Tree of Savior Forum

I photoshoped what it would look like with additional skin and eye colors

Too much grinding…kekekekekek :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s dull, depressing, and everything is either a blue, grey or some form of brown.

Even the apples in the baskets in Klaipeda are Brown.

The grass everywhere in the game is not grass coloured.

I get the pastel storybook theme, but that doesn’t mean colourless with everything taking on a dull tone. It’s lazy. Everything has been heavily dulled to make it easier to have assets in game feel like they adequately fit the backgrounds and other assets. Applying the same filter to everything is cheap technique to make mismatchd rt styles work together more easily as opposed to fitting things together properly in th first place.

The TP costumes re the only thing so far that does not have this dull filter applied to it, and they stand out like crazy as a result by looking excellent, which may in fact be their entire intention, but I wish for the blandness to go away without having to use the SweetFX addon which comes with an fps hit.

Just look at how much BETTER it is:

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Have you tried calibrating your monitor? It starts to sound like at least part of the issue might be on your hardware or hardware settings.

I still prefer the original picture on your link. The colour balance seems to be more pleasant to my eyes.

The supposedly improved one is just over saturated/burned and the colour balance is too much on the yellow side to me. I think it’s gone a bit overboard on the balance when trying to add warmness on the picture. If one wants it more brighter, the added brightness should be targeted only on darker or mid tones/colours to avoid the burning/overexposure or whatever it’s called in English. I mean that some brighter areas lose too much details and look almost undetailed white blotches in the middle of really bright areas. The same areas are on the original pic too but they don’t look as distinctive and obtrusive to me.

There’s probably no point trying to make cropped screenshots from those pics and explain what I meant if the problem actually lies on different monitors and their calibrations. And your point probably wasn’t that the game should be exactly like on that altered screenshot either because that software seems to lose details (especially near the bright areas) through processing.

Anyways, what I wanted to say that while the colour theme is pastel everything, it’s not dull, depressing, and everything being either a blue, grey or some form of brown for me. Unless you were greatly exaggerating, then you might want to check your monitor and/or graphics card settings.

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Difference of opinion then, I assume you also liked Battlefield 3 and Deus Ex’s colour filters too?

Personally I think it’s awful and nearly the same issue those games had. There was outcry at it for those titles and there’ll be a lot of people in agreement when f2p drops. Everyone that learns of SweetFX jumps all over it each time it gets posted to reddit until they discover there’s an fps hit.

I actually found a screenshot of the iCBT. Well, I think the eyes are visible anyway, but they get more detailed if you zoom in.

I told you I love blue :blue_heart:


Green :green_heart:

Red :heart:

Yellow :yellow_heart:

It’s fun using paint lol


Yeah, seeing those blown out whites makes me feel real good inside. <_< Increasing saturation does not make everything look amazing.


Dang, that looks lovely!!

Might be waiting awhile for skin color options. There was a similar thread a little while ago, and the reason the staff gave for the lack of skin tone variation was to keep things consistent with Lithuanian mythology.

It’s sort of like how racist people freaked out when they made Heimdall black in the Thor movies.

Wow. That’s so lame, haha!

That’s not saturation, that’s the bloom modifier going a bit haywire, SweetFX doesn’t just adjust colours, it modifies a bunch of dlls to significantly change how graphics are displayed which is why it comes with an fps hit. Fortunately whites aren’t common at all in game.

I would pay money for these features in game. Especially the extra skin colors.

These are perfect. IMC please -

Because they died inside during the grind.

Considering there’s cop outs left and right, that reasoning is pretty damn flawed. Technically if this is the case, then alot of things in the game shouldn’t exist: Musketeers and Cannoneers included. They weren’t in old lore texts, so really they shouldn’t exist either.

I don’t particularly see it lore breaking if the Revelator is slightly darker or even Albino. Plus it could even be a small pocket change accessory that IMC seems to not want to take part in. Tbh it more sounds like, “Let us actually stabilize this server before we worry about aesthetics.”

:cry: Is it wrong to want to be my chocolate self?

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The problem probably wouldn’t be the normal players but tumblrina tier social justice feminist gaymers demanding that half of the goddesses and npcs should be dark too, and the other half should be Asians and Indiands. And they might get riled up if they saw that different skin colours became an option but none of the higher ranking, that is NPCs aren’t dark skinned because they are supposed to be Lithuanians/Baltics. And after that you could just throw the whole milieu/theme into garbage.

Lithuania is the only Baltic state I haven’t visited yet but unless it’s totally different, you really can’t see people from other continents unless you put real effort on it. Especially if you exclude tourists.

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It would be ridiculous to limit skin color options out of fear of tumblr. I really doubt that’s even crossed anyone’s mind. My guess is that it’s more an issue of the main developers being based in korea. It’s easier to ignore the huge percentage (SA, Philippines, big chunk of US, etc) of your player base that isn’t completely fair-skinned if you live in a place where you don’t have to see or think about them.

If we’re adhering to typical Lithuanian demographics, everyone should be blond, and there shouldn’t be Plague Doctors, Kabbalists, Shinobis, Taoist Priests…


Make it so, Number one

+1 for black hair
Barely noticed when i put it on

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Before picture looked better. The increase in saturation is straining on the eyes, looks like a bad Instagram filter. lol.

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Judaism originated in Lithuania. What are you talking about? :stuck_out_tongue: