Tree of Savior Forum

IMC, Please read this before you ruin Wizards with your later patch and Rank 8


Wait, so wasn’t Elementalist Rank 4?

Currently meta PD 2 is Bokor C1+, but wait, wasn’t it rank 3?

Wait a little more, doesn’t cataphract have the best utility skill in questions of Movement Speed and also Rush which is one of Sman’s most multihit spells? But wasn’t it Rank 4?

I am NOT saying it should STAY the way it IS. You HAVE NOT read my post. I’m saying the way it was before the merge is fine, I just don’t want JP to get killed completely, which is what they are stating in their new post.

You keep bringing up Dragoon into this damage comparison.


I was just saying the current meta DPS, only that, not once I said Linker should be alone with MM stronger than that.

BUT, before the merge I could bring down any pack of 5 mobs with Dark Theurge and 10 Familiars, for 30 hits of 5~6k+ together.

What I want is that Linker doesn’t get completely destroyed sa they talked about on Joint Penalty changes. Please read the Original Post, don’t start the conversation before knowing what the post is really about.

And you will still do that ¬¬ Holy sht…
It will still be Joint Penalty, they are not removing the skill.
Your DARK THEURGE will still do that, but some frost clouds arround will not hit for 10x damage because there are 10 linked targets.

JP if a nefert , so far has it very easy, but the nefer that was implemented is not the most appropriate.

… Please, someone can have -2319234234 AoE Defense, that will not make magic missile bounce more …

glad this is getting fixed, makes my regret at not picking linker since just about every wizard build has one circle in it because of how op linking is.

goodbye linkers.
hello falconers

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Actually it does…

Gib a pack of 150k HP mobs next to unlinked ones and you’ill nearly gib the unlinked. Something that makes no sense as a single magic missile spell does around 10k. I solo farm elites as a Wiz/link and see this interaction all the time.

You can test it yourself. The AoE strip is a toggle.

Maybe I’m not understanding it correctly but is this how the new change is going to be?

It sounds like if Mob (A) - (B) - © - (D) - (E) are linked, hitting (A) will distribute damage to all the mobs but hitting (B) will only damage (B).

If you hit (A) it Will distribute the damage to the others.
If you hit (A) and (B) with 1 aoe, it will distribute just the damage one of them took to the others, otherwise it would Double your damage, right?

What is happening today?
If you hit (A), (B), ©, (D) and (E) with an aoe while they are linked, it will distribute the damage all of them took, making it 5x stronger than it should actually be.

Add more to each link, if linker c3, 10 links means 10x more damage.

R.I.P. C3 Wizards you going to be missed.

are you saying it’s just a nerf to AOE damage while linked? So what happens if a Pyro links (A) - (B) - © - (D) - (E) and HK (ABCDE) and cast fireball. Wouldn’t that be sort of the same hitting 5x?

Well… Judging by comments from kToS along the line of ‘don’t give us Steam Linker’. They’re just going to revert us to iToS linker we used to know.

Which was no change to AoE damage. It would only extend the AoE hits to targets outside of the AoE but not multiply them. And magic missile was a special case were they’d get an extra hit or something… It was pretty similar to casting it raw.

Edit: I forgot to add… If we do really just switch to the iToS code for linker. We also get bugs that make it so certain, debuffs, and added damage lines wont transmit properly across the link that do right now.

Dude, just leave wizards and go to archer/swordie… if you like magic damage, go for clerics. Honestly wizards has no future. =) I has been rerolling to archer even I have an eleWarlock that invest LOT of silver into attribute.

From recent all the R8 KTOS videos, seriously i see no point further upgrade my wizards anymore. Everyone getting DPS class at rank8 and better rank6 and rank7 upgrades. What does wizards get? Two R8 supportive class, slightly warlock ugprade, slightly FF upgrade, a decent necro c3 and useless alchemist c3.

Compare to archer’s, except hackaspell is a sh*t, everything is decent to the best. Swordie’s? Look at Dragoon c2 dethrone? Insane dmg, range(almost off screen), low cd with 2 overheat, slow boss and bind non-boss for 5s. This is what we call IMC logic for balancing.

I think you should give up wizards until r9 info released IF you really want go for dps. Because i think IMC thinking is a bit different. Wizards not a must to be best dps, while cleric not a must to be supportive. From the game you see, players actually demand wizard support more than cleric support. What players need from cleric is just healing. IMC logic you will never beat it :smiley:

hasn’t it been enough for wizard to outdps other classes like half a year or so lol

While Swordsmen have been behind the shadow and always been tank classes, They have NEVER BEEN truly DPS until this rank 8 and now you are expecting wizard to outdps other classes again when they still have a lot of CC skills that stop these newer DPS in one hit from the distant. Wizard is still OP come on.


The only outdamage build is eleWarlock, which lack of self protective skills. Wizards has no other path to choose you know? :open_mouth: I wont call you go and play wizards yourself those ■■■■ acts. But just go to skill simulator you will realize you have really lack of choice going wizard dps. Regarding to this threat, Wiz-linker might sounds OP, but they can only normal hit when in CD. Their whole farking character just have 1 farking combo which is MM+JP. Otherwise they do nothing but normal hit. Now IMC “balance” the combo off, I can see why they are frustrated. You can go skill simulator and check wiz3-linker build have anything else for damage? Lel… this balance really kill off the whole character.

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Really huge buff for my char, have overheat for PP is dream :joy:
Seriously, PP is fine but Kino char need some love:

  • The ranged verson of PP is Gravity Pole, but it was nerfed too hard in PvP (I’d like to got GP disable with 0 damage or around 50% damage with pulling effect - like Frost Pillar).
  • Telekinesis: I belieave its idea is damage spell / multi-hit / basic Kino attack, etc. The problem is this skill has bug:
    ~> Your graphic NOT show the real-time action, monster & player dashing/diving/flying/etc when you “channeling”.
    ~> Try to throw enemy to some spell and see how it work:
    (1) Frost pillar: you land your enemy to the ground, it’s pulled to frost pillar’s zone non-stop. You are stuck now.
    (2) Raise: throw it to Raise, you are stuck too.
    ~> In PvP, you’ve already caught someone, lift them and throw to your team, you need to land twice to make Telekinesis count (and deal damage) 1 hit. Make you more vulnerable (increase with graphic problem as above).

Then in return I suggest you to go skill simulator to find which builds of swordsman can outdamage other classes? literally none you know? :open_mouth:

Besides that, I do have w3 linker too, it’s way too OP to other classes I have played sorry but, this fix by IMC kinda satisfies me to see wizard players stop being like “Why you can’t do any ■■■■ damage fking noob haha” to other classes when they are proud of having advantage towards other classes for so long now.

Look, as I’ve said, probably none of you have read the post, here goes a TL;DR:

I don’t want JP to stay as it is.

The way it was before the merge, when Linker was not OP, is ALMOST ok.

The problem before was that AoEs WERE eating our Linker Hit Count, even while they were NOT being multiplied through targets as happened to singletarget spells or even if it was once for some mob out of the AoE, that was not taken into calculations of HIT COUNT, so we were basicaly losing lot’s of potential on Linker since AoEs were being reduced from our potential, but not improved in any ways.

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