Tree of Savior Forum

I want to try Cleric class. Can you help me? I wanna ask something

Well MA = Magic Amplification.
And speaking of wich it doesn’t affected by M.Def it’s bonus added damage after total calculation. So having 2.3k M.Atk vs 2.3k M.Def results in 1 and having 1k M.Atk and 315 MA results in 1-316 damage so yeah.

I don’t think you are even know something.


(((((Skill Attack + Effective Attack) + (random(0% … 100%) * Magic Amplification)) * (100% + Base Modifier)) - ((Effective Defense * (100% + Level Penalty)) + Elemental Resistance)) * (100% + (0 or 50% if crit)) + (0 or Critical Attack) + Extra Elemental Attack + Enemy Specific Damage) * (100% + Skill Modifier) * (100% + Common Modifier) * (100% + Target Modifier) * (100% + Enhance Modifier) + Bonus Damage

You basically just fk yourself up double.

Best of all if you want term it MA ( MA IS RNG number between 1-315)
Bye. Your theory craft failed. Try again.

having 2.3k MATT allows me to deal SKill damage * skill Attributes Mean while having Magic AMP you still deal 1. Bye.

Yes you right it’s part of damage calculation.

Having 2.3k M.Atk vs 2.3k MDEF results in 1,

You did not calculate skill addition so it’s not 1 its more than 1 so Bye. Good bye magic amp 1 dmg forever.

Well block head :^)

Waht modification of [Storm Calling] ? It’s also applicable to CON build so not 1,

Hitting a 1 mod 1 is still 1 what are you talking about LOL

Zaibas lvl 15 on 2.3k MDEF with [Storm Calling]:
INT: (2127+671+356)x6 - 2300 = 16624
CON: (356+6+1448)x6 - 2300 = 8560
Difference is 94%, where INT in advantage.

With Magic Amplification:
Min: [2127+671+356]x6 - 2300 = 16444
Max: [2127+671+356+58]x6 - 2300 = 16972
Average (16444+16972)/2 = 16708 this is your average damage

CON with Animus
Min: (356+6+1448)x6 - 2300 = 8560
Max: (356+6+1448+315)x6 - 2300 = 10450
Average (8560+10450)/2 = 9505 this is your average damage

So in this case 76% less damage. Bye

And getting job done with ‘nuke’ combo on 30k in PvP is 3 hits of CON vs 2 hits on INT, where INT don’t have that much HP and 48.5% Crit chance decrease and doesn’t have High Block value due to current DEX meta. Survive Physical hits and have enough HP to compete with magic users. Where INT just dies to what ? Everything ?

Who you say fk up himself ?

In pvp no one will stand still and receive the full zaibas…

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So is it problem of Stats distribution ?)
At least with survivability you have you can repeat this combo, coz you actuyally will survive till it CD off =)
Actually you don’t need to stand still, 3 hits enough, it’s like a second or a litthe bit more then second.

Are you comparing PVP OR PVE or both.

Taoist have cloak charms basically to play around why do you need so niche.

Even so Taoist isn’t a real PVP Set up char unless it’s pair with something that is setup of. A freeze CC zone on a full zaibais

Assuming the case of 2.3k Magic attack verus 1k MAGIC attack and 315 MA

((2.3 + 356 +(500)) -2300 )* ( Skill atrribuites) * no of hits from zaibais.

= Total dmg here.

Assuming 1k magic attack and 315 magic amp , 100 int

((1k+ 356 + ( 100) ) + (1-315) - 2300 )* skill attribuites no of hits from zaibais.

= Total dmg here.

I have no idea why you are not looking at Safety zone and cloak charms for your survival and setup as a taoist in pvp instead but ok LOL. having Way too much CON for PVP sure. But good luck in General PVE.

You just need to keep your companion Glass moles and combi up duh. That includes AUSTRINE.

@Wurmheart Wasn’t blue gems buffed? Because a Level 6 BG already gives 113 MATK while the number on the chart is at 75.

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It is double buffed with green gems


So now you agree on the PvP side, before you sad:

Still a tool and Stat’s doesn’t affect possibility of usage.

[Storm Calling] is a Base Modifier where 400% from [Meteor] is a [Skill Modifier].
So formula will be: ((2.3+356+500)x6 - 2300) x [Skill Attribute]

@b4nj0, @Kakorrhaphiophobia
Where are you people with such loud words you post ?
@unicorntheshiny he actually argued on the great spots, a little bit rude but it’s an internet nothing to blame him.

@Kakorrhaphiophobia btw food for you: I see more and more Swordies follow my deleted Lord Knight build. And it seams to be great now with only one skill in arsenal.

omg somebody can solo that dng with a random build.

thx for posting

pls make a video of cleric 1 krivis 1 ■■■■ 1 builds, I’m not SICK enough to find cleric 1 players in pubs at lvl 300+, is SUCH a GOOD feeling!