Tree of Savior Forum

IMC, Please read this before you ruin Wizards with your later patch and Rank 8

Damn there’s a post like this like everyday now.

At least ur swordie era is coming soon in r8. Imc also give more equip choice for swordie. Lets hope they wont get nerfed before coming to iTos. Btw i had a swordie level on going xD


No there is not, I have talked about how JP needs to be fixed, but not to worse than before the merge, equal in the least.

I’ve also talked about some balancing skill changes, if you don’t like this sort of post, talking about game balancing, please do not come to this part of the forum.

If you have something relevant to add, please step up.

They can make a class reset. See this:

Correct me if i’m wrong but last i checked when you JP a mob and use MM you literally generate missiles out of thin air - what MM calls “bounce” is actually another missile being generated and traveling to another target.

So it happens like this: You cast JP on 10 mobs. You cast Magic Missile. The moment one single MM hits the first mob in the link, 10 other missiles are already generated straight from the ether and travel towards adjacent mobs. So you can imagine where that goes once the other 2 initial missiles hit, and everything starts bouncing.

To me, it seems that’s what they’re fixing. You do not need HK to pull this off - even with no HK both charges of MM are enough to kill a 300k HP pack atm on ktos. HK only adds salt to the injury and lets you do that in less than a charge of MM (it wastes most of the hits because the mobs are dead before it’s even done).

Honestly, id say even MM apart just sharing damage from aoes is bad - and i actually did say that repeatedly… before Rank8 was a thing. But if they won’t dial back on the blatant powercreep they brought to everything non-magic in the form of ludicrous stacking debuffs, i have nothing to say about Linker.

As far as I’m concerned about reading this thread its that OP wants

  1. wizard damage to be relevant in r8
  2. link not multiplying the damage even though hit count is still distributed (ex. druid’s lvl 10 carnivory ‘40 hits’ will only hit 5 mobs 8 times in its area even if they are linked making JP useless) and a bunch of other things

Q1: lower rank damage skills (yes this includes MM) are going to be garbage simply because they are lower rank skills. This isn’t a problem concerning wizards only but for all classes. Also, stop comparing MM damage (rank 4 skill) to dethrone (rank 8 skill). Wizard is still going to be viable in r8, but mostly as support (deal with it).

Q2: This should actually be fixed, as a druid myself hence why I used that example, I gain no benefit for being in a linker party so there’s no reason for me to invite one unless it’s for someone else.

Now about linker, linker is NOT OP. Whats overpowered is a class that can stand alone by itself without the need of support. Linker is a support class and if you take linker 3 you’re trading DPS for support which means that there is a drawback.
With your logic all clerics are OP because

If you’re concernced about wizards being viable in r8 don’t worry. Anything that has linker2, chrono3, or cryo3 still has a good spot for a party.
"But that’s not my build and I don’t want to reroll"
Again this isn’t a problem concerning only wizards, a lot of other classes are already speculating to reroll.

edit: just ran merc today with my alt, wiz3linker1 complaining that the DPS is slow. Yeah with how you guys act anyway you pretty much deserve to get nerfed.

Tbh as a wizard player myself I still don’t see how the patch will ruin us.

Finally the community will stop shtting on wizard for being too OP because most wizard player has a higher networth, and most of the community is retarded player who refuse to do simple calculation.

Hello. Wizard3Linker3Warlock here. I’ve been playing with these ranks/as this char since before the merge and after. Let me start by saying a few things/putting a few things out there:

First off, just to be clear, JP>HK>MMx2 did not start with the merge; This was an amazing combo even before all the JP bugs/back when the hit limit was active, and I’m really surprised that there were so few people utilizing it back then. Even while I was leveling with the old jp/hk, I could link up 5-11 on-level elites and one shot them all (talking 30-60k damage to each one) with this combo provided I got off both MMs before HK wore off (not too difficult at linker2/3). The difference now with the broken JP is that even without HK’s -aoe ratio it still creates way more magic missiles than intended, and with it it ends up being beyond ridiculous (when I was in Alemeth after the merge I duo’d with a thau friend and he could make a group of corpse flowers double size/220k hp and it’d only take 1 of the two mm charges to 1shot them all).

