Tree of Savior Forum

I wish i could be brown (skin)

Er, I wasn’t asking-asking. It was rhetorical. XD Well, mostly, anyway~

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Orsha’s Blacksmith and Klaipeda’s storage keeper are both tanned a light brown. Does no one notice that?

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We definitely all need to stay positive and active. Hopefully the effective way comes sooner that later :tea: :}

"5. Can we expect any future option to change the skin color of our characters?

The current design of TOS characters uses complex graphics which make it difficult to apply color changes to the skin alone. We understand this is a commonly requested feature, however, so we’ll be thinking of ways to make it happen in the most effective way"
july 8th announcement

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Now that is a better answer. <3!


she is kinda brown


Agreed, that "lore rebuttal"almost made me drop my :tea:

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Here’s another npc.

Well, at least they gave an answer to this question.

Though really, the fact that the engine can’t feasibly change the skin color of the sprites is just another example of how poor the base code for this game is.

we got eye lens, hair dye then maybe skin color later
don’t worry, as long as people demand and publisher can have money from it, they will do it

I personally want new skin color options so everyone can be happy. Sad thing is when you get the option of brown skin you get to see how racist the community can really be. And not just the guys who have legitimate hateful thoughts/views but also the ones that are just making a joke on racism. Kinda like my old guild leader in a previous game who is black decides to name his character Jiggaboo Charlie just cause he thought it was a funny name. He doesn’t hate himself or other black people he just has his own sense of humor and doesn’t really care if anyone is offended.

But what I want is more eye color personally. My default color scheme in most games is light blue hair and red eyes. It stands out enough to be noticable but isn’t hurtful to the eyes.

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“the game is great”


now they will add a race change for oracle lol

but if i cant be a black gay muslim for jesus then WHATS THE POINT!!!

O snap wakfu!! <3 been such a along time.

and yea sadly the cycle will never be broken any time soon. The only thing I am happy about is that people actually talk about it as opposed to remaining silent and having a thread such as this that would be dead or shut down because its not deemed as “productive” or “important” when it really is progressive. Talking about this in Ragnarok (black-out ragnorak private server o memory lane ahaha) days the most support you might get would be “yea” or “wow that would be cool i guess”

also that red and blue color scheme is dope.I usually end with light blue hair or purple hair , darker skin , gold eyes or off white eyes… but in the mean time, with the limitations, ill be satisfied with this …for now.

WEll YOU GOT YOUR WISH !! hahah red eyes on deck! Now just for skin color though :confused:

Why does Korea hate my beautiful tan skin? :frowning:

hahah i dont believe they hate it…its just that when one is part of the majority it causes some things to be overlooked that are not directly related. However, I have hope that tan, brown and etc skin will be available soon. hopefully sooner than later.

inb4 imc DOES release brown skin

all the white knights show up and claim its the best thing ever since sliced merge and will bring the player base back

and then its bugged and makes your chars invisible