenetration to do harm.

But regarding what you want to do, you better make the decision on what you want to do first:
Wield a twohanded mace? -> go Monk
Wield a shield? -> go Paladin
Want a stable skillspammer that uses a lot of SP? -> go Monk
Want a build that has high sustainability? -> go Paladin

For the new Paladin, Krivis is just the best offer you can get: Your Restoration power gets boosted(Aukuras cuts away up to 4/5 of the time required for a HP recovery tick and reduces enemies accuracy by up to over 70%),
your autoattack power gets boosted (new Aukuras attribute for fire property damage, Daino, Divine Stigmas STR&INT boost),
you get a low CD DOT skill (Divine Stigma with new attributes, great against devil type monsters like Smite) to boost your overall output without the need to spam skills with high SP costs (i.e. Monks Double Punch,high-leveled Smite),
and Turn Undead to create your own minions with the Conversion attribute(that hopefully also benefit from Aukuras…).

Last but no least: Paladin has synergy with Inquisitor, because he boosts God Smash with Conviction. Monk only has the Strike damage boost of Hand Knife and Double Punch. No idea what’s stronger/better (I guess Monks boosts are better if stacked),though.

Wouldn’t a self buffing monk perform as good?
I don’t know if the Krivis buffs will be applied to monks skills, but a Paladin c1 knockback and Priest c1 DEX buff should give enough room to damage the hell out of anything. I’m highly implying a solo situation with no support character around. Even if we have it, atm I’m comparing the damage output of both builds. Support wise the paladin wins hands down

Different roles I know, just speculating

Uh hello, Krivis is fully reworked with Character Rank patch lol.

The sp draning rather then sta is the best thing ever.You naturally have more sp than sta and even using other skills you will be fine.If your a decent dpser you know that you need to proc your Mole cards and for that you need to use an sp potion.So this change it’s so perfect because you can proc 2 different sp pottions that don’t share the same cooldown and have your sp regen while having 10 seconds of 30% plus physical attack damage.

I know there is an attribute for it that changes it’s effect but I’m pretty sure the option to keep it’s current effect is there. Only different from now and then is in the past you might go some points in Daino some in Zalciai, where as after you choose one or the other.

If it’s for a physical damage dealer, yes, you need Zalciai on your Krivis. For Aukuras, now you say it I thought they were removing Aukuras actual effect, my bad. Still, Krivis whole set is mostly based on damage dealing with magic only. I doubt it’s a good idea to pick Krivis for a physical damage dealer now, or maybe in a hybrid build which is certainly interesting as maces give both Patk and Matk.