Tree of Savior Forum

First, my build is W3 / ELE3 (doubts after the patch)

Firstly, my build is W3 / ELE3 and I just got to C7 and I am in my choice of warlock, so I am reading a lot of information on how to continue from this point.

I wanted to be Sage but reading and investigating I see that Sage is not a class very specialized in damage, for which only Featherfoot and Warlock are left as options. I decided for Warlock to be among them the best in damage but I have tremendous doubts, since the information about this class after the patch is quite disseminated in the forum and I would like to ask you in this thread my doubts and so that others who want Find information more concentrated.

First, many recommend maximizing Pole of Agony and Mastema, and from here there is a great discussion about the rest of Warlock’s abilities. Then I would like to know what other options I have in the Warlock Skills Tree, which feels worthwhile and is fun of course.

For example I found this observation of a user named Mikumo in the forum of his first observations after the patch, I do not know if they are all valid to this day but I would like to share them with you and give me your opinion.

Source: Inital observations of W3E3warlock2 after patch

Warlock2 - Mastema is everything, almost.
Pole of agony - the changes to make this a targetable spell isnt here yet? Still good damage to bosses and 1 of the 3 spells to max in warlock tree.
Mastema - this skill somehow got 1000% better, does an insane amount of damage and the 50% stats reduction to things hit actually does alot, definitely max it and get the DOT attribute, this is warlocks main dps skill now instead of DT previously.
Dark thuerge - not as strong anymore, it feels as if nothing happened to it after the patch other skills took over it, with nothing else to max in warlock branch, might as well max lvl this as well.
Invocation - this skill is nerfed and can spawn spirits when previous spirits kill mobs now, it basically doesnt do much now and isnt worth getting much points into.
Evil sacrifice - with innvocate nerf, this skill is even MORE useless.
Drain - not tested yet.
Ghastly Trail - not tested yet.

I get the attention Invocation and Evil Sacrifice but everyone says they are pretty bad, are they? Some say a point in Invocation is enough, is it?

Pole of agony is targetable spell already. Mean you can cast from afar…


Mastema and pole of agony are the best among the skill available in warlock circle. Then you left with points for maxing another skill, or distributed into diff spells.
I used to have similar doubts like you, the choice come down to maxing DT or invocation. Let me explain how both spell works. DT as a spell is used as a buff, where u get a circling ghosts (5 ghost) around u like necromander bone shield in D2 and upon contact with enemy it explode dealing damage. U consider this as a single target spell with multihit (greatly benefit from blessing) as DT easily get consumed after damaging 1 or 2 mob and can easily imagine the best way to use DT is when you only wish to engage 1 to 2 mob per pull (high end R8 content?). While Invocation function like a land mine, upon casting invocation u gain a 60 sec buff and whenevr enermy is dead a ghost spawn on that location as land mine and detonate upon contact. Invocation is best use on multiple mob clump together and you usually use invocation better if u do a lot of mob gathering to aoe down.
So based on my description you should easily draw picture how often do you use Dark theurge and invocation. At least for me DT is far weaker than invocation due to my gameplay style like to run dungeons and gather a pack of mob for aoe when farming. DT is basically a low maintenance spell id call it as u cna use it as buff and forget abt it while invocation require positioning and right time to make it shine. Best way for invocation to work is to use pole of agony on a group of clumped mob then invocation spawn within the pillar of agony and explodes remaining monster within pillar. With proper strat, invocation is a far better spell than DT. And also DT is far less useful in dungeon as you don want to get near any mob especially if you are pure int or survival is an issue and there are far more opportunity to use invocation in dungeon as you have people gather mob as stack point to aoe them down.
However the impact in gameplay is far smaller in comparison to pole of agony and mastema so choose whatever u want. If u think u dont pull big group for aoe and do more smaller pull (1-2) mob at a time then DT benefit you more but then again i question your reason to play a ele3 if u want to go single target. Also pole of agony is already a targetable spell?? and i agree evil sacrifice is pretty bad

P/S: cast invocation before engage a giant elite and use pole of agony and mastema right after u engage the elite. watch pole of agony melt the small adds summon by elite then spawn bunch of invocation and melt the elite

ALso watch this video how invocation + evil sanctuary melt boss.

Mastema and Pole of Agony are everything. Mastema is always maxed out, while not everyone thinks Pole of Agony is worth getting level 10 (you still put points into it though).

Dark Theurge is worth 1 point for filler. Invocation isn’t as good as it was before, but it gives you a lot of extra damage when doing stuff with mobbing (like DPS check floors in earth tower), so I think it’s worth it to put points to level 7-8 for permanent uptime, and higher level invocation seems to make spirits hit harder.

Finally, ghastly trail increases damage for spirits following you, and it’s a good way to make the most use out of your spirits since you can direct them to another group of monsters after killing your first group. Not really mandatory but it’s a nice skill to have if you intend to use your character for farming/dungeon runs.

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Pole and Mastema is a “must skill” as these will be your “main” skills to be used for dps. Since DT doesn’t hit like a truck anymore, It has been replaced by Mastema.

I think people say Invocation is bad because it doesn’t spawn any souls which was killed by the soul itself. Invocation gives good damage,However, you do you have to manage your skills and rotation if you want to have those soul have to be present all the time.

Evil Sacrifice is more of utility. Some people such as me can live without it. So it’s more a preference thing.

Invocation actually very strong, but the problem also very obvious. It get destroyed easily with any hit. In dungeon 290, fire mage aoe will clean them very fast, archer also clean them fast, and the spear clean them well too.

Ghastly tail is buggy so cant rely it to manipulate your spirits. Sometime they will just fly off the map, like how boss sometime lost your position and walk to the wall.

If any cryo3 pull a big group of mobs, mastema with invocation does riduculous damage.

Nice reply guys, thnx alot. If someone can give me more info i will glad to read it.

aha I posted edits to my post some time ago, invocation > dt now. also pole is targetable now and has less cast time so its really good.

don’t get ghastly trail and drain, they are bugged/ not worth getting atm

basically max mastema, pole and you can get 9 points into invocation and 1 into dt for gimmicks

By the time, i think is good to put 1 point in Ghastly Tail even buggy and another 1 in DT.

Invocation 7-8 is optimal for 100% up time

I went DT 9 (so far) and I almost never use it. It’s not really good damage, you need to melee pass through monster and get some hits to deal its damage. On ET/DUNG/Party grind I never use it, unless everything else is on CD. Never tried the other skills.

Like everyone else said, mastema and PoA its a must.

I used to use DT before the nerfs, that skill was the best! now it’s so trash, just put 1 point in it, 1 in evil sacrifice, and 8 in invocation… the invocation skill is SO good! and it synergizes really well with the AOE aspect of W3>ELE3, in my opinion it’s a MUST.

When the other skills get fixed, then maybe we can change the build, but for now the optimal IMO is
10 points in Pole of Agony
10 points in Mastema
8 points in Invocation
1 point in Dart Theurge
1 point in Evil Sacrifice

That’s what I was leaning to as well. Since it lets you throw your DT spirits and lingering kills from chain lightning or mastema dot toward a boss or pack.