Tree of Savior Forum

IMC's Journey with [Poison]

Biteregina is the People’s Card! :satisfaction:

Do you hear the Saviour sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of the players
who won’t be metaslaves again
when the ticking of your card
echoes the beating of the drums
there is a life about to start
when tomorrow comes!

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the HP-sponge
is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
that will give you the right to be free!

Do you hear the Saviour sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of the players
who won’t be metaslaves again
when the ticking of your card
echoes the beating of the drums
there is a life about to start
when tomorrow comes!

Will you give all you can give
so that our pleading may advance?
Some will fall and some will live.
Will you stand up and take your chance?
Bitereginas poison will stop all the meta at once!

Do you hear the Saviour sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of the players
who won’t be metaslaves again
when the ticking of your card
echoes the beating of the drums
there is a life about to start
when tomorrow comes!


i cant stop singing this… i hate you XD

this is actually good stuff.


Now someone talented please actually sing it on some funny montage

Biteregina’s are fixed now.


So it doesn’t scales with poisoned enemy hp?

Correct. It scales (very lowly) from the characters STR.

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Yep, just tested it, it doesnt matter the enemy HP…

No for the whole STR formule… no idea… But at least i can say that the enemy can reduce that dmg, just tested a few mobs and got diferent numbers (1.4k to 1.6k to norbeer forest mobs with a BM full dex :V)

without biter card now i predict if u are soloing the boss with 1 party its gonna take 3 hour and more even if your party have 2 trans 10 +21 weapon unless they are shino doppel of course

Or if you actually invested in a proper line up and Dps. Still doable. It will definitely take a longer time

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That’s really optimistic and funny, my server just had a Helga this morning and it died just now at 3:43am server time.

Took about 10+ hours, with numerous top-geared parties come and go

At the end after hours of DC/VGA most people who did get something got some mineral and pieces after staying there 3-4 hours. Some got nothing because WB in general is just buggy as fk.

Regardless of whether bite card is truly a “bug”, I think everyone who complains on this post about the one thing that keeps doing WB under 3 hours deserve this. I hope most bosses that spawn on your server are either a Rexi or a Helga and you get nothing but minerals.

The end.

yeap thats me. Only 1 emg shield and minerals

I was just making a post about poison in general. Nothing personal here.
It would be nice if wugu and Druid 3 benefit from being [Poison] too. Its just not consistent for IMC to treat poison differently; something you fail to see from my post.

At the time of my post, Ktos had already fixed the card with the 100k nerf. It was something that was bound to happen. I don’t understand why you would bear personal grudge on people who think the card is imbalanced or me as the OP. :thinking:

Question is , is this mechanic relevant if it out weighs actual button mashing and character investment?
777k from pressing a scroll, or 777k from investing in actual dps line up + investment.

I merely open this thread to inform players on how [Poison] was treated in this game and hopefully gather responses on how the future of poison should be.

Thank you, and have a great day.


IMO bleeding should scale from STR, Schock from INT, and Poison from Dex… Also boost the ticks by like 200% and am happy :smiley:

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Biteregina’s card was a bug and may not be the solution for these Boss.
The solution will be for players to become stronger or rewards better at attracting more people to the Boss.
Or the IMC nerf the Bosses … the IMC nerfed Diev and Bokor immunity and buffed the Boss.
Now no one wants to waste time on it. Too much work for little reward.

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Was it really?

You think +21 trans 10 deal less than bit card itself, and bit cards investment is 0 investment and them getting a slice of the cake is unfair.

You think people aren’t investing into a proper “dps” lineup, when there isn’t really a proper dps lineup other than weapon/gears stacking. Everyone wants to have good dps and survivability, but this game really doesn’t allow people to do that without dumping billions of silvers, I’m not going into that on this post.

That’s the message I’m getting out from this post if you wonder why I think this way. Perhaps you were actually neutral on this??? But my comments stay.

4-10 hours for a piece of stone? Ya the players deserve it, they didn’t invest into a proper dps lineup right?

It was a bug, but iTOS doesn’t have the playerbase and hardcore equipment mentality like Korea to bring the bosses down faster. Also, why do some Classes have defence ignore/defence reduction and some don’t?
Why is magic still so ■■■■■■ since there are only a handful of skills that reduce magic defence while physical defence reduction is much more prominent?

I also don’t see any need for block penetration against these bosses, where is the counter mechanic that’s supposed to balance crit boost?

All in all it’s back to sponging, showcasing IMCs gloriously bad balance in all its grandeur.
I gave up on hunting Demon Lords altogether with the patch yesterday.

Hunting 1-2 hours per boss on Fedimian was already tedious and crappy, but now it’s no longer worth my time.
If I spend that time farming, I can get to greater heights since I need to save up attribute points for the upcoming Cleric Revamp.
And although I might get a card one day, the days I have to spend just for a single card are not worth the lousy effects of the Legendary cards, which are then locked behind a tedious and unrewarding upgrading system.

In RO you had full effects when the MVP dropped the card.

Here you need to farm&slave more and more since the initial effect just sucks and you have to get cards&buy items that cost 1m each to upgrade the legendary card.

That’s just not worth my time, and it goes beyond hardcore. I rather do something else with my time that actually rewards me in real life, not something that makes me want to quit after x iterations.


It’ll be too late when IMC realizes (will they?) they did wrong with nerfing so many skills when the only problem was Biteregina and Shinobi critical damage bug.

You can’t cancel bosses attack with Headbutt or Cavalry Charge.
You can’t apply Malleus debuff on bosses.
Melstis interaction with immunity buffs was removed.
World Bosses have way too much HP and way too much dmg reduction.
People only fought world bosses because bugs and overpowered stuff made it possible to kill them in less than two hours or even in less than one hour.

So why bother now? Why would anyone spend more than 4 hours hitting a HP sponge while burning pots, silver and orb crystals? Only to get frustrated with what comes out of the cube?