Tree of Savior Forum

IMC are doing exactly the kind of egregious atrocities that TotalBiscuit warned us of

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Oh please, grow up would you?

We are critiquing a product, fair and squarely since they are charging the players. If you pay a single cent in the game; it is open to criticism. This is something that those who purchased a Founder’s Pack SHOULD of known BEFORE HAND going into the game. If they didn’t then they are being silly.

If you believe that those who are actually doing constructive critique to be “mad” then you need to get an education, and no I’m not joking. I’m dead serious.

There are certainly people who are very loudly upset, and there is no shortage of them. I can’t deny that. However; I’m getting quite irritated by people who can’t bring an actual argument to the table that they can defend without relying on insults or being “entitled”, on both sides. You’re included in there.

Don’t like it? Mute the topic and ignore us. That simple, or actually bring something to the table that you can defend without resorting to insults or telling people to shut up.


Who da hell is that TotalBiscuit?
I still thank IMC for putting up and develop a game same like ragnarok. It’s just up to you if you want to pay for early access. I never pay that much for any game I play actually, best thing for me to do is not discourage them. It’s sad to see people work very hard somehow then just fail.


I feel your pain, but it is a sad truth that the masses don’t really care. They will be treated like cattle, and drained of their money, no matter how unfair it is.

There is a reason “F2P” is becoming standard…

I am not saying they have done a good job with their micro transactions, but is this still a beta? From what I know this is early access, not a beta so they are not claiming to be anything other than what they are?

Well, I pointed out these f2p problems too:

Its always nice when you don’t have arguments and just try to insult
your way to victory isn’t it? It’s a lot easier on your brain.

Frankly, you deserve it, because you are putting forth some of the most poorly thought out arguments. In fact, you have no argument, you are just parroting YouTube videos you watched. In your mind, since some popular YouTuber said X, it must be truth, no?

For example, one of your key arguments is trading is locked behind a paywall. I already explained why you can’t let pure F2P accounts participate in the game economy (i.e., silver & item farming bots, inflation). You have yet to respond to this, you just replied with a hand-wavy rebuttal that was completely meaningless and did not address the issue. Let’s take a look again at your response:

And people in this forum have proven again and again that the trading
blocks do nothing to stop bots ( look at all the RMTs the game already
has). There are plenty of other ways to control for inflation.

Wow, what an insightful post! Just kidding, it is completely void of logical argument on your behalf, much like the rest of what you have posted in this thread. It’s funny you mention RMT bots, because the impact they have on this game is minimized due to the very policies you are complaining about (i.e., locked down economy prevents F2P accounts from flooding market with botted silver & items).

And saying that you can’t have online MMOs with a trading system is the
stupidest thing i have ever head in my life. Do you just not know of
literally 99.99% of the rest of the MMORPG market, or do you just chose
to ignore it?

I see reading comprehension is not your friend. Again, it isn’t ‘online MMOs’ (redundant don’t you think?) that can’t have trading systems. It’s specifically F2P MMOs can’t have a completely open economy to F2P accounts, otherwise you end up with a lot more inflation and botting.

In summary, you have no real arguments, only insults.

Just lol @ you

It is quite apparent that you are a young kid with no job. You can’t afford/don’t want to buy tokens so that you can trade. Tough luck, the entire world isn’t going to bend to your desires; sucks growing up, doesn’t it?


Don’t you think it’s unfair that they are punishing the normal player because of silver sellers/bots? Maybe even unreasonable?

What’s your opinion on the marketplace then? That is effectively trading, open for all. Want money transferred? list a shitty item with the money you want… aaand done.

They should probably restrict the marketplace so only token users can use it, amirite?

All this has done is limit the interaction between friends that want to share their loot.


Yo, naruto, go drown in a house fire.

If I knew the servers would be more unstable and the economy of the server would be P2W, i’ld surelly not pay for the early access. That’s what I see in the topic here.

Anyway, is what ppl already said: modern publishers wants to make quick failures not lasting successes. Dont take me wrong, this game is breath taking, but it was even better and promissing with the street shops, the trades, the fair fees on the market. FFS I’ld buy a nice outfit for $20 if I didnt feel the ship was sinking already.

