Tree of Savior Forum

IMCgames, please reconsider the selection method for the beta

Except that this is very much a terrible idea - I’ve been consistently keeping on top of announcements relating to ToS for more than a year, and have been using this forum since it was opened, but some stupid bug decided that my account no longer existed and I had to register again, choosing this time to use facebook instead. Your suggestion would mean that I would automatically be invalidated from selection, despite being not only dedicated just as much as the rest of you, but also a veteran tester right back to kRO alpha. If you’re going to be making suggestions for change to the process, at the very least put some proper thought behind them, please. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s had account issues, given the notable lack of reliability in the forum system chosen here lol.


Same here. I had to create a new account using my Google+ since there was an error on my Facebook. I hope this doesn’t mislead people thinking we are creating multiple accounts just to have a higher chance of getting a beta key.

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People who made an actual contribution have already gotten their beta keys, you think your glib discussion means you like the game more? I’m sure posts like “OMG TOS IS THE POLAR OPPOSITE OF RO!!” And “lol I imma be a beater like kirito <333 =(^•^)=” are great indictors of how people will properly participate in the beta.
Look at how many people in this thread alone have mentioned that they’ve been following all along without the need to register, hell the reason I held back was to avoid calling out all the ■■■■ posts that get made here ( like most mmo community forums)

The best part is at least that IMC would definitely be aware that those who registered pre announcement haven’t necessarily been waiting the longest. It’d be nice if they posted the website traffic chart of the last month, cause I can garuntee you the 2.8k vocal members would be a pretty small chunk of it.


They’ve already reserved 3 Keys for the contributors of the translation project.

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I’m one of them. I don’t trust G+ and I don’t have a FB account. After the CBT announcement I was forced to go the G+ route.

Oh well, I’ll switch to STEAM on release.

I hope they find a way to decrease the fake accounts to give more chance to people who really want to Test the game.
Upon reading all the posts all I can say is GOOD LUCK! to all of us.

You’re absolutely right!

im sure imc already aniticipated this kind of issue with account privacy setting, at least chiil out guys… 2 days more before the key party start…!! Good luck! :joy:

someone takes me a doubt , and just press on with Google + or Facebook or steam , is already running for key anyone knows report

:cry: :cry: :open_mouth:

They could give beta keys for those who registered here before the announcement of the English CBT and then give the remaining keys for, well, the others.

lol. im also at the gamble here… i like the game more but that dosnt make me or anyone more suitable for the beta test nor did i post those kind of things(i just comment randomly) @_@"

there are actualy good threads here that actually points out ToS’s problems and what not. they have been following the forums… thats good… but its their fault not registering earlier and im just sudjesting its better for active participators in the forum to get pick for beta test… not to give them the advantage of having a better chance to get beta keys =V im actualy in the same boat as everybody els here u know =_="

I know you’re in the same boat, I’m saying that’s the way it should be.
Also if you’re saying keys should be given on a first come first served basis how is that not an advantage?

my point was not on 1st come 1st serve basis XD

my point was those people from official the forum and fan site alike that had micro contributions (that actually contributed) to game might be the best suited for a beta test not necessarily giving them the advantage to beta key =3=" (we already know the main macro a.k.a big contributers have their beta keys).

oh yeah btw… IMC staffs here are collecting data even just a small spec from the fans =3="

I’ve been following the game since end of 2013. I read all the devblogs, watched all the videos, answered the questionnaires. However, this is the first time I logged in to the official site as quite frankly, there wasn’t much reason to do it before. Most of the speculation happened on other forums and translations of news were up faster elsewhere in any case. Apparently this makes me a worse fan and less qualified for a key than someone who has been posting here 24/7 for past few months, making RO comparisions all the way along.

Throwing a tantrum because you feel that you are entitled to a beta key just because… you like the game? makes you look really immature. Not everyone is going to get into the first beta. People who have actually contributed are getting rewarded, that is the translators. Rest are there to serve the devs. I hope they prioritize people from wide area to test playability over range of latencies, take a lot of native English speakers to point out silly TL mistakes etc. instead of checking who posted on the forums 24/7. If it means I don’t get in, then so be it. Your life isn’t going to be over if you don’t get in, and throwing some silly ultimatum about not getting prioritized because of your forum presence (which did exactly what for the devs?) makes you just look like a kid. We all know you are going to be here for the next beta anyway.


I think it’s fair…sad that I will not receive key. :frowning:

I think their method is fair.

Imagine if they distribute the keys normally, like other games.

People would probably register 10 e-mails to get a key. Keep 1 key, sell the other 9.

People should remember, the purpose of Closed Beta is to TEST, that is why it is called Closed Beta Test. I think people here are misunderstanding that, and they’d just want to profit.

And like i said, IMC games probably expect only half of the 2,500 to actually play. And even if the 5,000 players do actually play the game, probably not even close to 1,000 would bother reporting bugs or issues.

Which is sad. Sadder than not getting a key.


yeah, i agree as well, i really wish to get into the beta :joy:

Have you considered that accounts on the forum created from duplicate IP’s will be ignored?

I agree with this system but people like me were following news on the website without be connected, I just login today ^^