Tree of Savior Forum

Inital observations of W3E3warlock2 after patch

max meteor now, its more worth at higher ranks

everyone will have different builds for this depending on playstyle.

my current one is max electrocute,hail,frostcloud,meteor.
I’m ignoring prominence and stone curse/rain/freeze sphere because they don’t fit with my current skill combos and are too unreliable for me to use. Energy bolt and magic missles fit the filler spells quite nicely already

I like Freezing Sphere more than Meteor, half of the cooldown and bigger damage. Actually everyone should at least try one point in FS, the first level is already 355% ×2 with 3 OH that’s around 2100% every 30 sec for only one point with a really fast charge.

I will try one point in prominence too, in theory the damage would be decent.

I have been try that. So i feel magic missile is even better thab freezing sphere.

Can u share ele and wl skill build plz. About ele meteo if i max it i cant see the attribute that reduce casting time. If it good that ill leave hail elec for 14 and meteo for 9 for fill up 3 skill like fs rain and proc. And about wl if i plane to max pole and mastema i still have 10 point left what skill should i go on dt is bad but invo still give good damage but i dont know the fomula of its damage or spawn rate. Could anyone give me suggestion.

this is my current build atm
the new meteor already has built in change to 5 secs cast time, so you dont need to buy the attribute anymore.
You can choose to leave elec at 14 and meteor at 9 to get rain/fs if you want but i wouldn’t recommend it.
The reason i dont recommend it is that you already have 2 filler spells of magic missiles and energy bolt, it is better to max elec/meteor for the increased scaling, if you have too many spells you wont be able to use all of them efficiently.
if you want, you can get rain which is fine, but not fs if you are going for the elec/meteor/hail build with ebolt and mm

Can any1 confirm or deny if Higher lvl of Meteor makes the Area of Effect bigger?

In my case im going for FS becase is fast cast skill and i have just wiz2 linler, im betewn meteor and prominence, because prominence deal nice damge and is a fast cast skill, so i dont which choose betewn these 2.

ok I just tested ghastly trail , while a single spirit of invocation is hitting like 8~10k per hit when u use ghastly trail each hit increases for 14 to 20k =o pretty nice

Meteor’s cast time is halved now so they removed it’s level 10 attribute.
for elementalist’s skills you can max 2 skills either: hail, meteor and electrocute and get prominence to 1 for filler

Ghastly is suck cause of its duration. That is so short time. I had been used it before. It almost unusable.

i did my test with mobs at grynas hills. B4 patch i could kill at least 2 mob, now i can only bring it to 3/4 hp. I also went to svalphingas and test. It seems like the mobs their got their hp reduced by alot. However, there are mobs like brown tini magician became stronger and harder to kill.Overall, i feel tat DT as a single target spell is pretty weak in this patch.

DT feels weak now.
Pre-patch i did ~5k per hit, now it’s usually only 1.5~2.5k.

That, and the cooldown is way too high. in my opinion it’d need 10 seconds cd max.

Did u guys tried w2-link1-ele3-wl2?

Because how Quick cast dont give damage bonus anymore, 5 mobs in joint penalty seems good at first view. And considering only meteor and hail with big ( no that big) cast, I see QC as meh.

quick cast isnt about the cooldown, its about the cast time of the spells. meteor takes 5 secs to cast, with quick cast it becomes 2.5 secs.

as for linker, in this patch linker is nerfed with hit count on links so it isnt that good of an idea to take anymore, especially if you arent taking link3.

QC also helps the cast time of hail and electrocute. without it the cast times take really long. disrupting your skill rotations. i actually find qc better to use now after patch because you dont need to spam cast it every 10 secs now. it has a 60 sec duration.

How about stat i still get full int with 50-70 con do that still need in high lv map?

personally i think for high lvl maps, its easier to just kill them fast. the high lvl mobs are way squishier now and most of them die really easily, for me i would get my con to 100 just to have enough hp to survive any sticky situations and balance dps with survivability.
But in truth, you can even go for something like 50 con and rest into int if you want. it really depends on playstyle.

I went Full Con. Currently lv 250ish W3Ele3Wl1

Dmg only went down by a bit nd Surv went up a lot. Blocking really helps me from getting knocked down too

I mean Cast, sorry for use Cooldown - Already corrected

I’m currently trying Wiz1>Pyro1>Linker1>Ele3>WL2.
it’s a really interesting build, however sometimes getting Hail or Meteor interrupted gets annoying.
I’m thinking about changing Pyro1 to Wiz2 for Surecast as i find the Pyro1 skills not that useful (except Flare and Enchant Fire).

Linker 1 can be useful if you want to do some heavy burst. Linking up 5 enemies and then using Mastema on it is extremely powerful…