Tree of Savior Forum

IMC kill WL on C2

Yea, Palaquisitor Build, created by @Wurmheart. Dex/Con recommended, strength can be placed in depending on what crit rate you can achieve with gear. It goes Cleric 2 > ? > Paladin 3 > ? > Inquisitor. Circle 3 can be Priest or that other class that debuffs crit resist, Circle 7 can be Plague Doctor, Miko, Monk, Diev, etc.

In Korea most tends to use Miko or PD for that spot. I am going with PD, due to utility, healing factor, and the fact Incinerate will be useful due to specific equips, not really needing Int thanks to Maellus and the fact I can throw out 4 debuffs at once. Crit rate is important, to be able to always crit God Smack which doubles in damage due to Paladin Conviction.

This is a Physical Offensive path built to cause immense damage, and give support and heals, their are Inquisitor Int builds that is more on the support side that would take Miko, or other combinations. However, gearing this build is difficult, due to all the crit rate I will need. Been reported to need at minimum, 900+. So ill have to get a few lv 8 or better green gems, do all necessary collections, get the needed gear if I am to reach that number.

Yes all scales normaly, but i think there is a bug in the chapparition proc scale. For the rest itā€™s normal and pretty decent.
I am:

And my goal is

Donā€™t need to cry anymore, todays maintenace in ktos:
-In Earth Tower, Instanced Dungeon and General Rank 8 Maps, Some monster properties have been weakened.
-Some monsters have also been given special abilities in maps around Rank 8.

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Sounds like this is gonna be bad, really bad.

ā€¦I cant wait! <3

i seriously hope they lower the magic defense of all mobs by at least 2k and also release frost/dark necklaces.

I stay 1:1 on my Warlinker. Mostly because I am not really interested in gearing him as it is my PVE farm char.
No problem with the new content at all. The only thing that makes me a bit sad is the new change on ktos that changes all FF skills to poison property which has huge synergy with Link. :frowning:

seeing thisā€¦

Wiz3 - Link3 - Wl2 is new wiz meta now. rip Ele3.


Will change FF skill from dark to poison, and will do 50% more dmg with JP passiveā€¦

RIP Ele3/Lock2

Gem update on ktosā€¦ each gems add 96 magic attack at level 7ā€¦ thats is 192 magic attack per gem at 100% transcend holy cow.

Iā€™m not there yet, so I wonā€™t tell that everything is OK with R8.

But, from what I see hereā€¦ People are complaining about their lack of MATK and donā€™t have a proper damage build. I always hated that full CON were able to deal damage, they should not in the first place. Try to build a High Wiz or a Prof in ragnarok with 1 INT, see what happens. Even 1:1 CON is supposed to be really ā€œmehā€. Back then nobody complained about it, cause well, itā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be.
In ToS, for some reason, stats were made a pretty weak modifier, and only skill lvls and attribute seemed to impact on your DPS. Maybe they didnā€™t ā€œresolveā€ it the good way (a full CON build should NEVER deal any damage imo, early or endgame), but well, I guess at least things are making sense nowā€¦

Yet, as I said, Iā€™m not there yet, and if it is actually IMPOSSIBLE to deal damage with high INT and good stuff (cause yes, if youā€™re stuff is just meh, itā€™s totally normal that at some point in the game you canā€™t deal damage), then things are messed up.

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It is not impossible per se, the thing is you need 700+ int, a +12-15 scr with lvl 2 trans to actually do damage to those mobs with high MDEF and even then that damage is lackluster compared to a physical class with 2str:1dex, some con and an average weapon.

Of course those full CON builds doing almost the same damage as full INT were stupid, I donā€™t know why people keep bringing those up, most elememes are either full int or 30-50 CON.

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Transcendence does not boost gem values. In other news, red gem is 185 patk on offhand, and thereā€™s still no suitable offhand gem for wizards.

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right now at 330 I have 2008 matk unbuffed and I cannot deal sufficient damage to kill mobs that are 320+.

Things are indeed messed up though, it has nothing to do with full CON. You can check it out for yourself here: - new maps are Khonot Forest and below.

