Tree of Savior Forum

How to make ToS fun

  • Combat

    • Add a choice of 5+ elements each time we job advance. Earth - chance to stun enemy, Ice - chance to freeze, Light/holy - chance to blind, Lightning - chance to shock/paralyze, Fire - chance to burn, Darkness – chance to cause fear , Poison - self explanatory, Wind - chance to push enemies into the air, airborne enemies take extra damage. We should also have resistant bonuses with these elements, getting stopped by mobs for 10 seconds and having no chance to resist it is a very bad design. All of this should be applied to the individual circle and default attack, later evolved or gotten multiple of by C2/3. ToS should go more in depth with the element system instead of just having it exist to exist, it has all of the damage multipliers but they’re stuck in certain skills & jobs. We cant be a magic lightning swordsman or a melee earth mage.

    • Make skills shinier and blend in with the environment. There are not many skills per circle, I expect every skill to make me want to be the job to use it.

    • Mobs need to do more. Sure they can heal themselves, but they still exist to be slaughtered. Why don’t they team up like a centurion, reflect all damage for 2 second, do explosion damage or inflict severe status ailments on death. If all mobs give low exp to prevent bots that’s a very lazy and bad design. Just make them strong, rewarding, actually be able to kill you.

    • Bosses are missing something too, they feel underwhelming. We need every boss to be like a final boss. If we do this for every boss it will make combat more exciting. Bosses really need to feel more real, they wouldn’t use one skill at a time, they would spam buffs & debuffs while sending out small beams everywhere and quick AOE attacks.

       -  Make some bosses the player’s size, or even x5 smaller than the player.

The developers shouldn’t limit themselves in things they can do with the combat, there are endless possibilities so we should have endless depth to keep our attention.

  • Maps

  • Rearrange the maps differently, give us a lot of space and paths. It will add a non linear feeling and not just 1 set path to go to. If maps are connected to each other make them a open world dungen.

  • Make more maps that allow players to feel more immersed. We need maps underwater or in the sky, or just a simple tower… All of these maps need interesting effects, earthquakes, wind pushing people back, deadly obstacles. It was disappointing not finding any ice zones, volcanoes, libraries. Seemed like its apart of the linearity of the quest & grind system. The world is to small when you realize a whole section of it is just 1 theme. No one wants to visit a farm and then have 10 maps near it be farms, kills all the adventure. Having NPCS in every map automatically takes me out of the game, I can’t pretend to be my character this way.

If they’re aiming to make this game original its not working, only the look of it was successful.

  • Other

  • Make the game a lot more fast paced, there should be many ways for us to increase movement and attack speed.

  • Remove Quest level requirements

  • Remove all quest guiding, including telling people what to do or they even have a quest. Instead put all of this information in a player’s diary, it still doesn’t show them where to go but list peoples problems, giving them the idea of what to do. The whole “ You’re the chosen one, that’s why you have to do everything “ trope doesn’t work, players should have a choice of what they want to do and what they don’t want to do. The main quests are okay, they can be the one thing that teaches new players how to do other quests.

Why do we call them quest in the first place, we aren’t looking for anything, everything we need to do is already told to us, simply repetitive task. Its no different from the auto pilot system, you want the player to play.

Don’t make ToS about progression itself. We want to have fun by killing mobs, building our own characters, discovering things ourselves and actually getting into the game. Add in fun things like creating houses with our materials ( think minecraft ), make the game big and full of opportunity like the real world. We would have a lot of fun if they turned the card collecting into a card game like Yu-Gi-Oh or Hearthstone . We’re tired of having ‘fun’ with meaningless completion and spending time getting higher numbers.


Give us a reason to play, not a reason to spend money.


Make a better balance between classes.
While Highlanders are so much overpower , Archer are so much weak and takes an eternity to kill bosses.I play with my friends , an archer and a hoptile , they always says im so overpowered than their characters and it are indeed true. Balance all classes and the game will be Ok !

I agree, we need a reason to create different characters. If a specific job is a lot more effective and everyone picks it there’s no diversity.

Hard to create characters when we see other players talk about the imbalance or weaknesses of their jobs. The problem is everyone is to worried about classes being overpowered. If to many things are strong and valuable they think something must be wrong. I’d rather have every class be overpowered and developers keep adding strong mechanics to mobs instead of nerfing everything that’s fun.

Whats normally powerful to people is also the most fun stuff to play with.

I would really love to see percentages on what classes were rolled in this beta, what do you guys reckon would be the top 3?

Many people choose multiple classes, but if there was a poll I am guessing the top 3 would be pyromancer, highlander, krivis or sadhu. Not counting the basic classes.

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