Tree of Savior Forum

I'm curious to how many testers will actually submit fixes rather than just play?

Something like that might exist in the CBT testers forum section, but if not I’m sure you’ll be free to start it yourself!

Maybe there will be a stickied topic that states bugs that have been found/accounted for, so that way we can avoid submitting the same thing over and over…

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@mawaru I’m sure once the CBT starts in a few days it will pop up somewhere.

I don’t know at least for me thats what I means to be in a beta. I can’t count in how many I was over the years. Especially the last few years were betas are used more like marketing tools for early access or demoing. It was so hilarious to see people whine in Galciv 3 beta that they didn’t pay for an incomplete game yet thats exactly what they payed for while singing up for a ■■■■■■■ BETA. That was a true beta with bugs in every single portion of the game.

I won’t see a weird glitch and go. Aww ■■■■ that someone else will notice it. I’ll make a screenshot, add my Dxdiag, explain the problem in a few words and thats it.

Depends on the player cause from what I see there are 2 types, the ones who’s acts like a kid and goofing off, and the one who actually play the game to get something out of it. Doesn’t matter if you’re an expert beta tester because with this many players, surely there’ll be report, considering the fanbase community site doing their job as well and they’re very good at it.

Since this is the first CBT for stress testing and bug finding too with limited players, there’s a higher chance for a second CBT as well, with more players getting invited.

Well it’s not like being a beta tester is hard anything.
You see game breaking bug or error you report it, simple.

I’ve made a vow to take note of EVERYTHING buggy I find, glitching or w/e. Then I’ll just post the huge list when the beta ends.


a beta test forum bug section will be posted before the beta starts so just wait for the moment~

I’ll play to find any glitch on pvp. As that archer hitting thru’ walls you see in Steparu’s vid.

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I hope no one will find any bug, means that the game is already perfect and so OBT and final release will be there very soon. It’s very unlikely but I do hope that there won’t be many bugs to find, maybe some translation errors and typos, those can be fixed quickly.


Dammit I edited the post instead of posting a new one again. :confounded:

My Gyazo is ready :] ( Yes, I got a key )

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By just playing they are also stress testing the servers and other such things as well. Not many will actually report bugs, usually 5% or less do, but hey at least they are testing in some way or another.

We’re not psychic. We can’t find bugs et al. if we don’t play the game.

I hope no one will find any bug, means that the game is already perfect

I have yet to see a single computer program, published to the masses, that is completely free of bugs.

they limited it to 5000 testers, from alllllll the betas ive been in maybe 10-15% will actually post anything bug related, the rest will just play, they limited themselves wayyyyy to much in an attempt to create hype(which tbf they did very well :3 i want in)

then again they could just be doing infrastructure testing and dont actually need us to do jack sides log in and play like normal(in which kudos to them for the hype-train setup)

You should make a topic from the get-go and just update it accordingly with the date if that’s your plan, I think the dev’s would prefer to maybe fix things as they come up.

No idea how they’ll be pushing fixes/etc though, so maybe it’ll work out your way though.

I don’t think they limited to 5000 players to create hype, it seems more like they only have the means to support 5000 concurrent players? In addition to hosting the Korean CBT3 side-by-side, they’ll have a ton of work to do in the coming weeks…

I doubt they’ll have 5000 players playing at the same time, so that’s just speculation. But I mean who knows what the reasoning behind it is without official word from them.

5000 players is a lot to have online at once, especially if there are only a couple servers. Ragnarok Online was lucky to see 300 and even that’s crowded due to only one town being useful and “the best leveling spots” being kind of specific.

Someone’s bitter, didn’t get a beta key

@Cururu I posted this liek 24 hours ago asking a basic question beause I’m doing some wiki stuff and need to know some basic numbers… I got my answer like 30 posts ago…

uhmm sorry, it kinda enticed me about how will you react. Please ignore me, im just a stupid human being lurking around the forum.

Please forgive me

@Cururu its all good