Tree of Savior Forum

Inital observations of W3E3warlock2 after patch

Just some initial observations of what ive tested as the patch comes through,
Wiz3 - still pretty good, better than before actually.
Energy bolt - really good filler now, actually does an alright amount of dps with short cd and small knock back.
Sleep - still more or less the same.
Earthquake - not tested yet.
Lethargy - VERY good now, can essentially - 800matk/phyatk off mobs and players.
Reflect shield - not tested yet.
Surespell - longer duration makes it pretty good, no need to max it, 5 points is good enough for 45 duration.
QuickCast - removal of % dmg attribute actually didnt make too much of an impact, it kind of feels better to use now because of the 60 sec duration so no need to cast it every 20 secs or so.
Magic Missiles - addition of 1 more overheat, pretty good to use, nothing too OP.

Elementalist3 - very very strong now, most of the dmg skills are good to use now, dmg from fc isnt too much apart now from other skills
Electrocute - EXTREMELY strong now, damage is really high especially with the amount of targets u hit, and the extra dmg to frozen mobs is a bonus.
Stone curse - not tested yet.
Prominence - not tested yet.
Hail - really really strong, still kinda meh against mobs, but against bosses just melts them.
Meteor - the scaling on it makes this skill very powerful now, reaching very high amounts of damage in both pvp and pve.
Freezing Sphere - not tested yet.
Rain - not tested yet.
Frost cloud - nerfed duration from 10 seconds to 5 seconds, but buffed dps scaling abit, it still does good dmg but in a lesser amount of time now and other skills can complement it.

Warlock2 - Mastema is everything, almost.
Pole of agony - the changes to make this a targetable spell isnt here yet? still good damage to bosses and 1 of the 3 spells to max in warlock tree.
Mastema - this skill somehow got 1000% better, does an insane amount of damage and the 50% stats reduction to things hit actually does alot, definitely max it and get the DOT attribute, this is warlocks main dps skill now instead of DT previously.
Dark thuerge - not as strong anymore, it feels as if nothing happened to it after the patch so other skills took over it, with nothing else to max in warlock branch, might as well max lvl this as well.
Invocation - this skill is nerfed and cant spawn spirits when previous spirits kill mobs now, it basically doesnt do much now and isnt worth getting much points into.
Evil sacrifice - with innvocate nerf, this skill is even MORE useless.
Drain - not tested yet.
Ghastly Trail - not tested yet.

Comments: the elememe dream is actually still pretty good, i would argue that it is stronger currently than before. all ur skills are more or less stronger now and frostcloud isnt 90% of your damage anymore. Air units arent ur cancer anymore as they are weaker now and all ur skills that are able to hit air are super strong now. Mastema is love, Mastema is life.
Afterword: just some initial thoughts on this build, if there are any inquiries that people wana ask about it, feel free. also if there is any interest in seeing the dps for this build i might post vids on each skill and their dps on mobs/bosses.

[Edit] : after further testing, I have confirmed that dark thuerge is utterly garbage now and only 1 point into the skill should be taken if needed for earth tower gimmick. (f7)
Also whilst innvocate cannot make new spirits from the death of mobs hit by old spirits, it actually has a buff in damage now and does Alot of damage, making it worth to max over dt. this is helpful in mob heavy areas like ET


First off, thanks for the overview on the new changes, I have a couple of wizards I may go with that build or something that use one or another later on.

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Again, thanks for taking the time to post here your testing results.


The sad part is most skill attribute nerf to 0.5% for each level enhance… So need to learn till level 100 only get 50%

I just teste freezing sphere, I liked skill damage but I preffer spent points on energy bolt and save freezing points for meteor

I’d say DT is just as strong as before, but what you say about mastema is also true, it became a really powerful skill (140k first hit), so DT lost its shine.

I might test drain later, see if something happened.

From my observations, dt hits lesser times and deals significantly lesser dmg. With the same lvl of att and same weapon, i used to deal 4-5k x 7hits per spirit. Now it hits 2.5k for 15 times? (Skill description says 15 counts and it did feel like only 15).

Hail paired with Circling is phenomenal.
It’s like Frost Cloud with steroids, what’s even better is that it can hit flying monsters.

DT is nerf really bad. Even if you max it you still get mediocre damage. It is no longer worth keeping even at lv.1. Invocation on the other hand was change for the better and worst. It gives you that burst that you need instead of multi-hit at the expense off disappearing once it hits something.

Don’t bother with life drain at the moment. It is still bad and a worst synergy with DT since only remove 3.5s of its cooldown. Plus you get nothing from the buff. Evil sacrifice is situtational. It helps you command all the evil spirits (on dead mobs) after a big burst like meteor with invocation.

My DT pre patch could kill 1 mob in svalphingas and get another one low, now it kills 2 and gets another one low. You can’t just look at the skill damage and draw a conclusion from it.

Drain is still the same useless skill. Ghastly trail could be useful if it had way longer duration and you didn’t have to keep the hotkey pressed, as it actually boosts the spirits’ damage a bit.

is freezing sphere same like magic missle spamable?

It has like 0.1 seconds casting time. I like it.

I very much agree with the initial observation of the OP. I was a little apprehensive about the changes after the patch, as to how it will affect my gameplay. It has actually enhanced it. The ele skills are now very strong, and mastema with phantom is phenomenal. I have more viable spells at my disposal now. What’s more, prominence and freezing sphere both have decent damage for fillers.
Wiz spells are still useful too.

How does RC Sage compare to Wl2?

well many player take RC for the ice rune (by mistake) because it only work on freezing sphere.
Rune of destruction don’t seem bad but masterma it simply a 1 Spell Kill.
The only downside is the small aoe and the really small chance to get resit.
Rune of justice is kinda hard to place.
Giant you can’t use more than Wiz3/RC spell. And the bonus pass from 100% ­to 20%
Warlock is probably just better… Masterma is really worth it. (If you look for dps)

You probably forgot that mobs have less hp than before

Which is why I said don’t just look at the damage alone, it’s literally the 2nd part of what you quoted.

Prominence its nerfed now, you could argue that the AOE its better but the number of hits its too low to the point where im actually debating about getting electrocute or get prominence :confused:

get electrocute. it’s extremely strong atm

Is Meteor still a 1 point wonder?

guys what is the best skill distribution now for elementalist, surelly get hail electrocude and FC but which other skills ?