Tree of Savior Forum

In what way/order do lethargy and frozen status stack to boost strike damage?

Yeah this was designed for teamplay for my ET team. This build function more of a hybrid support for the frost pillar with decent AOE synergies thrown in. If only we can get the frozen debuff on bosses, it would be strong.

Hmmmm, honestly i didnt know about this till i seen your posts. I shall take it into observation ! pretty cool stuff to know though. I have always thought it was really random

I forgot yesterday I made a video. I don’t think Hail + Frost cloud does more damage, they are really equaled, most likely cuz i am cryo3 and I get +50% more damage from lightning from attributes over the +100% from electrocute.
5,6k MATK and using 80% chappa. +11 stage3 weapon, not that much.


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for mobs yes, as they get frozen. Bosses on the other hand wont benefit from either attribute from cyro/ele passives as they require the target to be frozen. Let me experiment when i get home, thanks for the video showcase!
I never had electrocute above those values shown in your video and i have higher magic atk than you. Attribute wise , mine
is at lvl70. can you do a similar video on 290 red boss ? :slight_smile: thanks in advance!

Frost Pillar makes all enemies appear frozen, even without a debuff, my normal electrocute damage with no tree nor rain nor anytihng is around 70k, from double damage electrocute it would be only 140k per hit, then rain and cryo attribute push it up to 230k.

That’s the same reason bosses under frost pillar also take increased strike damage, they are considered frozen, even not debuffed.

If the attributes weren’t taken into account, with my current magic atk, and my electrocute scaling [65% enhance so 400% per hit], i would be doing 40k, not 228k per hit.

For 290 red boss you don’t even need rain, tree is enough.

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I have been playing this toon for so long and i didn’t discover this . I have only tried it with ice wall so far

you deserve a medal :slight_smile:
I shall fry some lavenzard tonight !

its best, its good, my frend lectrocute combo icewall can melt boss easy


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this combo is so good, also good with monk or murmil in party :heart_eyes:

So it stays the same, hm. Nice video!

Also, ice wall can be used on pvp to extend electrocute’s range, so you won’t have to come too closer of your target, right? But since it won’t be your first target, I imagine it can’t do much damage. How well does this play?

Also, I have no idea on how Enchant Lightining from enchanter works. Can it stack up with electrocute, or only auto attacks are affected?

I don’t PvP much so can’t really say anything.

Enchant lightning simply adds both lightning property attack and makes physical attacks lightning element Enemies under frost pillar with cryo having attribute shall take increased damage from enchanted lightning attacks.

Lvl15 ice wall allows you to blink mid , and snipe the opponent team at the opposite end . However this is not recommended with the increase usage of r7/Kabbalist . The range can be extended via dead pets as well . It helps a lot in catching people who likes to run around

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