Secondly, IMO wiz isn’t having a linker problem atm so much as wiz is having a wiz problem in general. Elementalist, Linker, and Chronomancer seem to be the only wizard classes that are managing to stand on their own when compared in the light of the entire tos roster. Classes like sorc, necro, thau, pyro, and even kino either have been or are seriously starting to fall short in the grand scheme of things. Many of these classes get by ingame by relying on linker’s abilities, but just look at even my build or a build like linker2/chrono3; There’s no actual need for any of these classes and in reality you can just stack on more levels of linker and prove to be more effective in the longrun.

Alot of wizard classes have many skills that are simply subpar in general and seem to be extremely lacking in cumulative effects (for example, wizards can lethargy to give strike +100% dmg, and necros can boost missile iirc, but theres literally no such effects FOR WIZARDS THEMSELVES, or for magic in general beyond one self buff at wiz3, which can more or less be equated to critical hits on physical classes (there seems to be some debate about this at times but keep in mind: most people talk about wugushi falling off as an archer class solely for the fact that poison cant crit, so its a pretty major part of damage). In terms of thau specifically, I find it fascinating that this class not only has to compete with chrono in ranks but its also practically a detriment at times because it doesn’t have it’s own form of daino (even though its completely based around buffs).

It seems to be a common stance to sort of chant “nerf ele”, but the reality is none of these problems will go away with that, and it will infact just be one less noteworthy wizard class/build on the roster. What really needs to happen is an overhaul of most of the wizard classes:

  • Give sorcs special modifiers for each summon, like +25% to magic damage while its out or reduced CD for magic skills.
  • Make desmodus a strong multihit skill with a small aoe so that there are other legitimate “aoe” archetypes besides wiz3ele3.
  • Give thau some kind of daino and add some sort of effect like [+1% damage to magic attacks for every 25 int a player has] to swell brain.
  • Make fireballs scale with int/add an int modifier to pyro skills so a c2 dps wiz class can actually be relevant beyond lvl200.
  • Give a kino skill like raise a pve attribute where it doesn’t make the mobs flying but instead makes them take +50% magic damage while they are trapped.
  • Allow decay to increase both missile and magic damage.
  • Lower all of these absurd 60sec+ cds on wiz skills across the board.

This kind of thing is the direction we need wizard players to start asking the devs to go in. I mean swordie is a perfect example that if you cry about the RIGHT things for long enough, they will listen (i.e ask for buffs, not nerfs guys :clap:).


Let’s face it, the current MM + JP + HK 1 shot elite mobs is broken. It not only deal OP damage in instant, but it also drop everybody FPS whoever in the screen. The mechanism need to reworked so it doesn’t bounce infinite Magic Missiles.
I think the current build that rely on Linker multiply damage are:
MagicMissile + JP + HK
FireBalls + JP + HK
Other builds not really impacted by -AoE Ratio mechanism, instead they only rely JP to spread the small AoE / single target / melee spells / compensate for Bad AI.

It is also true that as a whole wizard build, all Rank 8 classes are not good and rely on linker to be great. Linker is acting as a Holder to make Wiz Tree at least not too bad, although they can’t ST/AoE in Top 1-3, but with linker they can always do good on both AoE/ST, and useful in team as offensive support.

Alchemist C3 = Homunculus bad AI, but most reliable and useful is to have them cast JP, and linker is good them to cast the Alchemitic Missile to spread damage. [Solution? Linker]
Necromancer C3 = Skeleton Bad AI, Flesh Cannon limited AoE, Flesh Hoop hit count limited. [Solution? Linker]
Warlock C2 = DT Melee range, PoA small aoe, spirit damage also melee range. [Solution? Linker]
Featherfoot C2 = All skills melee range and less hit count. [Solution? Linker]
Enchanter C1 = Nothing good skill, not even have attribute, but at least it synergy great with linker +50% lightning damage.
Sage C1 = Nothing much synergy, but still good for Micro Dimension damage.

