It’s all plain simple. Any protection from hack, bot, spam, etc. in this game simply doesnt exist. IMC thought they can leave without it using hilarious trade restrictions. I’ts just ridiculous.
And now game economy is entirely destroyed and locations flooded with bots. And game is not even open for everyone yet.
I think IMC is now in panic, because if they do not implement some kind of protection in the next month or two, game is doomed. And vipes and bans wont help without any protection from new hacks and bots. Damage is already done, and its so massive it cant be ignored.
Most of good ppl will leave game because as i sayd in another topic there are only 3 way out:
to drop more your morale here are some more info and proof, i wont play tos since staff say something serious, maybe never again.
18 Days things are like that and IMC didnt notice nothing?
1st only from 2 last SS i would say “ok im out TOS 4 ever”
2nd the only thinking that IMC controll sales and didnt notice and thing like that simply make me thing how much incompetent they are i wont trust them never again and never again play and if they open ufficially like that i will made a information campain to maker all ppl know and dont waist their money in a ruined game like that!!!
game already doomed 18 days of this bug without do NOTHING NOTHING and dont notice this is DOOM, and im agree IMC now is totally in panic, just fuel and fire and Wipe…
short easy clean open again in 1 month or 2 and fix ALL
why do you keep making up statistics? You have no idea what your talking about, how do you know 10%? Your just saying random ■■■■. 75% of the player base could leave, or zero could leave, who knows? Does IMC want to gamble on that?
are you an idiot, they cant stop bots. they cant stop another exploit, they cant stop RMT, IN ONE MONTH GAME WILL BE THE SAME AGAIN, THEN WIPE AGAIN?
Ok, this proves he is just trying to troll everyone. See that pic with all the money in it he just posted? That was from a bug in last CBT. Here is where he got the pic from.
[quote=“tidus, post:27, topic:195360, full:true”]
Most of good ppl will leave game because as i sayd in another topic there are only 3 way out[/quote]
It’s cute how much weight you think your word has.
This exploit needs fixing, yes. As will the next one that inevitably happens. This whole thread however is just provocateurs with power trip delusions trying to fuel a fire.
I don’t really understand you folks, if you hate it then quit. I did pay some dime on this but if its not suiting me even with all the hype I’ll quit. ToS will be just another game in the failed production list.
Things like that happen. But the reason that you guys are here arguing means this is really a good game. So to top it all up, as long as people are awaiting changes IMC will its best to fix things.
Just be patient
In addition to that, new games are coming out like every year ToS is in a tight position and definitely also worried of failing this game and losing large sum of money. I think that’s enough guarantee they will fix it.
That screen was in ufficial gm Announciament Hot Link O.o
Who the hell cares? It would only be a portion of the early access users.
If the game is in this state, the incoming F2P players will not come or leave because the game’s economy is in a doomed state.
F2P players are definitely more than the early access ones, IMC already grabbed early access cash so they should focus on wipping and making the game good for the F2P with fresh money.
ok i have suggest solutions did you? how can IMC discover players main account and not ghost ones? if they cant im not intrested in this game anymore.
any suggestion dear? enlight us please!
Its funny how we cant trade and this pops up.
remember we’re already linked to steam. This is now a steam matter, knowing volvo they have their ways.
sorry but i dont get what you mean! explain me please because this is the point in the end, if they can proof ban not only ghost but main too wipe is not needed
This image was a visual bug from the older beta tests, It’s been around way longer than most people seem to care, look at the image properly - specifically where it says iCOIN, and then Remove this image. Seriously, get out.

It’s not hard to track transactions from and to flagged accounts. This is extremely common in MMOs. Money leaving an account and going to another doesn’t launder it and render it untrackable.
This is in addition to steam and other ways there are to link accounts and sales to one another. Saying “they can’t do it” when every other company can and has done it holds no water.
steam accounts uses VAC, and i don’t really know how it really works but they can actually have logs about every account created under steam
Man read post before, for error i have take picture from this post:
i have take this in the hot link session, thinking was from the actual bug
THIS IS NOT A TROLL !! (verfy it your selfs)
u’re right but they can’t ban sincer there is no proof of any abuse from main account.
i set a common item stack at high single price one stupid player buy it, should i have be banned? what i did? nothing?
IMC wont ban any of main account that’s the point…
People spreading misinformation. You beat me to the post but I can’t believe people are being so foolish.
@tidus Please just… stop. You’re so wrong on so many levels.