Tree of Savior Forum

IMCgames, please reconsider the selection method for the beta

I agree with you that people here shouldn’t think they deserve a key more than someone who just registred today. Everybody should have the same chance, except if they did something for the contribution of the game, such as people on Github.

But please don’t be aggressive, you don’t need to insult people here. Let’s keep this community friendly :blush:

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I posted this in another thread, in case someone feels the need to point it out.

Basically I disagree with active forum users being selected first, and here is why.
95% of the posts here don’t even contribute to the game, it’s just pointless banter.

There is an echo chamber tendency here where people repeat “oh yes, we forum users should be prioritized” and pat themselves on their backs.
But in fact you aren’t any better from anyone else wanting to get in. You want to get in, everyone wants to, but can you contribute to the testing, and bugtesting better than people who create multiple accounts? Maybe you can, maybe you can’t, but one thing for sure, those guys are actually working hard to get in, while you guys are here crying and stomping your feet.

Anyway, If people make multiple accounts, and get multiple keys, they’ll obviously share them. They are simply ensuring that they do get in themselves. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, stop being sore losers.


Don’t get me wrong, I understand your concern and mostly aggre with you and wish for a fair system that could stop the multiple accounts issue.

I was just replying to all thoses comments like “don"t choose anyone but me”



Personally, I dont think anyone here holding their picket signs have ever actually had to wait for anything, or know what’s important to hang on to or what is ok to let go.

This is one of those “let it go things”: You don’t get picked, grow a pair and play something else while you wait for the game to release open. “Fake” account holders (you know, the ones that were being made over the last few months and logged in anyway?) cant sell their ‘fake’ access keys (making it pointless…) and they only get 7 days to play, so it doesn’t even make sense to whine about them.


Waste of air. And it’s too hot to wasting that precious face water over a week of game play…


I’m right along with Duero
I wanted to use my fricking STEAM LOGIN and it’s not ready yet :rage: …I made my account maybe 4 weeks ago using G+, which is being sponged (for those that hadn’t heard…) into something else and who knows if it works properly after that. And se to use FB as a login as they’re security SUCKS and they already have a big target on their back. back.

Willing to be those “hundreds of new account” are Steam hold outs…


Forgive them or at least ignore them… as a human, empathize on the fact that everybody wants to join the beta and externalize their envy on the forum. Nobody harms anyone, everybody wants the same but communicates it differently, no need to react :blush:

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Having a raffle ,in itself, wasn’t a bad idea. RNG is fair for everyone involved…as long that those people can’t cheat the system.
And that’s the issue with the system used. The last date allowed for partecipation should have been prior to the date of the announcement, instead of putting it some days after it. In doing so, they gave a way for unscrupulous people to cheat the system by making a lot of accounts.
I understand why they did it - they were able to get some publicity in doing so, since people that don’t know the game are incentivized to register to the site and discover about the game. But i can’t say i like the consequences, at all.

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Im here since day one and i don’t think we should just get the keys for the time, maybe the 2.5k for old and 2.5k for new accounts its a good idea, but multiple accounts are a thing in almost any known closed beta. For what i understand they’ll probably gives keys to fansites or news pages so you should also check those after 31

Some of these replies are people who indeed register with multiple accounts and trying to justify it lol.This is my last message for this thread because were getting nowhere wtv happens happens but I will read people comments on this matter.

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I guess this means I should not be allowed to participate in the beta =(. That sucks.

I personally dont care if newer people get in, or people who have been here since day one do. I just want the people that do get in, to actually test the game, and submit bug reports/give feedback, instead of trying to play the game like its just been released.

If anything, the only people who deserved a beta key are the people who put in the work at Github working on translations, and I am truly happy for them aswell as hope that they apply the effort they used in translations, into bug reports and game feedback.


I agree, I just hope when its out, they let me change, without reseting my account -.-

@yoshidude you sire, you just have the best avatar I think

I came to post what you already posted in.

I have been here for a while and I think the seletion method is perfect!

I know maybe I won’t get one, but at least I am being considered, something that can be hard in a closed beta because there are others ways of selecting people like:

  1. People famous in youtube, twitch and etc. getting key = No key for me
  2. People with historial in playing other betas = No key for me
  3. People that subscribed early in the forum = Maybe me, but I am not 100% sure
  4. People who translated = No key for me
  5. Github people = No key for me
  6. People that has a interview in order to get key = No for me (because I am sure I am bad at interviews xD)
  7. A special game or puzzle in order to get key = No key for me, I am sure there will be people that are much better than me in the community or more tryhard.

So when they tell me: We will make it random so you have oppotunity, I am glad :smile: Even if I am not sure about getting one n.n


Siliconera just made a TOS beta post so ready another influx of accounts. ;____; I’m never going to get in…

Haveth faith. The RNG Gods may very well shine their light on thee

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Having followed the game I would like entry, but I feel like figuring out how to distribute keys in a fair manner is more work than it is worth.


But this is basically just a short-term preliminary beta test to verify their platform’s stability right? I mean it’s not really a big deal in the bigger picture whether or not you get in…


Hey! Fake users are people too! Let’s not turn this into a segregation thing. I wouldn’t want this community to be responsible for the fake people apartheid 2015.


Pretty much. Not going to lie, it would be nice to get in just to try it out all while reporting the issues that come across, but if I can’t enter this CBT oh well, there’s always next time.

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im excited ive been on the reddit since the game got annonced just never made a post on this site because bleh, but if its only a 7 day beta as muc as we want to all play it id rather have something solidified so who cares if people make fake accounts and waste their time, well get a good beta soon.