Tree of Savior Forum

I'm sorry but this server transfer thing is unfair

You shouldn’t wish for Brazillians “to be out”. They are people just like we are and also deserve to be playing the game just like we do. That and they also support the game by playing ToS. They are valueable just like all of us are.

But I do agree with you in that Brazillians should get a Brazil server. Either that or an international server.

Or something.

Why didn’t you switch servers on the second day? I don’t get why people get so attached to like lv 30 characters :confused:


probably because their team name is already taken from the previous server.

i would have started playing in SEA Server the day they announced it but sadly i cant abandon my original team name “Kenshiki” because thats what i use to almost every game i played from MMO to FPS to RTS to MOBA.

my team name is valuable than having a lv 280 character without your original team name (for me, dont know about you or others)


I’m definitely in favor of loosening the server destination and server source criteria for the server transfers. If they would stop doing a lot of half measures, I think a lot of people would be happy. I’ve seen the argument about “Oh, but if you allow all server transfers ____ server will become a ghost town”. Well, I’m not actually playing at all at the moment, for one. And two: We have a free to play launch coming up in a few weeks. There will be more than enough people to pass around to even things out when that happens.

TL;DR Let us all have fun and let us all get where we want to, please.

I just thought of something, maybe they’re waiting on -> Orsha -> Klai server transfers because of the possible SA Server? I mean if they offer Orsha English players a way to go to Klai and BR Klai players a way to ORsha what’s going to happen when the BRs get their SA server? Orsha becomes empty.

They could make Orsha a Brazillian server and offer transfer services from Orsha to ____ and from ___ to Orsha (incase some brazillians are playing on a different server and would like to play on Orsha instead with fellow other Brazillians.)

They might go the route some games though where they want to make Orsha for example the west coast US server, and Klai the east coast US server with a new server being introduced for Brazilians and Latin Americans in general.

Hence why I’m like… Maybe they’re holding off cause of that. Cause we have no idea what’s going to happen to the population once the game officially goes OBT.

I am sorry to say but you are just a moron. There is nothing racist about stating the norm.

Is it racist if I say black people are black? Calling out the difference in pigmentation is maybe already going too far?

There is no denying it that a language barrier exists. Most europeans can tell you this much, while europe has put great effort to teach everyone english it isn’t like everyone is fluent nor willing to speak it.

What BRs are to you, russians (or lets say eastern)/frenchies are to us.

It is all good and fine if some BRs/Frenchies/Russians speak english and integrate just fine - it doesn’t make stating the normal case racist.

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Lmao bunch dum.b as f friends who decides join different servers. Go slap yourself.

so, in an objective sense OP, you NEED to transfer because your friends are in Klai, correct?
if it completely impedes your gaming experience for not being able to play with people you want to play with, why haven’t you and your friends considered transferring to Fedimian? or Telsiai? or maybe wait for another server to transfer in that caters more the…English-speaking crowd? :thinking:
I don’t see why exactly IMC was unfair to not allow server transfers from Klai to Orsha or vice-versa. based on the past posts, the decision was simply because the transfers must be from an OLDER server to a NEWER one. I might be short-sighted here, care to enlighten us?

So you rolled on Orsha while your friends rolled on Klaipeda and now you are salty. Well played, deal with it.

The transfer was meant for those that started on Klaipeda/Orsha when suddenly 1h later the EU server had been created.

You should of rolled on klap with yur friends and endur the que like everyone else did. You think you get to roll on a server with no lag then transfer to klap when everything is fine? Sorry it dent work like that. If yoy wanted to be here you should of went though the laggy launch like the rest of us, klap was never closed off to new chars and I had to wait in 5 hour ques, but it was worth it.


Is racist? I dfont play with the French because I can’t understand their English, so somehow that makes me racist…against a nationality?

Are you just stupid…? No, I’m pretty sure you’re just stupid.


My solution to everything: Why Orsha should be tagged officially as the Latin America server

Because Telsiai and Fedimian are EU/SEA servers respectively. It is going to create latency issues for me or my friends, which again, impedes my gaming experience.

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You sure do feel entitled that only “you and the rest of you that endured the queue” are allowed to be on Klaipedia because you, again, had to “endure the 5 hour queues like everyone else”.

No sorry, it isn’t my responsibillity that a server functions properly upon launch. And that Fedimian/Telsiai were created an hour later after the original two server means absolutely nothing. Arguing semantics here. If anything, it only furthermore proves that transfers should be allowed because they launched AN HOUR after the original launch, which means the people with latency issues/language barriers are allowed to transfer since they had to create a character on a server that is not meant for their region, which is the exact same case for Orsha/Klaipeda too. That Orsha may or may not be labelled as an “NA” server means absolutely nothing because anybody that plays on Orsha will confirm for you that it is the inofficial Brazillian server.

But thanks for proving my point more.

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this isnt unfair, the transfer is for people that started on klaipeda/orsha and redeemed their founders pack BEFORE SEA/EU server went live. Not for you to change servers because you didnt want to endure the queue on klaipeda, lmao.
i’m sure they’ll offer server transfer for money when the game is officially launched, til then you have to wait.

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Don’t reply or post in this thread if you don’t read or understand what my point was. Thank you.

EDIT: Orsha had hour long queues too by the way. I didn’t dodge any queue or anything anyways.

That means I am eligible to transfer then yes? Since by your theory, I endured just as much as you did, but I remain on a server where a language barrier exists.

Think before you speak.

@Pappus @DxDark

I didn’t read the post, since someone put a TL;DR, and I wasn’t even talking about this thread ffs, why would I complain about something, like I said, I haven’t read at all? I was talking about people who start some argument saying “I’m not racist, but”, jeez.

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no problem, have fun over there with the BR’s :slight_smile: you wont be coming here.