Tree of Savior Forum

In what way/order do lethargy and frozen status stack to boost strike damage?

It’s been bugging me for a while so any replies would be greatly welcome. So enemies with lethargy debuff take 50% more damage from strike skills, and enemies with frozen status also take more damage from strike skills (also 50%? not sure.) So say you land both lethargy and frozen and use a strike skill for 10,000 damage, would the result be [10,000+50%+50%=22,500] or would it be [10,000+(50%+50%)=20,000]? Basically how do they stack together? Edit: bonus points for anyone who can also tell me how / in what order the double damage against shrunken enemies while having swell left arm active and attributed would stack alongside lethargy and freeze.

it never have +strike bonus on frozen unit.

if u ask about Enchant Lighting (fist attack) + Strike skills ,it will be Dmgx1.5x1.5

pretty sure frozen enemies do take increased damage from strike attacks.

Time to test, omw


On kugheri Zabbi, 353 patk

Staff hit. Total damage: 51
Staff hit on frozen target: 69
Staff hit on lethargy target: 74
Staff hit on a target frozen with lethargy debuff: 94

For some reason i cannot upload screenshots in the forums right now, so no proof, you can trust me or not.

Edit 2: Just tested how frost pillar interacts on the “frozen effect” on bosses.
Frost pillar makes bosses be considered frozen which also interacts with Electrocute’s attribute btw.

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ArenaWaifu this is perfect thankyou :). can i ask what your min/max attack values are? unless it’s a static 353 patk then it’s gonna be throwing it off a little. the damage vs frozen alone should be +50%, so seems like you hit high (max atk) hit with the default and then hit a low (min) hit against the frozen? edit: i really appreciate your time in testing this. it would appear it’s additive; [damage+(50%+50%)=].

It’s 353 mix and max, It’s my Cryo3Ele3 and damage done by the staff hit was constant on both frozen and lethargied targets for more than 20 hits. Looks like it’s not exactly 50%. I tried with Bosses on cyrstal mines too and lethargy gives slightly more

interesting. maybe it’s 40% vs frozen? again tho, thanks for the info :slight_smile:

Damage for staff hot seems odd, are you sure it isn’t 49? Calculations give 49.65 -> 49, and this would fit frozen +40% and lethargy +50% perfectly

When playing my cryo chrono, whenever there is an elementalist in the party, I always cast frost pillar (for the frozen effect) and an icewall alongside the boss (for increasing hits of electrocute on first target). But people never get this, and the combo is wasted. Sad

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Yeah the combo is so good I just one shotted crystal mines stone whale (1,5M hp) with the combo alone, on 5,6k MATK base + 80% from chapparition.

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can confirm the 40% bonus, figured it out ages ago. mage autoattacks with a rod/staff/mace (but not sword! or dagger!) get this bonus dmg from freeze, and lethargy doesn’t for god knows why. staf “c” atk gets both, but… its so weak… (powerstaff bonus dmg is seperate)

does electrocute really still work this way? I had the impression it was a fixed number of hits per target now… and I know in mayit got weaker with every bounce… (2, 3rd targets take less)

Summon attack ( with strike damage) has a great synergy for lethargy.

Second and third bouce on same target deal same damage as first bounce.

ehh, I tried electrocute a couple of times in may… bouncing from fireball as the first target was always doing a bit less damage… I recall a pretty reliable value of 80% dmg for the 2nd hit.
and that’s when I lost all hope for elementalist…

if it works as you say, being able to multihit bosses through bouncing, then wiz3 ele3 rune necro would have a nice combo of using an electrocuting tazer on that dirty pole. ouch.

You hit more times per bounce when it bounces on more targets, but it won’t bounce again to the same target. And all subsequent bounce do less damage than the previous one per hit.
If I remember correctly, it would do 1 additional hit per additional target hitted before patch. But right now, with a rough test, I think it is 1 additional hit per 2 additional targets.
So it is a skill that hit hard on first and second targets, but won’t do much on subsequent ones. Also, it doesn’t do much if used on few targets. Testing it on 2 targets, I got 5 hits in the first one, and 4 in the second (with less damage than the first one). But when increasing, got more than 5 hits in the first monster.
Gotta record a movie with many monsters and frame count the hits to be sure how it works now, but just when I have some spare time

Electrocute tested during rank reset week

Data in google sheet under electrocute

iirc its really really random and i didnt really went in-dept on it. I kinda build an ele3 build around the frozen concept during the reset event

gotta love ice-wall electrocute with 2 overheats but its still weaker than hail/fc.

Yeah the reduction in dmg from n number of mobs hit really sucks :frowning:

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So it is one additional hit per target with 3 or more targets, in a way that always the last one to be hitted will get 4 hits. But does it works the same after the 2OH patch?

I tried something similar during the reset event, but didn’t feel like it was worth to build around just this combo. The usual elememe worked better for me.

I think this is a combo meant to be used with 2 players, rather than just build a cryo ele so you can do it by yourself.

No idea. I had reset my character. Last character slot left open in case character deleting has drawbacks or restrictions