So the problem here, to fix wizard tree they have to make Pyro/Thaum/Psycho to have more futureproof utility like Wiz3, for example Pyro enchant fire should scale with INT/level, same with Thaum, it is not fair Concentrate/Blessing got scale. More synergy like Enchant Fire + Enchant Lightning can cause a energy overflow buff, like wizard normal attack can cause explosion (AoE auto attack). Thaum should also able enlarge fireballs like how sage duplicate fireballs, thaum should also able to grab fireballs/icewalls to throw for damage/freeze

Else wizard really looks pale with linker build or elememe build

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Well I bet any linker 3 + mm do not mind doing 500-600k dmg on group
Or well Linker 3 + anything with AoE like cata earth wave or doom spike
It all works the same it multiplies AoE dmg by number of targets

Will I be happy if they make it work as intended ?
No as my alchemist only source of dmg (link + TS/Pillar/Fireball … fire ground is useless on 100+) will get reduced to 1/5
Well but as produce 0 dmg char I expected sooner or later I will be unable to solo anything. As its now I can as long as I can group at least 5 enemies I can kill them super easy every 22s.
But I will learn to live with it, as I went for RP class anyway. If I wanted damage I would just go something else.

And psycho ? Complaining he needs buff ? Are you sane. He can stun lock anything for as long as he wants. He can easily farm any content in game as long as mobs are not stun immune. And he will be able to do so in future. One of few wizz classes which do not need link at all and with fixed version he will not notice difference.

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Well… KToS patch notes are up. It seems that MM + JP is only fixed. So at least they didn’t completely break Linkers which is good news

[Wizard & Linker]
► Joint Penalty & Magic Missile:
○ Changed the way that [Magic Missile] was able to deal abnormal amounts of damage when used in combination with [Joint Penalty]


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yea, there is. Almost every day theres a " IMC READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR GAME!!!11111oneoneone". then they tag all the gms.

i honestly didnt read your post. I also never played wizard so i have no idea if your points are valid or not.

just stating a fact that i see these same posts all the time


wow, so your posts really are completely irrelevant and you just want to say people shouldn’t give ideas for the game to be improved?

Very cool way of thinking, if you make a thread about the class you play and how it could be changed as to be “balanced” around Rank 8 I’ll read it, but honestly, you’re just someone complaining about people who actualy try to help.

Linker is fine the way it was before the kTOS merge. If you don’t want your hit counts eaten up then don’t use JP when things like Frost Cloud are up. A little party management goes a long way.


Yes, such a useful class, you can’t use it if you have the most popular build in the game playing with you.

Why should Frost Cloud eat JP Hit Counts if it doesn’t get any better with JP? Looks like only one class will remain alive in the wizard branch if it gets up to narrowminded players to decide it.

didnt mean to hurt your feeling or ruffle your feathers, man. Just stating a fact. feel free to ignore it

Actually when I play with an Ele3 I end up using JP more often than he gets to use his Frost Cloud. JP kills stuff way faster since everyone in the party gets to use his/her skills. So idk what you’re whining about.


Look, have you compared Frost Cloud to JP on EARTH TOWER before the merge?

Out of ET my build can still do pretty much fine with Linker 1 before the patch, the only changed that changed was this viablity.

Ok, on PvE I could always kill 5 mobs before a Frost Cloud, both before and after (obviously) the merge.

I only think Hit Count should work a little differently, in a way Linker is not a x10 damage multiplier, but at least on a way he doesn’t get fuc*ed up by things he doesn’t work with.


oh man, you’re so cool, quoting stuff, telling me to feel free to ignore you on MY topic and then quoting yourself again.

Thanks for your contribuition again.

Don’t expect a Circle 1 class to be that effective. Deal with it.


One more very important post to the topic, thanks a lot.

Yes, only cryo 3 > chrono 3 and wiz 3 ele 3 should be able to play this game, any ohter build that tries to use the 16 classes available is trash and can’t be used, very cool game.

Also you probably don’t even know but Wiz 3 > Cryo > Pyro > Kino > RC can currently deal 1,5kk+ damage (saw a guy doing it at level 253) on a single Ice Wall + PP combo. That’s a combination of: 1 Rank 1 C3 class, 2 Rank 2 C1 classes, 1 Rank 3 C1 class and 1 C6 Hidden Class. C1 spells don’t have to be bad, though C3 must have new and better spells, such as frost pillar, raise, quickcast or lifeline for example.