Tree of Savior Forum

I'm curious to how many testers will actually submit fixes rather than just play?

I didn’t get a beta key but I’ll be lurking around the forum and watching intently on how the beta is going.

I’m just wondering how many people will actually submit text errors, glitches, weird things etc. Rather than just playing and trying to get a high level. If you are planning on submitting errors just post here so I can get a quick figure.

I’ve just been in a few betas where literally no one does anything good for the game. They just play and when the betas over they just leave. Which really blows.

This topic was solved almost a day ago just for people still commenting. I just needed some statistical stuff for the wiki I’m doing


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Alternatively, they could post where they’re supposed to, in the Feedback and Suggestions and Bug Report subforum.

i will be playing to get to a high lvl and test out build and classes and if i find any bugs or problems along the way ill give my feedback

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Oh i’ll be reporting bugs alright. If I can help the game be better then I will.

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Well, “just playing” is the best way to find bugs and errors in the game. Instantly after someone finds a problem that breaks the game in some way, I assure you it will be reported, less important bugs or bugs that don’t affect gameplay at all, will obviously be harder to be find. Nobody here is an expert beta tester, And I assure you that if the staff wanted to have professional ones, There would be no beta test. They need people to “just play” to know what are the real problems.

I’m telling you these because I’ve participated in a lot of beta test, and I’ve seen how it works.

PD: I didn’t got a key :c


isnt the best way to find bugs is “play the game”? I’m confuse right now…

Well the thing is, the high level content is gonna be the least tested and probably the least polished, so there has to be a few people that are both willing to grind to get to rank 4-5 AND also give reports on the content there. (Although personally it’s not one of my goals.)

Also, if anyone hasn’t checked this thread:

I think we have quite a few people that are silently reporting text errors as well. It’s very easy to help out. So of course I will do this, alongside bug reporting and giving feedback!


Good to know everyone. I’ve just been in a few betas where literally no one does anything good for the game. They just play and when the betas over they just leave.

But good to know that people are actively contributing to the games survival :smile:

Is this the type of thread where you measure your e-penis by telling how many bugs you found or that you pretend to find?

@Sonyqt yep. my e-penis is growing as I type. It’s a good thing.

I just wanted to know if there are people here who are going to submit rather than just play (ie my previous post ). I’m also not sure what ie means… but it might work in this scenario.

There will be a specific- CBT testing forum section so you’ll be able to accurately gauge it based on that (as well as IMC, I’m sure). I don’t know if the forum is accessible by non testers though.

But yeah, I really do hope that people are actively involved in actually testing it. There really is not much merit to grinding 5 days to lose it all for an unknown amount of time (repeatedly for that matter for each testing). Except maybe trying to find hidden stuff that’ll probably be changed before launch…

I’ll just play the game normally and see if anything’s broken. if I see something odd I’ll report/make a suggestion about it probably. :ox:

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you can’t really report something if you don’t find anything,… ofc you just play the game and if you do find something, report it,… but i hope we got a search button so you can see if the bug is already reported and not make 20k+++ bug report like the korean cbt

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Isn’t there some sort of bug reporting in game itself? If there is, I would most probably use that instead… If not, I’ll go through the proper channel… Posting in this forum may not necessarily be the only way of communication… I have to check this one out once I enter the game itself…

And I’ll be really playing the game, grinding and trying to “exploit” the game in every way I can… I hope people can stop saying things like “just playing”… I wouldn’t expect most of the testers being able to find some fault with it…

These kind of threads aren’t really necessary IMO…

i know allot of people are salty and saying i should be the one in Beta, i could find bugs and report bla bla bla, but in all honesty i don’t think we can find that much bugs considering how short this CBT is, as for me ill only test out Keyboard vs Joystick and the latency/ping issue for Sea Server, giving my feedback on it

plus the reason for this iCBT 1 is to test how well the game goes on steam platform and wether there will be crashes or lags or etc. they are testing the stability of the game with 5k players then slowly increasing like kr’s CBT

This is my first beta test and I’m not entirely sure if something is a bug or not if I see one

@mawaru you’ll do fine. If your character starts crab walking then you know something up

If something functions differently then what’s stated then it’s probably some kind of sign…

Sometimes you have to do weird things like say, using a buff skill before a certain attack and all of a sudden that attack doesn’t function properly. That kind of thing you may notice in normal playthrough…

I hope we get a thread where we can ask about things and check if they’re normal or not before getting to report them