Tree of Savior Forum

Inital observations of W3E3warlock2 after patch

Hello, I’m approaching lvl 300 and wondering about what cards to use. Is 8 Chapparition cards the best way to go for DPS Mage classes like Elem3?

personally I would say yes. 8 chapparion cards would make your matk increase by 80% for 4 seconds when using any type of sp pot. if you have purple pots from uphill that are available in multiple quantities daily you would be able to get 8 seconds of this duration from using it and a normal blue sp pot right after/before the initial 4 seconds are up.

chap cards are mainly used for burst, you’ll typically only want to proc it when ur major spells are about to be cast (meteor / hail / mastema etc)

there are other cards that provide bonuses depending on your playstyle. such as nuaele which provides passive mdef. it really just depends on your playstyle.

for something like ele3/w2 they have a lot of burst potential with heavy hitting spells so I would say chap is definitely the best if not one of the best cards for this Class.

currently my matk is more or less close to 4.2k(at work atm forgot exact amount), with 8 chapparion cards it reaches close to 8k matk.

if you are interested in the damage difference of using chap cards and without. here is a post with video I made comparing the use of 6 chap cards and without on 290 boss:

Elememe(Wiz3Ele3WL2) Damage test on 290 boss after Patch.

keep In mind the video is using 6 cards instead of 8 and so the damage will only increase when using 8.
you can find the damage comparison for each main spell within the comments section of the reddit post


Already tested W3 ele3 rc1 and its not better than WL to be honest here the results of my test:


  • Super strong for bossing due to pole of agony being very strong

  • Mastema has HUGE damage on regular mobs and its free cast so you can clear packs of mobs that are very close together very easly, however vs bosses its not that big of the deal if you are only c1 wl

  • 2 “Insta cast” skills so you can keep your rotations without having to lose damage on dps because of long cast skills


  • Only 2 “good” skills make you feel like a waster of c2 class, so even after the huge damage of pole of agony im still not intersted on taking wlc2, the only reason i would its just to see what it get in rank9, but…

  • Mobs have to be very close together to really make the skills shine in pve

Rune caster:

  • Rune of destruction its so ■■■■■■■ amazing, like OMFG i love this damn skill it deals HUGE damage on mobs so you actually have 2 big mob clearings nukes one being meteor and one being this one, they are awesome


  • Sadly, just as warlock RC doesnt have too much to offer to this build since rune of justice, even with the recent buffs, still deals mediocre damage to mobs and bosses, so at the end of the day you end up with only 1 functional skill and only for pve.

  • Bad at bossing, even when im always getting 1st on AM atm, its just because of hail being so powerful, RC skills do crap damage to bosses wich its sad. Dont forget that you end up taking the aggro and sometimes if your party doesnt have a cleric or if they are bad and dont use safetys you end up having a bad time with the 2sec casting of the runes.

-Long cooldowns

  • Rune of giants its ■■■■ and rune of ice doesnt give you anything unless you get freezing sphere, and even then… so yeah, you end up with nothing else to level up unless you level up rune of protection lol.

  • Long cast skills and sometimes the skill doesnt launch even after full charge… not to much to say about this, you’ll need w3 if you want rc

To be honest if RC was a little bit more good vs bosses i would totally take it just for rune of destruction alone, however the damage of that skill vs bosses its very bad, i wish rune of justice was buffed a little bit and rune of destruction dealt more dmg to single targets but hey, one can only dream haha

My final toughts? well, in all honesty even after analyzing everything i still like Runecaster more than warlock 1 just because rune of destruction, however from an objective point of view Wl1 outshines it due to the huge damage from pole of agony and by the way, dunno if we are getting the patch wich reduced pole CD and make it castable from far away but if we get that then WL outshines RC no constest lol. Would be nice to try mastema+rune of justice but still i think the damage would be very low

As people had said before in this post link its still good for solo, but c1 or even c2 sometimes might break too soon in party play, so yeah

Hey Aqours, im very intersted on testing as many builds as i can and this one looks intersting do you mind sharing your knowledge about wich skills you recommend taking as w3 ele3 ff2?

We are, but the patch in question is only making it castable from far away. This 70s cd is something that never happened on ktest or ktos, so one of 2 things will probably happen: either they’ll deem 70s not enough, bump it down to 60s to be the same as ktos and call it a day or they’ll keep it like this and maybe a few months from now change it on ktos as well.

So nobody here using sacrifice? I find It nice to kill of remaining mobs when spirits are still up. They should be anyways, because they boost your dark spells by 30%.

Before patch I also used DT for burst, had it maxed.
Now it alrdy spawns max amount of spheres on level 1 and only damage increases a bit on higher levels.

My wl now has pole 10, mastema 10, sacrifice and DT 1 and invocation 8.

