Tree of Savior Forum

Infinite party members, unbreakable weapon upgrades, druid transform crashing channels, etc etc

I lost my hope a time ago, but, tbh i will just keep playing without any hope. I enjoy the game, maybe someday IMC will notice that i’m not the only one and will try to fix the ■■■■… now i really don’t care anymore

Original Image already sent to IMC Support page and Ban These Players

Sorry Guys , 2 Team names involved.

I might check out later once the maintenance is lifted, I’ve been thoroughly searching some groups and it seems no one has mentioned the exploit that’s why I was skeptic, nevertheless I’ll try to figure something out.

Do they also have this at kTOS?

Yes, where do you think people learned this?

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this is just neglect of an already existing bug from imc

maybe imc should have just fixed capture which has been broken since

day 1

i always knew it was the most broken combo
can your silly little ice wall monk laser crash channels? nooooo
get on rogue level

still pointless to get more than 1 point, and is so stackable it crashes channels i guess? lmfao


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Bad Timing to make those bug public… =/

So you wrote about those bugs in public cause you hate to see them being used and want them to be fixed as fast as possible. but you forgot 1 thing. Right now IMC isn’t fixing any bugs at all cause they focus on merging the Code with ktos.(like you can see in the last and the current game maintenence) Imc will propperly only work on those bugs when the merge is finished(if they still exists in there)

What you did now was to tell more people how to exploit those bugs and many more will use them till they are fixed.Which might even take months.
In my Opinion you should have waited with this AFTER the merge then you would see some results…

exactly, that level 1 capture that captures more than 1 magic circle as explained by the skill description is definitely broken.

This bug honestly makes players think twice whether if they should continue on playing the game.

Those that have spent several hundred hours on the game legitly playing the game may have felt those hours are wasted cause of this bug.

Once again with the lack of communication from IMC, I’m guessing its not long till everyone quits leaving the exploiters and botters as the only players in the game.


lol no one wants exploit this is a community that wants a clean / fair game, maybe you just knew this bug and your excited to reproduce it , if you dont love your account do so!

wtf if this takes months to be fixed this game really deserves to die


I am happy to hear of this bug now, because finding out about it later after spending thousands of hours for a game will make me kill myself XD

This will be the most delicate moment IMC has faced so far in the TOS, to continue and there is no communication on ban of who is practicing these acts many players will leave! And the biggest problem is in Silute server, which has the largest population!

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Silute doesn’t have the biggest population also silute players just admitted how to do the bug. Every server is doing this ■■■■.

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Why would they ddos when you can crash the game from inside? :joy:


im also going to go out on a limb and say that w/e skill druid is doing to do stuff like this is probably how they are crashing the channel

and no this isn’t me its some guy from here that i happened to remember

HAHAHA Even hackers got destroyed by IMC, “We worked hard to ddos the server, and you just give everyone the power to crash the server? Fck dis you can have your peace”

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