Tree of Savior Forum

IMC Please Do Not Release P2W Leticia's Secret Cube!

well it’s not really 0.6% it’s 3%and after 1/5 , and not 0.6% every time you open a box . what does it mean ? every 33box (300tp , 27€ in EU) u’ll get 1/5 . that’s all there is to it . guess how many people will spend 27€?

short answer : a lot.

LoL… it’s not a “p2w”.

Follow me:

  1. Pay 2 Win is when only allow to advance in game by paying. For example, by providing items that can ONLY be obtained through real money.

  2. They are not removing the possibility of you getting these items in game without spending any money.

  3. Therefore, this does NOT characterize Pay 2 Win.

I don’t know why you are so frustrated.I can only think that you are upset because you will not be able to get thousands and thousands of silver with these items, which is unnecessary anyway (Unless you’re doing something wrong with all that money…)

Time to watch full f2p’s bring those lvl 10 gems.
Without the help of the contents from leticia cube, because that was easy, im suprised not everyone runs around with lvl 9/10 gems already.

Actually, p2w is when you can pay to win.
Yeah I know, a bit difficult to understand.


This reminds me another game, Skyforge.
“It’s fine you can have it all, it will only take you some years to get the same things so it’s not p2w”

Meanwhile blessed shards are already plummeting.

They’ll get it when they buy it from the paying players who sell it.
Just like they already do with Tokens.

There’s already Shining gem abrasives on the market.

Simple way to know if you’re getting ripped off

Average material gives 5 gem exp.
Take the abrasive exp divide it by 5. Multiply it by the lowest costing materials on the market (typically 100-200). To figure out whether it’s more cost effective to just buy fodder materials or to use gems.

I said without leticia box, the accessability tothe box is still through real money, as i said, if it was easy toa fford, im suprised peopela rent already running around with lvl 9/10 gems.

before leticia cube was even released

The 11 Cubes is 1 TP more than a Token which most people are already fine with existing and purchasing from other players. Tokens already introduce more items into the game via extra runs. besides their other effects.
Purchasing the fruits of the cube isn’t a bigger stretch.
The ship sailed a long-long time ago.

Token does not supply the ammount of available practoriums whcih was limited to 2 each character
Token does not supply access to accumualted gem XP
Token does not grant an extra safety net when enhancing equipment

There are some huge differences here, not to mention 100 tp from leticia cubes rewards alot more silver than selling a single token.

Except for the few cases where you might just get xp cards in 11 boxes.

I opened 30 and only got 1 roll with 12x lvl 7 cards, the rest gave me profits token would never compare with.

Let’s say 1 because Guild Level 14 + RNG is not really an option for most people.

Practonium that cost 30kk, fell today to 15kk. Thank you IMC for destroying the game economy

Practorium IIRC isn’t actually limited to 2. Presuming you can get your guild to level 14.
Token does indirectly allow access to more gem exp. For instance you get 1 more Uphill run per day with a token. So on and so forth. You’re gaining direct advantages in the game which can be turned into a profit over a token-less player.
Saving money on trades, having more trades. Directly profitable features.

All this is sold to f2p players from paying players.
Abrasives and the lot are all sold already.
"It’s more profitable than a token?"
So we already come to the conclusion that you were already able to turn profit from your TP investment. Now you can gamble for greater possibilities. Wow. Like I said. Ship already sailed.

Yeah that became kind of apparent the moment all she could come up with was “your statement are unrealistic”, but her crazy ideas were not.

Typical, i like to argue with everyone with little to no knowledge of what im talking about, I mean that Awooo person could not even figure out that tech my claim is half way implemented as the Rank C reward of the cube offer Exp cards.

Last i remember Exp card = Level. Which anybody with half a brain can infer is dipping your toe before going all in and just plain offering cards for TP or pre-made Char. In other word offering X level Char for Cash, obviously im making an assumption on the direction i see them moving.

Sadly this person cant realize that’s part of the point of forum discussions, since none of us work for IMC and have concrete proof of the direction the TP shop is going, I mean not even the GM knew, as other people have quoted her saying they wouldnt be implemented.

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Offering cards directly for cash isn’t out of the realm of possibility.
However given Token’s 30% exp for cash and EXP tomes 30% for Cash.
They benefit by having people grind out all that crap.
Cube isn’t even very efficient compared to x8’s given the probabilities.
If they did give a level boost I presume it would be to some level under max so they can still justify selling you all the other exp boosting methods.

That’s actually a good side effect…

It’s likely to happen. We have two more ranks and, unless they keep throwing out “easy” level up events one after another, the easiest way is to offer insta level up cards (for cash).
I think that rank reset is going to be there too =)

For a moment I considered going back to the game, but now that I see this post…


the game will be dead in 2 months.

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game is dead since June 2016


OKAY so how to get level 9/10 abrasives and diamond anvil ingame?

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