Tree of Savior Forum

IMCgames, please reconsider the selection method for the beta

This is always what happens when a new games beta is about to come out, I remember Wildstar and that was just as bad if not worse people had 10-15 accounts all getting keys and then selling said keys.

Maybe the best way they can look at it is check IP addresses as to where people signed up something looks off, Blacklist them.

It certainly is quite a bad thing peopleā€™re creating so many fake accounts, if thatā€™s true yeah. In my case, Iā€™ve never posted on the forums before just because of the wonky log-in system. This had kind of a solver lining though since it motivated me to make an account after all! Heh!

That market exists because people donā€™t care about such things, your encouragement is unfortunately of no use.

The fact that hundreds or thousands of accounts will be created in the next days isnā€™t evidence those are for the most part alts. A lot of people have simply never used this forum but to inform themselves. Not to mention all it takes to create a new account is to login with an existing G+ or Fb account so a lot of new ones can be generated in a short time.

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I agree with OP. Suxx but it is what it isā€¦ =(

Agree! They will take this opportunity to sell the keys to other user for their own gainā€¦

thats why im incouraging them not begging them =V its their decision to make the right choiceā€¦ if they buy the keysā€¦ thats fine =3="

You know, there is a point there. Maybe this shouldnā€™t be done for playing but for testing. Wouldnā€™t an extensive interview be better, and maybe those who have software engineering backgrounds and design be better suited?

I really see so much promise in this game. I want the best possible outcome and ā€œplayingā€ at this time wonā€™t cut it.

But letā€™s face it. I might get a lot of bashing for this, but Tree of Savior has been dubbed as the ā€œSpiritual Successor of Ragnarƶk Onlineā€. Nobody can deny it, nobody can disprove it. Itā€™s also known that any game attached with that claim has been cursed with mediocrity and bugs. Ragnarƶk Online II: The Gate of The World never took off past the Beta Phase, Ragnarƶk Online II: Legend of the Second/Advent of Valkyrieā€¦letā€™s not talk about that, and finally, Lime Odyssey: The Chronicles of ORTA has been sunk in Beta since its development.

We need the game to be what it can be before itā€™s allowed to be released in its full condition.


To be honest itā€™s not really surprising reading this thread at all. A whole bunch of active forum users all mutually agreeing that they should get picked over everyone else. Someone else must surely think that is a bit funny.

There are obviously big drawbacks to this type of selection. But itā€™s better than pure biased systems of just ā€œgive keys to people who think they deserve it moreā€. Who decides who deserves what more.

But to those who do get in. Good luck testing. This is the first time Iā€™ve been excited about mmos since playing ragnarok as my first mmo. Was just a kid when that game came out. Basically a whole generation later now. Now I have kids instead of being the kid.


That is exactly my story as well. Iā€™ve been following ToS for a long time, for months now. Iā€™ve been reading the forums, mostly about character builds and hidden classes but I never posted anything because there was no need for me to. Everything that I would want to post was already posted so there was no need for me to do that. I am glad that there is a great community that is very excited for this game as much as I am, but posting stuff like donā€™t give the keys to people who just registered because they donā€™t care as much or because they donā€™t post stuff on the forums is just plain dumb. Look at how many people are on the forums now registering and trying to get into beta, do you think that is because they donā€™t care? Of course not, it is because they do care and they want to play this game.
Iā€™ve beta tested loads of games over the years, I am beta and alpha testing some of the games right now and again for some of those games I didnā€™t even have a forum account because I didnā€™t need to post anything on the forums. What I want to say is we all apply for a a beta key, that already shows that we care and we want to play this game.
I want to wish everyone good luck and I hope you guys will get into the first CBT, but if you wont just remember this is just the 1st one, there will be more.


I canā€™t agree with you more my friend. I had more fun in RO than in any other mmo it holds a dear place in my heart, and I am very excited to play this game. I hope you get a key :smile:

Thanks for the kind words. Hope to see you in this game when it rolls around. I still have some of my old screenshots from RO on a computer from 1995. When they were all tan and boxy haha. Pictures of the guild I ran. Was what originally got me into graphic art. By making the logo for my guild.


^This. They were already selling to people outside Korea, so I imagine theyā€™ll be able to sell to them again at an even higher price for an English ver.

And yeah, when people love the game enough, theyā€™ll gladly spend hundreds of $ before the game even reaches OBT.

Donā€™t forget we are no applying for a job here :smile: I can tell you that even though I am some one who is from software design and development background my ability to code has nothing to do with me being a good tester :smile:
The company usually want their beta testers to put a lot of time into playing the game and to send bug reports if they find any and also to share their experience, that is pretty much it :smile: So I think we all qualify.
Also trust me they already have skilled game testers working for them.

I hope they take into account the IPs , and accounts that have been active for some time, almost daily logging.

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Oh dear ā€¦ itā€™s always the same situation in every CBT key destribution for any game out there. People start creating multiple accounts just to get a higher chance to be selected. Iā€™m sick of it !!! IMC needs to solve this problem really quick imo.

A lot of people thinking that the end justifies the means on this one which is truly sad.

Even if this test is just for technical purposes it does not mean that the testers donā€™t matter you got to put your community into account, call people to have a taste of that hype and have a good symbiotic relationship. You people should stop feeling like you own nothing of this because in the end you will own the thing that is most important: A character
You are not leeches youā€™re costumers.

Totally agreed!

Iā€™m also tested and played many MMO for a long times.
Back then I used to be active person on community, working on guide and stuff.
But as time pass, Iā€™m more likely focus on playing/gathering information if anyone need and less posting/talking.
And I know that in beta, Itā€™s surely not about play for fun but for testing stuff, giving feed back and reporting bug.

Furthermore, Itā€™s not like you have to force yourself into community to proof that you care about game and deserve to testing or playing game.
Even youā€™re not active in one community, but you might be in other community which also discuss about same game. This place is main TOS community but donā€™t forgot that thereā€™s other community in other country or other site that discuss about TOS too.
Even youā€™re not active in forum, but you might active in game and can host event, reporting bug or helping other people as much as people whoā€™s active in forum.
How could you know that all members who register before yesterday are really care about game or not?
Some people might register late after announce about beta but then they might active and helping community after, while some old member who once active might stop care about game someday.
Thereā€™s no way you could judge everything from early or newly register member.
I think everyone who interested in TOS deserve itā€¦
ā€¦As long as they didnā€™t try to create over 20+ mule accounts for selling keys.
(And people who help translated also got their guarantee key for beta!)

If anyone want IMC to choose first come first server method.
Then IMC should let all of us register at the same date and time to make it fair.
But since they choose to do a raffle, I have no word for this.
Unless they interest to add more method for giving out keys.

PS: Good luck to everyone. This is just beta, everything will be wipe after all. :relieved:
PS2: English isnā€™t my first language, forgive me for any incorrect grammar.

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So just because we are hanging in a forum it means we will be better testers than the guys that just applied? Thatā€™s dumb. Everyone have the same chances while Github contributors and fan sites have a few granted spots, which is fair enough.

About multiple accounts, hereā€™s a update for you: Life isnā€™t fair, deal with. So you either protect yourself trough the same system or accept its flaws and move on with your life.


I donā€™t think this method is more fairā€¦ I have been looking up for this game since the first statements and I never posted on this forum before. This doesnā€™t qualify you more then me. I could be a better tester than you are, who knows.


Truly inspirational words!
Just deal with it right? Deal with the site being broken, deal with people getting 5 keys because they have 20 accounts registred, you should aim to be a politician.

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