Don’t you think it’s unfair that they are punishing the normal player because of silver sellers/bots?

No, because they are letting the normal player play for free. The alternative is buy-to-play, subscription fees, or letting it become fully F2P with bots infesting everything.

If we want a game worth playing, we have to pay somewhere.

Dude this is not a beta, just saying.
And I don’t think the tokens are P2W, maybe the trading thing is stupid (and I think they will reconsider this) but other than that, hmmm no? You only save time with tokens, mostly.

Alternatively, they can propose an argument on the forums, rally some support, catch some of the staff’s attention and maybe change something. Just because you don’t like reading it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a place here. You are also free to leave the topic if it doesn’t interest you.

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So you’re saying we should be grateful we even get to play their game.

I’m not against spending money, but don’t you think they’ve got their business caps on backwards? You should spend for fun, not with a gun to your head.

I happily pay for cosmetics in mmos, in Vindictus I pimped my character out.

And I didn’t feel cheated.

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Actually nobody is playing for free now. And bots are still there. Maybe, they’ld be even on a monthly paid system. And what they are doing, not only with the No-tokens players, but with everybody is hide their dumbness to deal with the bots by cutting out one of the most basic feature on a MMO, which is the player interaction.

If I cant help my friend or my guild farm gear or itens, I’m kinda farming alone. If I cant find no ■■■■■■■ gear on the market or materials on street shops, I’m build everything I need from scratch, so maybe I should play alone some way better made games for single player. And I could play them even if the ■■■■■■■ server didnt hold up the pressure, cause I’m playing a single player game.

I see thats not the case for a lot of players, some of them actually enjoy not being able to interact with others, but unless you see there’s a Huge part of the paying players who would never enjoy a game with that failures, you’ll keep supporting that games which ends faster than began.

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I will just say this: A business is not charity. You would never go into McDonald or Burger King expecting the burger for free. It will never happen, you expect to pay for something in return.

Now the market decided that for some reason people will go into BurgerKing and eat mediocre burgers, lacking the full experience. People start to riot because BurgerKing charges for other things instead, like sitting.

If trade is behind a paywall (which btw it isn’t as long as you can buy token for meager 500k silver and even below), then I would say that is a good incentive to pay IMC what they are due. You can use the market for free aswell so I don’t really understand what the issue here is. I am hardly using my token to its capacity I used 1 personal trade and roughly 1 trade per day.

Fighting goldsellers is almost art today, remember they try to block the people behind it, while they try to find new angles so just in terms of brainpower the goldsellers are simply more and have more experience in fighting devs.

It is behind paywall. Where do you think those tokens come from? I’ll give you a hint. $$$$.

Yes; that point is true. Just 30% tax is ridiculous and would like to see it dropped to 20% at the very least.

Enchant scrolls are trash. Every single potential stat becomes near useless and insignificant once as you actually get some levels behind you. The ONLY stat that remains useful endgame is the AOE ratio.

Literally everything else quickly becomes so small a bonus it’s barely even noticeable. I know this from actual experience. Don’t get too upset over the enchant scolls.

This game has it’s issues. But it is 100% not p2w. Premium bonuses are a little too strong but I could honestly cope just fine without any of them if they re-adjusted some of them, largely the 30% tax, the +1 instance allowance and player trading, potentially the +3 move speed.

The two major things that need fixing is the trading (self-trading silver, self-trading item penalties) and I guess player trading if that’s what people want. And bot spam. Bot spam is an easy fix put a level gate of 50 on 'phones and/or make yell chat instanced based on level (i.e. 1-10, 11-21, etc) so that the bots are only yelling to each other.

Your premium token is essentially a subscription model that you don’t have to opt in to, since it is optional there should obviously be an incentive to have it and I think it would be fine if they changed the things I stated above.


You can’t compare food to entertainment…
A more valid comparison would be lets say; a concert. A band is playing at a place for free, anyone can come. But they sell shirts, so if people like them they can support them.

I’m level 80 and have managed to scrape up 200k, so i guess when i’m about 150 i’ll have 500k, assuming the price hasn’t gone up.

i have a question ,a bit off topic ,don’t we need a token in the first place to buy other tokens with in game currency aka silver ???