Tree of Savior Forum

IMCgames, please reconsider the selection method for the beta

Seeing so many people being interested in beta makes me a little nervous… Hehe… Not saying it’s a bad thing that community is getting bigger… In fact, i really like huge communities in mmorpgs… But i guess i have too much free time on my hands cos i’m not working and am wishing really hard i can get a key (though i probably wont get it seeing as my luck at random draws really suck =X) I can feel my own desperation… lol…

I would also hate to see empty keys being wasted too… But no matter what, i’ll be accepting of any outcome as i think they will do their best in selection… And ofc, it’s also out of our control… =P

Lucky dust on all of us! =)


I hope i can get to play this, please dont be jerk and make fake accounts for ur guarantee place, think about others as well :v

Good luck to everyone trying to participate in the beta!

I’m not really an active forum user here for Tree of Savior, but I’ve been following this game’s English Version’s arrival for a long time. I hope I can finally be able to try this game! Beta Key Distributing RNG Gods please be on my side! :slight_smile:

Just a quick question.
Is the “forum page” account the same one from the “home page” (or other’s page) account?
For me they seen to be different as the one I get whenever I login the home page doesn’t have the same Icon or Name from the one I use here in the forum.
If they are different, which one is elegible to obtain a key?

ah… good question…i didnt notice this…i logged in forum but i didnt log in the main page! ok now im logged in :confused:

I mean, the beta is a week long and can easily be extended. Additionally, as IMC said and a few others have pointed out, there might be additional keys released via fansites. Returning to the first point, if the unique login count for the first few days is something significantly below 5000 (hinting towards the outcome that many keys were “wasted” via extra ticket accounts), IMC could release another wave and add a couple days to the beta.

Point is, everyone is freaking out when IMC probably already has a plan ready. There’s no way they don’t know what’s going on.

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It would be more easier if the selection was made based on the steam account.

with accounts that have at least 1 game bought, it is necessary to have friends and other functions. Or select according to IP.

I liked to see how the Steam will suport that game.

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I’m just a newcomer, but it doesn’t matter. You’re not getting any attention this way OP. Have a bit of faith and be less addicted to the game.

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we all want a key :slight_smile:

let’s pray my friend but i think they should give a key for translator it’ll be fair

I can’t login using my Facebook account because there was an app error and that made me register a new account using my Google+. Doing so doesn’t mean I’m trying to create multiple accounts just for the sake of higher chances of getting a beta key, right?. Well, I think everybody should get a fair chance in trying out this game as much as everyone would like to be in it. Leave it to IMCGames to settle the matter as they please. Besides, this is still in beta and all accounts will be wiped out after.

I agree. There must be a fairer way to select people…

Well, it’s a closed beta.
All they should care about is that the users who got in will test the game give feedback thoroughly, whether it’s fake account or not =D

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, why not focus on the positive. Our community can finally help beta test and work with the ToS in getting us a more polished game that we can all play together. I agree there are some shady people out there and they will do whatever it takes to make a profit. Lets move past that and all agree on that those of us who are randomly chosen, work together and focus on the game. After all, isn’t that the true purpose of this beta test.

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Or those that who have been active in the forum, replying to topics and engaging the community.

Good idea. Thumbs up! :yum:

Like it’s been mentioned before, it’s not fair because many of us were following news regarding the game but didn’t create an account since it wasn’t needed until now.

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that’s right, everyone has a equal chance to get one of the 5000 keys, so, it’s unfair get more than one key, I agreed, but everyone other possiblities will have to count in the final drawing!