Tree of Savior Forum

IMC kill WL on C2

Mastema lvl 10 with new attribute leve lvl 5 hit less them FC…

This is not a class balancing is a nerf…

We can only pray to the c3 better, because until then will be suffering…


Lol It seems you have not yet encountered a main warlock problem. Did you know that in 290 dungeon all Elememe skills except meteor deal 1 damage against mages?

Frost Cloud, MM, Electocute and Hail all deal 1 damage vs mages for real :sweat_smile:. Man who cares about Mastema now? :joy: Try to kill mobs with 1 damage skills, nice chellenge isnt it? :grin:


For real!? my main char is pretty dead now :joy:

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I said I had been nerfed :frowning:

my main char ~ wl R.I.P

really? is there different if attribute lv and element of the tested mob?
If that’s the case WL2’ll just live with DT and Invocation the same as C1

I dont think it depends on skill element, bcs Frost cloud, Electrocute and MM have different elements and they all deal 1 damage. And it seems that skill attribute doesnt help bcs it calculated after damage reduction from enemy mdef. So if enemy mdef higher then your initial m.attack you will deal 1 damage anyway.

Of course, much more needs to be tested. At the moment I run this dungeon with 2 more warlocks and they all have same problem as me.

I suggest you check out KTOS videos, you need at least 2k matk to overcome those high magic defense.

Basically what Y100 said. Your 1 damage is due to low magic attack, not your skills. (if attacker is lower than defense, it will only do 1 damage).

I deal the same damage as before with 8x 10* chapparition with meltis buff.

Can’t say the same against Vilkas Fighter though. I think my hail and electrocute does 1 damage while FC and DT does around 4-5k damage per tick with chap buff.

might wanna rethink your build lol
need more matk

pretty much why the meta right now is full int 0 con. If you want to stay ‘relevant’ you have to go full int. Nothing else.

I wouldnt say full int since transendence would alleviate a majority of the matk lost with 50-150 con
But definitely not full con outside of pvp

1 dmg is just for those high mdef mob
But in my previous post I just want to know how’s OP’s mastema and FC dmg comparison.

i would definitely recommend full int still because wizards are in such bad shape they need every single point of damage possible.

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You need 8 Chappa + Meltis to do some damage then other classes dont need it at all. Even my poor C3 corsair can kill things in R8 without so much effort.

And that situation I can call “IMC killed WL on C2” for sure. Damage is just incompartible with any other classes, its even incompatible with full support Taoists for example.

So if you want to be useful in R8, i hightly recommend you to leave your WL2 for low level damgeon farm (it can do it very good honestly) but in end game you should go with other classes. You can deal much more damage even as a cleric.

Guys, i am not insist, its just friendly advice.

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Yea of course its not comparable to other classes atm. With high 80+ attributes elewl is still playable though. Lets all hope for Drain and Ghastly Trail fixes and of course frost/dark necklace in the future to balance things up.

this class is so dead. can’t play solo comfortably, even at the first new map (with recommended level 279), with my Lv.280 Ele Warlock; which was very “capable” before pre-R8, now its trash.

R8 content is so harsh for magic users.


Mastema attribute scales with skill lvl and attribute lvl.
I have mastema max dot attribute max skill and the dot hits for 8k (lvl70 dmg attribute)
It’s actully a good skill, and it will allow you to do damage to retarded magic def monster. You will see when you hit dongeon 290 the magical mobs will take 1 damage by your spells that are not rank8, and you wont be able to link them…
Yup i have a attribute 80 frost cloud and it deals 1 damage SO FUN. So yeah mastema will be a life saver

So mastema DoT damage is scale normally (to both skill level and attribute level) right? May I know your skill point distribution?

dot is half of first hit’s damage.