On Ele it’s always worth to take freezing sphere and prominence 1 ime. Rain 1 to boost the buffed dmg of electrocute even more. Meteor, hail, freezing sphere and electrocute still obligatory.

Wizard… Energy bolt maxed with card its very nice damage output now, I can agree to that.

Btw what about using condensed and npc blue pots together with the chap cards? I think the effect stacks to 2*80%? At least they are not on same cd.

I’m currently fooling around with RC, trying to make it useful in any way and find out in what kind of builds it might be worth having, and Rune of Destruction is seemingly quite variable in how much damage it does.
As far as i know Rune of Destruction deals a single hit (i guess that’s the 1332% damage part) and then some kind of splash damage around all targets hit, potentially providing more damage but i have’t figured out how exactly that splash damage works or how big the main damage hitbox and the splash damage hitboxes are.

Older threads say that apparently with Falconers Circling Rune of Destruction should be awesome because everything will take splash damage from everyone else, but i haven’t tested that yet. So maybe it’s affected by Aoe Attack Ratio?

I found prominence really bad. It does a lot damage, but it lasts for like 2 seconds only and it’s still unreliable damage.

I tried freezing sphere lvl 10 with att lvl 0, it did around 65k damage, still find meteor better cause it can hit 16 mobs or so. I don’t think having it at lvl 1 does much either.

I do agree with rain though, I don’t see why many people are ditching it for 1 extra point on electrocute which doesn’t increase number of targets hit.

You can’t stack the effect of chap cards anymore, you can only extend the duration by using different types of pots.

Using freezing sphere lvl 1 to kill off single mobs, not level 10, agree that it’s not worth dropping level from Meteor, 10 is obligatory now hitting 20ish mobs. Prominence also just extra dmg, I often run dry on available casts.

You are right but for me as a solo player, I think it’s still very good. :blush::blush::blush:

maplestory player? <3

dropping 1 point from electrocute is literally 50% dmg decrease, its a whole 9%x5.

Let’s calculate.

We just take 100 as Magic Atk in this as example so we can convert % into real dmg

EC14 = 290%*5=1450% per hit
EC15 = 300%*5=1500% per hit

both hit 9 Targets

Now we apply Rain Debuff to EC14
13050 dmg +35% = 17617 dmg

So we lose 450 dmg from dropping the skill by 1 but win 4500~ by getting rain and using it before.

When you hit a single target it would be
EC14= 1450 dmg
EC15= 1500 dmg

We apply Rain Debuff to EC14
1500dmg +35% = 2025 dmg

So we lose 50 dmg from dropping the skill by 1 but win 2000~ by getting rain and using it before.

While Rain itself does also a bit of dmg on fire mobs.

So if you want to go for either Rain/Prominence/Freezing Sphere your choice will usually be to either drop points of Electrocute or Hail. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to - what i like about this game.

I spent quite some time recording electocute damage on my level320+ wizard and I don’t think electrocute damage is calculated that way. From tests done on guardian spiders, it seems damage is calculated this way:

let n be the nth enemy hit(1 for 1st enemy hit)
m = int(matk/20.8^(n-1))
dmg = 5
m*spell%*min(1, log10((m/(mdef+1))^0.9+1))

4 damage lines for last enemy hit, followed by 5 lines for 2nd last, 6 lines for 3rd last, and so on

As for max number of targets hit, it didn’t seem to change from before the patch:
level targets
1 3
2 4
3 5
4 5
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 7
9 7
10 8
11 9
12 9
13 9
14 10
15 11

You can find an old example of electrocute by searching “hit count electrocute” online

Assuming the formula is correct and you are fighting against very low mdef mobs, EC14 deals 33014% while EC15 deals 37822% without other modifiers.

Yes, I’m having that problem too of running out of spells to cast, so might consider your suggestion on putting rain,sphere and promi to the rotation. Now, where do I get those points from? 1 point on elec, hail and meteor?

Electrocute hits 9 targets at level 14 and 15. At least that’s what the in game description says.

Still like a week left to test out, just do it!
I like Hail maxed.

Pretty sure electrocute 1 hits 3 targets, which is easier to check and also has a different value from the description (which says 2)

I pretty much stuck with what I was using before the rebalance, other than changing some wizard skills, and it’s worked out well.

Wizard: (Note that this was a reroll of an R8 character, it’d be hard to level wizard with this skill setup)
Lethargy 15 (got a boost from the rebalance)
Sleep 15 (still great CC)
Surespell 5 (for 100% uptime)
Quick Cast 5
Magic Missile 5

Hail 15
Electrocute 14
Rain 1
Meteor 10
Frost Cloud 5

Blood Sucking 10
Blood Bath 2
Bone Pointing 1
Ngadhundi 1
Kurdaitcha 1
Kundela Slash 5
Levitation 5
Blood Curse 5