Tree of Savior Forum

IMC, Please read this before you ruin Wizards with your later patch and Rank 8


I’ve already asked for people who do not want to improve the post with ideas to get off. If you disagree, make your points, your own ideas of what should be changed. If you are just a kid who doesn’t even understand the work it takes to type such a thread and can only act like a spoiled brat, please do not waste my time.

If you are saying all wizards are overpowered, please state me ONE PvE wizard build that does not include Chrono 3 or Elementalist 3 back when Linker was not good enough.

Also, you might not have heard but Wizards are not top-DPS anymore after Rank 8, it’s only a matter of time before this reaches us.

what this topic is trying to say is that , they dont need to nerf magic missile or joint penalty if the problem is in Hks (only in hangmans knot) reducing Aoe def ratio to 0

Not talking about the mm interaction with aoe defense, because circling give it a similar effect but its still not as strong as the example of vídeo because joint penalty is spreading AoE dmg skills, and it isnt supposed to happen.
Original JP used do spread only 1 hit between mobs under the same aoe skill, thats fine, but now if 10 linked mobs are under the same AoE they will take the damage x10.

So a simple (15 hits x 4k damage) Magic missle is now hitting for (15*4k)*10, and thats broken, and in this case i’m not even considering the interaction with Hangman knot.

This needed a fix.

That was not my intent. I just left a message as everyone else.

There’s a lot of toxic trolls in this forum and people say they are cool.

I am a normal one and named as one of those who wanna attention. Get off.

Leaving this topic.

Good luck.

Yes, but everything you mention has downsides.

Spear lunge gives extra pierce damage, but only works on the enemies you hit with it and has lasts 6 seconds with 2 overheat and 24 sec cooldown.

High guard gives 300% bonus damage to 2 of your skills, but the skill itself reduces damage by 50%

Finestra is good, but not nearly gamebreaking like quick cast.

DoV requires you to get hit and it also reduces your defense to nothing. This is bad for a melee class.

My statement about the 100% damage bonuses to dragoon is that it wouldnt be needed if quickcast wasnt so good. It also lasts only 10 seconds with a 20 second cooldown on the skill. It also only works on the enemies you hit with this skill.

If the quick cast attribute added like 10 seconds to the cooldown there might not be any problems.

Anyway i dont want to derail your concerns about joint penalty.

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The only thing I’d like to say is:

While wizards were the most powerful DPS in the game other classes WISH they could have that huge AoE damage.

Swordies cried seas and now they are able to see a light in the end, maybe you will.

See ya.

I’m even a linker, And I enjoyed while it lasted, saved me a lot of corpse potions. But its impossible to deny that its broken pve wise, if we take pvp in consideration its even worse.

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Join Penalty intentions were to share damage applied to mobs between Linked mobs. If this is not what Linker is going to do the whole concept of the class is broken.

Look, WITHOUT HK, MM does not deal as much damage.

For instance, Dragoon can do 200k+ damage on a skill with 2 overheats for example, than CAN finish a pack of mobs as long as he has high AoE attack ratio.

Any skill, without hitting enough targets, would have it’s JP multiplier dependending on the AoE attack ratio of the own attacker. You see? It’s a fair trade, a Sman who can hit 5 mobs on AoE attack ratio only will steal deal half the damage he would on HK’d mobs.

The real problem here is, AoEs already hit unlimited number of targets, THIS is OP already, Frost Cloud can not be replaced by any other DD skill if Linkers get bad, BUT if Frost Cloud and other AoE spells had the same damage, only on a smaller number of mobs, the multiplied damage would fall too altogether.

dude u should look fencer 3 in ktos … he is talking after rank 8 not before …


I was talking about Rode C3 skills, sorry, not pelta.

Yes, they have to be applied on the mobs, but then again every class has their own means of getting stronger.

I’m not saying quickcast’s attribute isn’t very good, it can get both reduced or given a bigger cooldown, this is not my real problem to be honest.


Dragoon can do 200k+ damage from videos I’ve seen. I DON’T THINK the CURRENT JP + HK + MM is okay, I think IT IS WAY TOO STRONG, I just don’t want JP to get overnerfed, because of the way they mentioned in their post.


Honestly, only Elementalist 3 is as good as you are talking, Linker is right now but I’m pretty ■■■■ it will turn into trash as they did to anything that not Chrono 3 or Elementalist 3 on Wizards.

They are not overnerfing anything. They are fixing to what it was before :stuck_out_tongue:

And it was strong, and will remain strong. It Will just not make aoe spells hit “damage * numbers of targets linked”. Its like 100% more damage every 2 joint penalty levels.

And no dragoon 2 have a buff that can do that.

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Look, I never said in my post it should stay the way it is.

I actualy think it is better, obviously, but the point is, they are NOT changing it back to the way it was before the patch. They are changing it completely according to their new info.

Before the merge HK+JP+MM would do ~20k damage to all mobs but almost break your links.

BUT I could still kill a pack of high-end mobs with QC+JP+10 Familiars + Dark Theurge level 5.

If it starts working not in the way it did before the patch, but in the way they described in their post, Linkers are pretty much finished.

If you guys only read the original post, all I want in reality is:

  • If AoEs for example are not multiplied, that they only consume 1 point of my Hit Count or none if all mobs are over it for example, as there’s no reason for that since you are not using hit counts.

  • Skills directed at 1+ mobs consume always 1 Hit Count and damage all mobs once.

  • OTHER wizard spells to get buffed or go under a few changes so classes remain useful after rank 7.

You know, what they are “nerfing” (it’s patching since it’s a bug), is the weird interaction with Magic Missile, Joint Penalty and Hangsman’s Knot AoE defense reduction, that for some reason it multiplies damage to ridiculous levels.

It doesn’t happen with pyromancer skills, neither the C attacks, and probably no other skill since Magic Missile is kind of special in how it works.

What currently works for all the other AoE skills is simply double their damage output by doing an extra tick of damage.


Yes, MM works weirdly, I just don’t want them to break Linker altogether with those changes, which, by how they described it, is what they want to do.

this change to JP and HK is not just affecting wiz3 linker 1s, its affecting all builds that use linker. rip featherfoot and pyromancer, linker was the only thing that made them useful

It’s exactly as @miamia described.

Everyone knew Pyro was bad news but Linker was still good before the merge after you had a high-attribute dark theurge, and some other source of damage.

Also, if no one noticed, I’ve talked about most Wizard spells and how they need a revamp to remain useful at Rank 8.

Stop comparing a DPS rank 7 Class to a utility rank 4 class.