Tree of Savior Forum

I want to try Cleric class. Can you help me? I wanna ask something

Wasn’t aware that said blue gem value was already outdated, thanks for pointing it out.

@unicorntheshiny do you know the total mag attack a blue gem can give now?

level 6 113, level 7 144

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Umm btw what’s heal formula right now? it’s different between attack enemy and heal ally right?

heal ally refer to the tool tip. Heal Enemy is effective damage note that bless will enable your heal to hit twice.

As for storm calling The more i look at videos.

The more it look like a T2 Mod instead of a base. I will not argue more on that. Until some taoist come out with a clean test or similar set.

Until some one can confirm this @greyhiem any ideas?

So I need to use hp equipment for increase amount of heal for ally right?

It’s thier HP not yours. It scale to int too.

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Rigth, 5% of target who steps on tile MAX HP.

T2 is a Element vs Element modifier [Common Modifier]. 0.5 / 1 / 1.5

It’s also any other debuff mod. Like Sept, Butt stroke. Etc.

Fencer’s [Lunge]
Murmillo’s [Headbutt]
Rodelero’s [Slithering]
Rodeler’s [High Kick]
And all similar effects are T0, [Base Modifiers]
Any text that refers to damage type [Strike],[Pierce],[Magic],[Fire] e.t.c. are T0 modifiers

Oh I see. I thought Cleric alway use Max HP Equipment because need to upgrade heal power lol.

Well in this case it would be trouble to heal Full INT Thaumaturge when he use [Transpose] + [Rune of Giants] coz edit 190k HP is a hard way to heal =)

So blue gem currently is:
23, 32, 45, 63 , 86, 113, 144, ?, ?, ?

Differences being 9, 13, 17, 23 ,27 , 31.
So I assume each level adds 4 to the value of the increment, ergo +35, +39, +43 lead to:

23, 32, 45, 86, 113, 144, 179, 218, 261.

So red should still be better, but not by a large margin.
ps, thanks @unicorntheshiny and @Wooshin.

Nop. They are T2/ Target Mod.

50 hits of targe mash test , 2400- 2500 ( no crit)

On Slithering it gives 100%

4800 ~ 5000. It’s correct

To justify why i say it’s T2 or just basically multiply it at the end

I took out my weapon which infact - 250 on over all dmg

This leads to 2150 ~ 2250

On slithering it gives

4300~ 4500. Defense penalty is already counted before . Thus This.

Assuming if Storm calling is T0 It’s pretty much good to even have at low MA.

Assuming it’s T2. If you are still into PVE advise is to add int and spread to con if you are into PVP to save cost or rip game.

10 :star: Blue 308 M.Atk
10 :star: Red 580 Max Atk
I would go one of each, for consistent damage and possible more daamge.

Yeah it seams that you right on those. Looks liek they are T2.
T0 are:

  • [Smite] damage to Devil/Mutant
  • [Skyliner] damage to [Bleed]
  • [Vendetta] damage to [Bleed]
  • [Storm Calling]
    All of them got “additional damage to” texting.

So Now we have to wait for some one to test it out. If Storm calling is INDEED T2… Half of your theory you gotta revamp them lol.

It’s not that i am against theory crafting but we have to bare in mind of both sides.At least if you are into this type of shiet. Do it properly.

Also ■■■■ IMC 99% of their tool tips are wrong or misleading.

I wanna make a taoist but i think skill cooldown is too long. Do i need some filler attack (out of body, effigy, …) to use when nukes are cooldown? (sr for my English)

Miko’s [Gohei], 3 Overheats 9 sec CD

Only have these videos:
