Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

This will be the most delicate moment IMC has faced so far in the TOS, to continue and there is no communication on ban of who is practicing these acts many players will leave! And the biggest problem is in Silute server, which has the largest population!

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Silute doesn’t have the biggest population also silute players just admitted how to do the bug. Every server is doing this ■■■■.

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Why would they ddos when you can crash the game from inside? :joy:


im also going to go out on a limb and say that w/e skill druid is doing to do stuff like this is probably how they are crashing the channel

and no this isn’t me its some guy from here that i happened to remember

HAHAHA Even hackers got destroyed by IMC, “We worked hard to ddos the server, and you just give everyone the power to crash the server? Fck dis you can have your peace”

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take my like :+1:
:hand_splayed: (HiFive)

I know its stronger, but that don’t achieve alot except for epeen.

In PvP it’s rarely about your equipment, but more about your control (arguably players with good control and crazy equipment will defeat everyone, but that’s a really rare case).

In Wb its more about you finding the boss first.

In ET, its still more about the strategy and teamwork than the equipment. Yeah, the extra 15% (most of us is at 1.5k matk in ET) will definitely help, but not like you can’t clear it without that equipment.

@IMCisGreedy eh how come you are linking a pic from our dear Wingzard? That’s the pic when he is trying to solo an item awakening dungeon as a linker3alchemist2.

What has it got to do with crashing the channel?? O.o

Btw… HAIL WINGZARD! @exillion

@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @hkkim @GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis, well let’s work IMC ^^

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I must be a minority because i dont mind a wipe after major bugfixes, granted we get all our spent TP back.


im not saying hes doing it but look at how many mobs are on the screen there

the channel can only handle 100 people

what he is doing for fun is what other people could be using to crash channels

same with capture

i am a rogue sapper myself and know how dangerous infinistack can be

lol, it wasn’t a druid skill, it was an exaggeration on what you can say for the caption of the pic at that moment.

But the actual is different.

Enter awakening dungeon and mobs spawns per wave. Instead of killing it, I just piled them up (killing them or not, next wave will spawn in a fixed interval eventually) until the boss shows up while i’m hiding in the corner.


Screenshot time.


ah i see

how is druid crashing channels then?

capture i get but druid i dont know much about

@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @hkkim @GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis

Please reply even just with your copy paste tradition just to make us players know that you have seen this post

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Hmmm, i dunno about that XD

When i mentioned about Druid, it was about the first screenshot i posted not that one.

the druid turns into a specific monster with a specific skill , and when it starts to charge the skill, simply crash the channel.

Can’t really see the connection there though. Item dungeon is a dungeon by itself and uses the same channel count like the rest of the missions/dungeons. (Yes it is affected by dungeon channel limit too).

I have a sapper rogue too and I understand the piling up stacks. I think it isn’t the broomstick infinistack that kills the channel, it is more of a combination of other capture-able skills in which the rogue throws out which crashes the channel.

wow thats a really large oversight lmao