Tree of Savior Forum

I stop playing tos because its

why does he need to do this to prove a point? It’s easy to prove just by playing the game to LV70. The game is boring, repetitive and dull right now. I realize this is just beta but there’s no denying some anxiety towards the finished product if this is the base structure of the game.

As sad as it is ,I have to admit upon leveling my 2nd character I got bored around the same level range,even if the 2nd char I’m playing has a fun class to use it’s just boring to go over all of it again (makes it worse when I remember it’s all getting wiped).

Currently ToS is basically about grind, very short quests and linear maps.

If you’re tired of grind, there’s no much to do… Heck, I’ll just become a Squire and jump out. :weary:

people wanted to be awarded for soloing… in an MMO ?

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U said it well. no sense of fulfillment. i stopped at lvl 60 because the quests are totally the same regardless if ur lvl 1 or 60. kill monsters, pick things up …talk to people…and after a while its boring, no goal (apart from leveling, then what?) and no competition as individual nor team goal (obviously since theres no team play).The monsters get harder but then so are you. Its like repeating the same thing again and again and again…until when??? level 600? seriously? the way this game is going, i think it will suit kids below 12. The kids might be amazed with the beautiful graphic and fulfilled being able to whack some monsters here n there. But older players than that will want more goals to achieve, team play and social interaction, more competition and better player driven economy.


I thought it was just me… I stopped playing 2 weeks ago around lvl 150. I was lying to myself about why I wouldn’t play anymore at the time, the game became boring to me.

Post of how I would change that is here.

bye bye. You have so many other options… good lucky

game isn’t at its final state… many much more to come…

Mm, that’s an issue. The game’s supposed to remind you of 2002.


lvl 60? LOOOL it’s like play the game for 4-5 hours, so depth, intense analysis, wow.

I hope you can soloing on a dungeon, you need to be in a party, teamplay, blabla. There is a lot of quest that gives you titles that you didn’t know that exist and hidden quest when you walk though the map and you interact with something. And some quest that gives you Stat points (also the goddess statues, 3 stats points)

I think the aspect that discourages me from playing is I find no motivation or reason to interact with other players.
Hear me out, I know we can just say hi to anyone and join party and go grind mobs but that eventually gets old and most groups I’ve been in, the players did not communicate except one group.

  • Having challenges that are greater then one person to force group play.

  • Allow the Pardoner, Squire and the Alchemist ( and any other class like these) to be accessible at slightly lower tiers. This will help set a friendlier, interactive ambiance for the game and promote interaction between players at earlier stages of the game.

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I’m not playing as much, but not because it is boring. I just don’t like the feeling of losing my characters, because of that i just can’t get invested, atleast until OBT.

May I say something?
It is unrewarding taking risks in the game, very often we are sent to fields and dungeons of monsters with higher level than you, because following the game story line, the game could give the player a few boosts for facing tougher monsters, but also make it slightly harder to get items from them (unless it’s a material).

I liked one thing that pre-renewal Ragnarok Online had, you can level up by facing monsters lower leveled than you, because they are easier to be killed, plus give you around 1% of experience, but it is not rewarding equipment wise, but you may party up with other players to take down monsters of around your level or higher for better experience and loot, but have a tougher combat to face.

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hidden quests? oh u mean those npc u talk to after u walk through the tunnel map and clear the map. … the method of finishing the quests r the same everywhere everytime. if u wanna keep doing those quests until lvl 600 up to u. i find it unbearable. obviously a lot of people here feel tht way.
Therefore i suggest to add content like…u also get experience from doing other stuff…such as getting a lot of experience from mvp with your friends, or crafting make potions etc. also add more goals that player strive to achieve apart from achieving max level…such as cool looking character …or ultimate pvp gear…have more questable costumes that requires hard work. Just suggestions. If people like playing the game as it is…then good. But i dont.

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PvP System will come in the future (since it’s already in Korean version). Right now in CBT it’s more on trying PvE, Classes, and the likes.

This was already the plan?

They have ranked PvP in kCBT3, but PvP is still in need of testing.

But there is ranked 3v3/5v5 planned, based on MMR, with standardized gear. I’m fairly certain they had premade team pvp as well at one point or planned.

Then there seems to be GvG already in the G-Star 2015 trailer. The GvG is GvGvRaid boss.

just dungeon finder please!

Sincerelly, I find the hidden quests idea funny, because some players who follows the game quest line, fails to explore the rest of the map before moving, making them miss some contents the game have to offer.

No people want reward even playing in beta, is a beta everything will be wiped.

Not really, at this point of time, the game that we are playing right now should be at least more than 50% of the total content regarding the game mechanics, gameplays, and storyline wise.

Right now the game is just grind and grind, repetitive gameplay with no innovative exploration, addictive soundtracks, or interesting boss battles that REALLY have meaning to the player. Some classes are just basically too OP and deal ten thousands of damage when classes like Cleric going for Monk just literally got abandoned (Speaking from experience, already played every class except Archers).

I will give it to IMC about the Graphics and Combat Systems, which I personally really enjoy, but the leveling is so boring, enemies are annoying and forgettable. Bosses does not give any worth while rewards and some are just plainly annoying with their “precise” hit-box attacks. The maps are decent, but I just don’t feel any sort of connection or sentimental feelings like when I played other MMOs like Maplestory, Ragnarok, etc.

I get the point that this is Tree of Savior, a brand new game, not Maple Story 2 or Ragnarok 2 and it is still in the close beta period, but come on… games are suppose to be at the very least, fun and enjoyable even in the close beta period. IMC needs to add more stuff that give the attracting values to the game, mainly I prefer good soundtracks, memorable bosses and opponents, and exciting maps and worlds to explore. At this point, you just got ordered around, go kill this, do this, gain EXP, repeat.