With the Doppel doublepay skill ist 1,2% ??? not ??? thats bad
It would, 10m is too cheap though.
this cube is totaly bullshit game already was p2w a little with all this “premium” section on market
and token or stop playing after 200lvl…
now it will be even worse, i was doing uphills everyday 4-12 times daily if i only get some time for it
all this for lvl 2 gem abrasives why? i should just buy cubes and use time on farming mats…
i have no idea who the hell made this great idea big rebalance patch to bring more players and right after that add P2W item in tp-shop
someone know when PoE 3.0 comes out?
You can always bring back your friends and bot together again. Too bad if you used up all the free TP you and your friends gained exploiting GVG.
this is not right threat for it also will be nice to see any evidences
u just trashing forum threats with ur posts when i dont even see u playing anymore
friend told me u mentioned me in some post but all i saw on screen was me after joined to “free leech” shout party and ur great theory made me being biggest cheater in tos and mastermind who control all bots in server…
i dont even know what to say to you…
at begins being called cheater was mush better than being called leecher, but now its jsut iritating specjaly when u keep trash-posting and sharing off-topic
When u spending so mush time on forum at least LEARN TO USE IT properly, have a nice day.
Friend? Awooo.
You was in the botters guild, you exploited free TP with them.
i cant find myself on ur evidence? i wonder why?
maybe cause i was not doing all this?
sorry but ur trash theory is totaly wrong i m just player and i play everyday
deal with it (easier to prove i m asshole but i m not cheating)
Must have been bad for you when you had to leave NyaKawaiiDesu after they removed TP from GVG and your “friends” got banned.
You guys forgot itos is free 2 play game ?
Time = $$
$$ = Time
Players who play for free do not want to spend $ so be it ? it is impossible to be balance so as life, some drive merc/audi some drive toyota/kia/greatwall
If you want to be balance, play final fantasy 14 and pay monthly sub.
Whales will literally defend ■■■■ practices that will kill a game as long as they get to feel accomplished in an MMO for two weeks before it dies.

i leaved guild cause i dont find anything and also 9’s was back guildmaster comesback to playing
also this is still wrong forum threat and here we are talking about P2W Leticia
i m done with u have fun playing or forum zombieing i m sorry for ur obsesion u just pasted screenshot u had from like idk 20 weeks when i was in saalus/290r with ur 3rd multiaccount? and after 20 weeks i m still sad when i see your paranoic, move forward for me we are done
That wouldn’t even be a problem if they fixed our problems first. Mystical cube should have been changed already, same goes for the borked DPK, same goes for a way to remove gems without penalties given the changes they made to stat.
Instead of fixing that within the game, they put materials, practonium, abrasives and what else in the box.
On top of that, there are still around players with tons of TP from the GVG exploit and “boleto exploit” that weren’t banned.
Thanks, you just admitted you was in the TP exploiting, botters guild. I’ve nothing else to add.
Still relevant, because there are people like you that exploited GVG that have tons of ill gained TP to drop on these cubes.
That screenshot is from another player, from the other thread.
meanwhile you forget the 3rd type, the tryhard and rich kind. SEA servers tend to have lots of such players. From my 10+ years of experience these people really do spam who knows how much money they have.
Just in case if anyone curious before the maintenance ends
Diamond Anvil
Place a piece of equipment on this anvil and hit it afterwards to upgrade the quality. Upon failure, the Enhancement Level of the equipment will not be reduced.
Well cubes coming whether we like it or not, not like they’re gonna do anything about it watching us fight each other while they continue to milk people out.
qotd: If u cant beat em, join em.
In this video from koean server guy opened a lot of abrasives, i watched just 5 minutes, but for me that enough.
i rl dont wanna ToS to have this cube added also just look at this:
LAST WEEK: they added reset/dlc/rebalnce/HG for high lvl clerics
and made game have a lot of players http://steamcharts.com/app/372000
its 30% more than in April and now right after that
THIS WEEK: P2W buy or die feature, good game, well played.
Some of the gm’s post about this not being pay2win shows they have no damn idea of the concept, you never place anything to do with upgrading gear in the cash shop, The only thing worse is putting the gear itself in the shop, even at 3% chance its going to ruin the game.
You need to learn that korea and china f2p markets are much diffrent than western, K/C area’s embrace pay2win, but western players hate it. Especally with how much of a rip off the TP is to buy for what you get.
Damn it.
@Dreifh @scar93 @KaizenPrince
Are we seeing the same video?
Most of the Abrasives the player got were really the Shining one (opened abrasive but no Lv. tag on it).
He got 11 Lv.9 Gem Abrasives and 0 Lv.10 Gem Abrasives in 80 cubes, 880 chances, using 8000 TP, around 8 packages of 900+90 TP, 86 dollars * 8 = 688 dollars, for 2,537,700 EXP.
Each Lv.8 Gem costs: 1,094,700 EXP.
He made two Lv.8 Gems with 8000 TP and 0 Lv.9 Gems.
Each Lv.8 Gem costs around 30m?
8000 TP/100 TP (Token) = 80 Tokens * 2m = 160m, right?
Wouldn’t it be easier for him to buy 30 Tokens with 3000 TP to get two Lv.8 Gems instead?
So, could you elaborate more on the reasoning for this?
Are you going to spend 688 dollars for two Lv.8 Gems?