Tree of Savior Forum

Inital observations of W3E3warlock2 after patch

Well you might want to check it again, even tos neet says it’s 9 targets, it starts at 2 targets and increases by 1 every 2 levels.

Checked electrocute 1, 2 and 3, still hits 3, 4 and 5 targets

Hi @Aqours, just wanna ask, how much do u lose in terms of boss capabilities when going FF2 instead of WL2? i really love the FF class but went with WL2 at the time i got R7. But now with the chance to reset and after rank8 releases i’m thinking about going FF2. What rotations do u use when bossing/farming? thx

WL2 has much better bossing potential thanks to mastema and poa. FF2 most likely does better only when there are 2+ bosses and you can link them, but this is extremely rare in the game and if you’re with a party they’ll easily break the link before you can do anything.

I’m gonna have to disagree with @lagunarealm48. Featherfoot without linker is primarily a single-target DPS dealer.

Pole of Agony has too long a cooldown, and Mastema does indeed do great damage, but I think that Featherfoot can easily match it. Curse a boss, and hit them with Kundela Slash. Level 5 Kundela Slash does 1552% damage, which is doubled on Cursed enemies. The power is a 3 overheat. That’s 120-150k damage you can inflict with three short stabs. Additionally, Blood Sucking is a channel spell that does 355% per .4 seconds, for around 10 seconds. It has the added benefit of healing you several thousand HP each tick if the monster is a Beast, Demon, or Insect type.

Against a boss, I always end up doing something of the following:
(Quick Cast/Surespell) Levitation>Blood Curse>Frost Cloud>Hail>Blood Sucking.
Even if the boss isn’t a beast, demon, or insect type, Blood Curse makes it so all the damage I do to the boss heals me, so the continuous damage effects of Hail, Frost Cloud, and Blood Sucking heal me back to full in a second. Then I toss whatever spells I have left while I’m levitating (possibly a second Blood Curse if I timed it well) then I land, Curse the boss with either Bone Pointing or Kurdaitcha, then shank 'em with Kundela Slash. Odds are, my levitation is within 10 seconds of being recharged, as is my blood curse, and so I can start the whole process over again if needed.

Linker is pretty much dead post-rebalance. Furthermore, you don’t need linker in this build since you already have Elementalist spells for dealing with groups. Featherfoot gives you single-target options and extra utility in healing and immunity to melee attackers.

Edit: For farming R8 mobs, I just toss around Elementalist spells for the most part. Multiple AoE abilities there. For the 300+ ones, I hit 'em with Blood Curse first since the explosion won’t kill them in one hit (thus leaving me there with 20% health) then one of my AoE elementalist spells. For lower levels, I have magic missile or my Cataphract.

Edit2: One thing I forgot to add, is that monsters and even bosses can resist the Mastema DoT effect, which can leave you high and dry.
While it’s also possible to resist Curse, it’s incredibly easy to reapply it with Bone Pointing (since it’s shooting one out every second or so) or Kurdaitcha. I’ve yet to see a monster or boss resist the Blood Curse status effect.

Thanks man! yeah i just realized FF has actually tons of damage with low cooldowns. I’m still FF1 though, still feeling i need some new spells to close up the rotations when questing. May i ask what attributes do u think i should level first? it feels like hail should be one of the priorities cause the damage is just insane right now.

I agree with the fact FF2 feels better on certain bosses.

If the boss moves alot FF2 has the chance to do more dps because if you miss even once with wl skills your pretty stuck on low dps untill cds start coming up again.

It’s annoying to be the weakest dps b/c there’s no tanks.

Invocation still does better in high mob density’s though.

That coupled with mastema still puts wl2 up top on aoe dps, though.

FF2 has better soloing and bossing if you play close on the boss, and only if the wl2 misses with pole.

Yeah i’m just annoyed by WL though, everybody just goes for the standard wiz3-ele3-WL2 when to me it feels like WL2 just doesnt accomplish anything valuable besides more levels in circle 1 skills. The class is entirely built around the spirits thing but the mechanics are pretty bad atm. So having the chance to “reroll” to my favourite class which is FF was just fine to me, feels pretty solid.

Anyone decided if its worth max mastema and no point on invocation???

Max mastema for sure, invocation 9 and dt 1 is good

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whats the point to max invocation???

No need to max it. I think leaving it at 8 for 100% up time is enough. Yeah it doesn’t auto spawn new spirits from its kills anymore, but the burst dmg has increased considerably. You will find it extremely useful in crowded situations like Uphill (or ET, I think)

Think I should probably post this here as well

To calculate mastema’s 24 dot tick damage just replace matk in the original damage formula with int(matk/2)

Invocation damage seems to be as follows:
level 1 = 550%
level 2 = 580%
level 3 = 610%
level 4 = 640%
level 5 = 670%
level 6 = 701% (note the extra 1%)
level 7 = 731%
level 8 = 761%
level 9 = 791%
level 10 = 821%

invocation: demon spirit doesn’t seem to have any difference from regular spirit, dealing the same number of hits(3), damage, duration and doesn’t chain summon more spirit.

When testing with drain, it seems high-level spirits cannot be absorbed, and does not increase the buff duration. No idea about drain’s effect on dark theurge with high-level spirits

@ms.reishi so if u put invocation 8 are u geting point from dark theurge or mastema??? pole of agony should be 10

I’m currently distributing my skill points for WL like this (rank 8 max class level 15):

Pole 10 (still waiting for the day I could aim this skill lol)
Invo 8
Mastema 10
Dark Theurge 1 (duration and hit count are the same for all levels so I don’t add more point into this)

The rest I do not take as I barely use them. I still have 1 spare point just in case. You could spend 1 point on Evil Spirit for spirit navigating if you want. However it’s a lil bit too situational to me, and I’ve already had a lot of skills to deal with so I’d pass.

You want WL2 because of mastema’s attribute and thats just it.

@ms.reishi but the dmg provided by dark theurge at high levels is not worth?

Just curious if this is correct

dark theurge 10: 155%*15 = 2325%

magic missile 5 (on >5 enemies): 160%*18 = 2880%

Pole can aimed now! yay

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worth 1 point in prominence?