Tree of Savior Forum

IMCgames, please reconsider the selection method for the beta

I agree thumbsup i only have one account here and i really want to play the game. hopefully i can get my beta key… and its unfair for us who have only one account here… peace :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ll keep bumping up this post because the others are just reiterations of old posts…

i agree with the part where people making fake accounts for more keys is bad but, i Just joined yday and i have been waiting and following this game since it was in development and talk about it with my friends alot but only knew about this site yday lol when i saw the post so yea.So their are some genuine people who really wanna play and help out to who have just joined.Any ways i still wish every one gl in getting keys

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hopefully i get lucky and get a key! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

you really want to see the forum burn, right?

Just let it be, this phase is a beta phase for testing purposes, so if you are planning to just have fun and not testing and reporting bugs you dont deserve a key. :smile:


I’ve also been reading the forums and watching development for quite awhile, Didn’t really decide to make a account, because i felt no need. Like ZeNji said, just because people make new accounts does not mean we don’t care about the game. Sure, there are duplicates, sure, you may feel that it’s unfair, but many things are unfair. We shouldn’t get too upset about all of this, because there are always other opportunities to get into the game, to help it develop and grow into something purely amazing. Many of us will get to beta test the game, good luck to everyone who does get into the beta test. It’s not just about having fun, we also need to find bugs so everything works out well, and is stable for upcoming beta tests, and release. For now, we should leave it alone.


Actually, if I think on it, not only is it unfair about the multiple accounts, but very dangerous. A CBT is marked also by the quantity of participants, and hoarding those keys are detrimental, especially if they are unsold.

The count is crucial to gage whether the game has potential to succeed. If hundreds to even a thousand are missing, it could be dangerous and mislead the developers and marketing to do mild to drastic decisions that are unpleasant. Lots of MMOs claim over tens to hundreds of millions of registered users but consequently in a server that even has channels, there has never been any that actually exceeded a high count simultaneously.

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i think they should increase the number of keys

Beta key distribution is definitely a real nightmare these days, with the admins being so darn busy they rarely have the time to really delve into everyone’s information to judge who would be a good beta tester or not.
I know it sucks, I’ve also been lurking around interested in this game myself but ToS probably ain’t the first game we’ve had to go through this exact thing for.

From my experience the earlier betas that fewer people get into are usually just stress tests (see what the servers can handle) and can be really buggy and a LOT less fun than you might be hoping for.

I’m crossing my fingers as much as anyone else here but I can just say continue on with life and check your e-mail. We’ll all get in eventually. Not much longer!

I agree, random selection isn’t fair

Or maybe they could do it like IRO did, and actually charge for the closed beta and so you ppl will stop complaining, you’ll have to pay to actually test the game and it will be unlimited to whoever pays of course.


People will still complain regardless of which method the publishers use :unamused:


i think better selection mode is give 2.5 keys for old accounts and 2.5 new users, is more just

They’ll still complain considering majority of people here aren’t even working and just spam the forum all day.

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its just a 7-day CBT…fans are crazy and there are already bots trying to get into it by making multiple accounts?
God i can’t imagine how many people will be playing when it launches (ofc make sure to launch this year or earlier next year, or fans will get disappointed :wink:

All opinions on this thread are very interesting. What I discussed above isn’t a fair method, I know that, but it’s the only one I could come up with to avoid multiple key hogging.

Whatever the case, if you happen to get more than one key, PLEASE do give them away, don’t let them just sit there. Be it your friends or a random stranger, or maybe a guy you know will properly test the game. It’s vital for the purpose of the CBT.

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I love all the entitled kids who think they deserve a key more than others.

Seriously because you logged on a forum doesn’t mean you are better than all others or whatever.
I’ve been following the developpement of the game since the beginning and checking daily for any news for months and months. (and i dont count the fact I have been interested in this game since 2011 when the first artworks appeared…)

The only thing I didn’t do was to register until today because I was waiting for them to implement the STEAM login since it’s the only method I was OK with (since I hate social networks). and because of that you deserve a key more than me ?

That makes me laugh but also make me fear for the futur of this game with this kind of people being part of the community…


hahaha i understand you
I hate social media login too
so i didnt register until 4 days ago, when i really want to join the forum and talk xP

don’t get mad, most old forum players are just too hyped and want to get selected like you and me :yum:

That really isn’t the main gripe of this post. I was against users hoarding up multiple accounts. Normally, by no means a longer stay in the forum should correspond with beta key priority, but if it could avoid the main issue then I see it as a viable alternative.

There are some more inclusive variants that could be tried (though less effective), such as captcha or asking for a single post to qualify.