Tree of Savior Forum

I stop playing tos because its

… very boring.
They could make this Game so much better.
But After a week, im done with this sad boring game :frowning:


I feel like playing a game of 2007 :persevere: , i hope they improve for the open beta.


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Could you elaborate? I wont even ask the OP because he has the image of a bogun, so I can kinda guess why he feels this way

@itzNiko What do you mean with reward for grinding? the reward is levels/silver/gear. You obviously wont care much about those because rnow its a beta and everything will be deleted. What else do you want for release?

… very boring.
They could make this Game so much better.

dude i think its smarter to tell IMC why you think its boring. because telling them the game is ‘boring’ is just wont have any value to work with. you need to elaborate it, give them what you want them to change where they should improve.

but in the end they will not be able to please everyone.


I’m fine with the way the game is tbh. ( assuming they fix the bugs,etc ) For me, the real fun starts when they implement something like a mass pvp or guild war, etc. ( which won’t be the focus of the current closed beta )

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yes because large in game continent and pvp is CERTAINLY the main focus here…

People keep forgetting that its a goddamned Beta
The point is to test the game, report bugs and discover game mechanics
not to only to play the game

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You joke, report beug ? all yesterday ppl make a remor ppl who up lvl 200 used a exploit beug quest unlimited ? Report beug then the game will open beta in already in KR december ?

The gm just see how ppl exp atm in that beta for ajust the exp rate for open beta, most the feeback useless for the gm atm, the proof is the game will be open beta, you are joke.

I can feel your pain. I was running through on an Archer alt and when I hit the LV76 areas and I just felt suddenly very bored. Something about ToS just feels very tiring when playing it. Hopefully the finished product remedies this.

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@itzNiko how can you say there is nothing when we havent even seen 99% of the actual product and its possible future contents? all we have now is the bare bones of actual PVE and some form of PVP~

i do understand your point well except when it sounds like youre just requesting for self entitlement through PVP which in end game really matters but not at this point of the game(BETA).

i will do believe you again when you say everything is the same when you can atleast rank 6 four different classes at this point.

why does he need to do this to prove a point? It’s easy to prove just by playing the game to LV70. The game is boring, repetitive and dull right now. I realize this is just beta but there’s no denying some anxiety towards the finished product if this is the base structure of the game.

As sad as it is ,I have to admit upon leveling my 2nd character I got bored around the same level range,even if the 2nd char I’m playing has a fun class to use it’s just boring to go over all of it again (makes it worse when I remember it’s all getting wiped).

Currently ToS is basically about grind, very short quests and linear maps.

If you’re tired of grind, there’s no much to do… Heck, I’ll just become a Squire and jump out. :weary:

people wanted to be awarded for soloing… in an MMO ?

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U said it well. no sense of fulfillment. i stopped at lvl 60 because the quests are totally the same regardless if ur lvl 1 or 60. kill monsters, pick things up …talk to people…and after a while its boring, no goal (apart from leveling, then what?) and no competition as individual nor team goal (obviously since theres no team play).The monsters get harder but then so are you. Its like repeating the same thing again and again and again…until when??? level 600? seriously? the way this game is going, i think it will suit kids below 12. The kids might be amazed with the beautiful graphic and fulfilled being able to whack some monsters here n there. But older players than that will want more goals to achieve, team play and social interaction, more competition and better player driven economy.


I thought it was just me… I stopped playing 2 weeks ago around lvl 150. I was lying to myself about why I wouldn’t play anymore at the time, the game became boring to me.

Post of how I would change that is here.

bye bye. You have so many other options… good lucky