If you click the mobs on each map, you can see every single monster in the new maps has at least twice as much mdef as they do pdef, with some reaching much higher.

Some examples: - 462 PDEF / 1142 MDEF - 316 PDEF / 1948 MDEF - 352 PDEF / 1430 MDEF - 345 PDEF / 1418 MDEF

And none of these mobs are even level 300, meaning you canā€™t even use any new gear at that point. If you wanna delve into lv300+ mobs: - 446 PDEF / 2404 MDEF - 444 PDEF / 2334 MDEF - 519 PDEF / 1334 MDEF - 446 PDEF / 1333 MDEF - 400 PDEF / 2643 MDEF - 522 PDEF / 1343 MDEF - 523 PDEF / 1310 MDEF - 403 PDEF / 2665 MDEF - 1315 PDEF / 3118 MDEF (elite mob of which there are 4 on the map, one of the only mobs to ever break 1k pdef) - 455 PDEF / 2410 MDEF

You can also calculate the damage you will do really easily having their mdef, Wizard has almost no damage multipliers.

(matk + skillatk - mdef) * 1.5 [if quickcast] * 1.01~2.00 [depending on attribute level]

So letā€™s see, if you get the new 315 purple staff (~9m? crafting cost atm), +10ed it (21 480 472 silver with absolutely 0 failures), level 4 transed it (49.8m cost and 42 days of rolling every extra opening of saalus cubes), with Squire Weapon Maintenance buff on, as a level 330 full INT character youā€™d reach aboutā€¦ 2948~3068 matk depending on hat enchants.

If you want to know how much, say, your Frost Cloud will do against a 1400 or 2400 mdef mob then just plug in the numbers (assuming 100% attribute):

(2948 + 643 - 1400) * 1.5 * 2 = 6573.
(2948 + 643 - 2400) * 1.5 * 2 = 3573.

Same calc with level 10 dark theurgeā€™s numbers, 1984:

(2948 + 1984 - 1400) * 1.5 * 2 = 10596.
(2948 + 1984 - 2400) * 1.5 * 2 = 7596.

Anyways, i hope the post wasnā€™t too long. Bottomline: Itā€™s completely asinine to have mdef values this high, specially in comparison to pdef when there are no real ways to mitigate mdef (against at least 3 skills to my knowledge that nullify pdef entirely). Magicā€™s only real multiplier is in the number of hits it tends to do, but that also results in MDEF applying to every single hit. Physical classes now have a myriad of multipliers through buffs and debuffs, along with high base damage-low hit count skills, to a point where high PDEF would hurt them a lot less.


Thatā€™s sad then. I stand corrected.
So only weapon maintenance and new weapon + 15 is the only way ( with +200% and more eh)

Thatā€™s sound pretty much RIP magic class until you hit those valuesā€¦ that will take at least months ( assuming you have 500 int (thats 1.1k base))

So you need a weapon with 3k and up base total with transcended to be decentā€¦ oh god the horror. LF> magic pen gears

We should at least be able to use Red Gems on weapon - which are 310 max attack at level 7. Unless theyā€™ve recently changed it, max attack should work on magic as well (one of the very first bracelets you get in the game with 10 max attack does) - so thatā€™s ~155 average attack per gem.

I donā€™t see how magic pen could or even should be a stat, honestly. Attack already works on a 1:1 ratio with defense, so unless they made this into a % value (i.e. ignore x% of a monsterā€™s defense), it would honestly feel misplaced and pointless as opposed to just pumping more magic attack or decreasing the mdef on mobs which have no business being this high in the first place.

For the meanwhile, until they fix the magical defense somehow, itā€™s time to play in parties for the last soloers.

We will never know. What they might change. Or a revamp in stats

Who know if they implement additional stats to transcend like for e.g (stage 5 gives you 20% ID regardless)

i will just play physical/clerics and heal people up instead meh until there is a fixā€¦

Holy ā– ā– ā– ā– , thanks for this, this answers my questions.

Reminds me of Ragnarok Online Renewal, where they fcked over magic classes by making the mdef formula more punishing than the def formula and giving most bosses more mdef than defā€¦

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